Sugar & Spice... by Presto-chan

Cinderella: The Pumpkin

All Cinderella entries are from the October 1st DDN Night. Entries are 100 words (unless otherwise specified).



Kagome couldn’t help herself when Sesshoumaru strode in to the kitchen for his cheesecake. She burst out laughing at his disgruntled expression, and his hair smothered in seeds and goopy innards. He walked stiffly to the counter and picked up his plate as his mate giggled at him.

“Maybe they are still too young to be carving their own pumpkins,” he said.

Kagome eyed up her mate. Oh yes, there would be pictures. “They’re the reason you are eating that cheesecake, mate. No way was I carving them all!”

Sesshoumaru returned to the twins of doom in the living room.