Snippets by Kuropii


Prompt: Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts; Rose.

Words: 318



Kagome looked away and nervously picked at the hem of her rose colored sweater, Shippo hid behind her leg, peeking out every few seconds to look up at the somewhat irritated Taiyoukai.

“This Sesshoumaru will not be sat like that halfbreed, take it off.” He held up his hand and rattled the rosary for emphasis.

“But this is the only I can you through the well. You obviously want to go, and I know you would never agree to this, or using a shikon shard, willingly soooo....” She trailed off, still picking at the loose threads of her sweater. “And I wasn't going to si--... s-i-t you.” She looked up at him, she truly did want to share her world with someone else, it was rather quite lonely being here, in the feudal era and being the only one who knows.

Well, that and maybe her sadistic side was getting back at him for a few incidents that happened the following year after Sesshoumaru joined their pack, she mentally glared. Oh, he has improved so much since then, it still didn't stop her from holding a grudge. If she could lift Hiraikotsu and successfully clobber him over the head with it and live, she would, she chuckled quietly to herself.


“Nope, it stays on.”

“ Miko.” Knuckles cracked.

“No-o-o-ooo.” She sang.

“Hn.” Green ooze singed the grass below.

Eying his glare, Kagome took a couple steps back, looked down at Shippo and said, “Hug.” The wee little kitsune shot across the grass and clung to his mother's leg like velcro. She took one last look at the demon lord before bolting into the forest, yelling “Play dead!” over her shoulder.

If Sesshoumaru could snarl he would, but you know, you really can't do much can you when you're nothing but a crumpled, 'dead' lump on the ground.