Beverly Hills Cinderella by Fishy!


Author's Note: This series was origionally posted on under the name "Lizzie_Kiss" and I have transfered here, most of the chapters will be about one hundred words, or at least drabble length, but occasionally when inspired (or for a contest on LJ) they may be longer.

Warning: Updates will be sporatic, please be patient.

The Beverly hills home of her newest employer was nearly heavenly in its amazing whiteness.

From the white gravel driveway to the pristine white carpeting, everything was perfect in its whiteness.

When her eyes landed on her new Boss she was amazed to see that he fit right in. standing before her wearing nothing but white, his Ivory skin, and his near white hair only added to the angelic affect of his home.

She simply couldn’t breath when she met his gaze, intense amber orbs imprinted on her brain, for days she thought not of the whiteness, but only gold.