Fine Art by Imanewme

Fine Art

Title: Fine Art

Author: Imanewme

Genre: Drabble

Word count: 244

Rating: G

Warnings: Super sappy sweet with cherries on top!

AU/Canon: A/U

Theme: Adorable

Written for EbonySilks

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. The series and characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no profit from these stories. They are merely my interpretation of the characters for entertainment purposes.

Kagome's eyes widened and Sesshoumaru's back stiffened as the couple viewed the next exhibit. Visiting the art gallery had been Kagome's idea. Sesshoumaru groaned inwardly and mentally kicked himself again for agreeing to this trip.

There before them was an ancient painting of a tiny naked infant curled up asleep by a gigantic white dog. The infant had a perfectly angelic look on his face, and a tiny crescent moon adorned his forehead. His pale complexion drew attention to the magenta stripes adorning his cheeks.

"Is that. . . " Kagome began, eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Hn." Sesshoumaru raised one eyebrow.

"It is!" she squealed. "It's so adorable! Oh Sesshoumaru, why didn't you tell me someone had painted baby pictures of you!"

"There's no way to be sure it is this Sesshoumaru painted here," Sesshoumaru sniffed. "Besides, might I remind you, Miko, that this Sesshoumaru is not human and therefore was never a 'baby."

Kagome snickered and tossed her ebony hair. Lacing an arm around his neck and planting a kiss on his forehead, she flashed him a winning smile.

"Well, okay, Mr. Dog Demon, why didn't you tell me there were puppy pictures of you then?" Kagome giggled, "Besides, this is a picture of you. Who else would have those markings?"


"It's nice to know what our son will look like," Kagome ventured.

Sesshoumaru pulled back suddenly, "Our son?"

"Yes Sesshoumaru," Kagome lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, "I'm pregnant."