Falling by SlowSookie


Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha

<(^.^<) <( ^.^ )> (>^.^)>

Prompt: Riku Ryuu's Random Prompts: Lamp

Words: 300


Kagome sighed happily as her and Sango walked into her house. She had a long hard day and she was tired. Inuyasha was at football practice so she had to ride home with Sango. She walked into the living room turning the lamps on instead of the ceiling light. Her and Sango fall back on the couch and sighed.

“You wanted something to eat?” Kagome asked, Sango nodded closing her eyes. Kagome got up and went into the kitchen. She leaned against the counter waiting for the pizza rolls to warm up, thinking. Sango basically only wanted to come over because of Sesshomaru. She huffed, well then. She heard her front door open and pressed her lips. It was too early for Inuyasha to be home, or her parents. She pushed off the counter and walked back into the living room. Her eyebrows rose into her bangs when she saw Sango standing in front of Sesshomaru. Sango’s back was facing her but by the look on Sesshomaru’s face, she must have been swooning….again.

“Kagome” he said. Kagome looked up at him and smirked. She was going to tease him for this until……forever!

“Yes” she said. Sesshomaru pulled Sango hand off his arm and walked over to her. Kagome leaned against the doorframe. If she went by that look he was giving her, he was up to something. Sesshomaru stopped in front of her and narrowed his eyes.

“Control your friend” he growled. Kagome licked her lips to stop herself from smiling. Sesshomaru was not a happy camper right now.

“Maru, why are you here?” she asked. He winced at her nickname for him, he told her to never call him that. Ever. Again. Kagome smirked and patted his arm. This was to fun.

“Hn” he said, stepping closer to her.


A/N: Whew just got done moving. I’ve moved three times but this has been the longest. First from Atlanta to Houston, Now Houston to Alabama. I need a loooong nap. But I shall update first.