Plushies, Watercolors, and the THING in the Closet by RebaJean


Only Inuyasha and this Sesshoumaru are left. Jaken, Rin, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara are all gone. The girl took them away. This one has not seen Kagome for some time and does not know her fate; she disappeared during a rare moment of sleep. One can only trust that she has not been eaten by the panthers patrolling this prison. Light precedes darkness as the days and nights pass slowly. The days blur; little changes. It is always the same here. Dust settles on every surface.

The moth-eaten old King Cat stalks into the room. He glances around disdainfully. This Sesshoumaru returns his glare. He drops his gaze and crosses to the window. No mere cat can defeat the mighty Inu in a contest of wills.

The King crouches in the window for hours. This one can see only tree trunks and shadows through the lace curtains of his prison.

The fat Jester trots into the room and pounces on the King. They roll across the floor rowring and hissing. The fat one sits on the King and pins him. Forgetting his objective, the fat black ball rolls off onto his back and attempts to lick his belly. Enlarging the hairless patch near his unmentionables appears more entertaining than defeating his opponent. The King limps out of the room.

The Jester is twice the size of the King and always has a stupid happy expression. The Inuyasha doll gazes vacantly at him with a vacuous smile. They appear to be of similar intelligence. Why has some foolish company made him twice the size of this Sesshoumaru? Why are we trapped here on the shelf with the Sailor Moon dolls and the Princess Starla action figures.

The bed is gone. Once animals and dolls covered it and there was sufficient room for all to spread out. The mother would place the Kagome doll next to me where she belongs. Now those who remain are crowded on a single shelf.

The last time the girl was here, she used us as her hat racks. How undignified. It is a small miracle that my clothes are intact. Tuxedo Mask wears a white wedding gown. Inuyasha has a black and white ladies hat with bows and flowers. At least this Sesshoumaru has an elegant brown fedora.

The Jester looks up, assessing the distance to our shelf. He is evil. He pulls dolls off the shelf and eats their hair. He stole the wig off the ball jointed doll on the chair to use for a toy. He carried it away in his teeth like a mouse and mauled it beyond recognition. He comes near and stares greedily. Where is Kagome when she should be doing the bidding of this Sesshoumaru? Her long loose hair would distract him.
His furry black paw extends and he flexes his claws. He jumps and bats at the feather in my hat. . . the mighty Inu falls . . .

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned from Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, and Princess Starla are the properties of their respective owners. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended. This story is for non-profit entertainment purposes only. The toys are owned by "the girl" and the cats believe that everything and everyone within their domicile is their property.