Audacity by LoveNabokov

All Wrong

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the original characters created by Rumiko Takahasi and I make no money from this work.

I have been really blocked while trying to write Bold As Love so I decided to breathe life into one of my more persistent plunnies in order to release my blockage…..hope you like it. Thanks and enjoy.


Chapter 1: All wrong

It was all wrong from the start. She’d come across the well just after graduation, thinking she and Inuyasha would become mates. At first she thought he was apprehensive because he was inexperienced. However, even after a talk from Miroku Inuyasha still refused to do more than just kiss.

She began wearing revealing clothing and inviting him to spend the night in her futon, he of course would simply pull her to him and cuddle her after a semi-heavy make out session, never venturing any further.

Nothing had happened to end their relationship, no one tore them apart, he hadn’t been comparing her to Kikyou, she’d simply tired of him and when she asked herself if this life was what she really wanted for eternity, the answer was no. 

One day Kagome left her apprentices in the care of Sango and went home. She stayed for two months. Inuyasha wouldn’t dare go after her. He knew that she didn’t want to see him. 

After two months he was almost sure she would never return but one day she just popped out of the well as if nothing had ever been wrong. She was the same Kagome though something was different , he’d later learned that her grandfather had died while she was in Edo and she’d missed his funeral.

They’d spoken when she returned. She told him she was over him and he was free to live his life as he pleased, she’d been so casual when she spoke to him. He knew she was done with him. They decided it was better to remain friends and the next day he was gone. He returned every few months to tell them his tales of travel around Japan, his triumphs and failures. She was happy he was discovering himself; she was more than happy in Edo working as the head miko and training her apprentices, Rin and Hitomi.

Kagome was fortunate to have found the young girl Hitomi when she had. Just after Kaede had died, not two months after Kagome had come across the well to Edo for good, Kagome was called to a villiage northeast of Edo.

The headman was ill but Kagome was unable to save him, before she left, she’d witnessed the lady of the house “cleaning” out the lord’s harem by executing the concubines and feeding their bodies to the demons in the forest.

Kagome was horrified to see little girls and young teens among the concubines, one such teen was Hitomi. Kagome picked up her spiritual power right away and could not deny the girl whose sad eyes tugged at the Miko’s heart.

Kagome had stormed into the chambers of the lady of the castle and demanded that she let the concubines go. Half of them had already been executed and Hitomi was among those in the next batch to be killed. The woman was appalled but after some threats from Kagome she’d released Hitomi.

The skinny, frail young girl was in bad shape, her flesh torn from where she’d been beaten, one of her eyes was swollen shut, her head had been shaved by the jealous lady of the house, and she was bleeding from between her legs. Kagome hoped that it was menstrual blood and not another brutalization.

Kagome brought the young one home with her and she’d lived with Kagome ever since. During the first few months Inuyasha and Miroku had kept their distance because the girl was so terrified of males.

Hitomi was surprised when she’d learned that Kagome had practically raised a fox demon and when said fox demon came to visit from fox school she was very wary at first but he soon won her trust, the only male who’d held that trust and he relished it.

Rin took and instant liking to Hitomi and became her friend even though Hitomi never spoke. Rin knew what it was like to be alone without a family and that part of her, the orphan in her spoke to Hitomi and soon Hitomi gave Rin her trust. She’d trusted her even though she was the adopted daughter of the pompous white dog demon Sesshomaru.

When Inuyasha’d gone, Kagome noticed Sesshomaru would visit quite often, though she suspected he’d been doing so even when Inuyasha was there but he never made himself known to her.

He rarely visited Kagome’s hut and when he did it was only to inquire about Rin’s studies. He was pleased to find out that Kagome was very well educated, in fact he realized she had a better education than even he had.

He’d asked her to act as Rin’s governess, she’d agreed and he’d provided monetary compensation to the village as per her request. She refused to take direct payment from the demon lord.


“And this is…..” Kagome looked at her two apprentices expectantly

“Burdo…” Began Hitomi, suddenly a very excited Rin pushed her aside and spoke. The slim girl fell to the ground and narrowed her eyes.

“Burdock root! And it can be dried and used as a diuretic and diaphoretic and a blood purifying agent, and it also tastes really yummy when lady Kagome makes it into Kinpira!” she smiled big and Kagome nodded proudly beaming at the young girl.

“Oh, Hitomi, sorry did I trip you?” Rin offered the young girl her hand but she stood on her own, glaring at the offender before huffing in defeat and giving Rin a small smile of forgiveness. She could never stay mad at Rin, the wild, energetic, often times annoying and completely enchanting girl who had become her sister. 

“It’s ok Rin” she  muttered before walking away toward the stream. She slipped her sandals off and let the grass play between her toes as she inhaled the pure air near the crystalline water.  She gazed off into the distance letting her mind wander into the deep caverns that wound inside her memory, the look on her face blank as the wind danced through her short onyx hair.

Kagome looked on at Hitomi who was by the river staring off toward the water as she often did, she knew Rin could wear the girl down.

Rin was the ward of a great yokai, she was the one whom he called “my pup” when he thought no one could hear. He gave her everything she’d ever wanted or needed and would stop at nothing to assure her happiness.

Rin was lucky to have been saved by her lord. Hitomi , however, had not been so lucky.

Kagome remembered they day she’d discovered Hitomi’s origins. After Kagome had saved her from death at the hands of a jealous headman’s wife, the girl rarely spoke and when she did, she only spoke to Kagome, Rin or Shippo. This made Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha wary of her. Kagome, in her usual fashion, gave the girl her trust and in return had earned trust and love back. The broken child would do anything for Kagome who reminded her so much of her mother.

Kagome’s crystal blue eyes, burdened with a look of woe and worry, settled on the young girl as she remembered the revelation of something she’d never expected, the key to her origins.

It had been a snowy day in Edo and Kagome had taken Hitomi to gather some winter herbs. They ventured out into the forest as they had many times but this time something as wrong, Hitomi felt it first and suddenly they were surrounded by men; they’d been caught off guard. The assailants were not demons but human bandits like the ones who’d captured and sold Hitomi to the lord who raped and brutalized her.


Kagome fought hard but stalled when saw the pure terror in the girl’s eyes. She shielded Hitomi and fought fiercely, keeping their foes back with her arrows but the leader, the last one left standing was able to close the distance between them and he jumped on Kagome throwing away her weapons. 


“RUN HITOMI! RUN BACK TO THE VILLIAGE!” Kagome screamed knowing well what the man had in store for her as he undid the ties to his hakama, wedged himself between her legs and held a dagger to her throat before tugging at her clothing.


“LISTEN TO ME HITOMI, RUN!” her eyes were stern and her voice harsh as she spat her words protectively at the frozen young girl. She knew that even if Hitomi left at that very moment and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, that help would not arrive in time but at least the young one would be saved the brutal fate that was about to befall her mistress. 


The elder priestess breathed in deep and prepared herself for the inevitable, she closed her eyes and continued to struggle. She was pure but she would give her purity to save her young apprentice and for that she was not sorry. She fought hard and clawed at the brutish bandit above her but suddenly she felt the hands at her throat slacken. She dare not open her eyes for he must have only let go, to rip her clothing off. Her eyes flew open when she heard a blood-chilling hiss….


Blood suddenly sprayed all over Kagome’s face , the hot sticky liquid gushed on her in a volume that had her gasping in terror. She opened her eyes just in time to witness the light fade from the eyes of her attacker. His mouth open in a silent scream, the horror written on his face. She let out a scream and looked away wiping the blood from her face while trying to squirm out from under the dead weight.


She tried to look up to see the face of her savior she was met with the lacerated neck of her attacker, the stream of blood had slowed to a steady trickle. Her eyes traveled from the gash up to the horribly twisted face, eyes rolled back in his head, mouth set in a gnarled gasp. His head had been almost completely severed.


 Her eyes widened when she saw the small pale hand holding the man’s hair while it’s twin held the crimson soaked blade. Kagome looked up to see the fiery eyes of Hitomi, her eyes looked almost red in that moment as her chest heaved and her tongued snaked out of her mouth to lick the blood from her lip.


“He….he ….I couldn’t let him do it…..not to you my lady” she’d stammered before the blade fell to the floor and the girl dropped like a rag doll.


Kagome got out from under the bandit and gathered the girl in her arms. She noticed the beads the girl wore and touched them noting the strong spiritual energy radiating from them in waves. 


“Hitomi, thank you ” Kagome whispered wiping the girls bangs from her face before pressing a kiss to her forehead.


Soon, a group of hunters from the village chanced upon them, horrified at the attempted defilement of their beloved miko Kagome, they gathered her and Hitomi up and rushed them back to the village.


Sometime after being taken back to the healing hut, Hitomi stirred, taking some water and staring off like she often did. 


Miroku and Sango soon investigated the scene and cleared the bodies while Kagome took Hitomi to the hot springs to clean the blood away.


The water was a welcome reprieve from the events of the day, Kagome felt the filth wash from her skin and her soul.


She let out a small sigh as she relaxed fully in the hot steaming water. She did not close her eyes, instead she kept them trained on Hitomi as the young girl settled in the water next to her. Kagome worried for the young one as she had yet to speak after the incident and Kagome did not wish to push her.


“Mother was like you” it was the first time Hitomi had ever offered any information about her parents. The sound of her voice startled Kagome but she smiled softly and took her bathing supplies out and motioned for Hitomi to come near for some Shampoo.  


“Oh? Was she a miko?” the miko asked while she scrubbed the younger girl’s hair with shampoo.


“She was a great miko, they said she was as powerful as Kikyou” Hitomi finished thoughtfully as Kagome stopped her ministrations and looked down at the girl in shock.


“Wh..who” before Kagome could finish her question Hitomi turned and looked at her


“My mother was the Miko Hitomiko, my father was a young lord whom she healed and fell in love with but he died before I was born. Mother sent me away when I was young because the demon called Naraku was after her life and she did not want him to harm me to get to her. I went to live with my aunt and uncle in a village very far from home ” The girl turned back and spoke again


“She gave me these to protect me” She rolled the beads that hung around her neck, between her slender fingers, pulling them up slightly to show Kagome before her gaze fell and she spoke again.


“When my aunt and uncle died I returned to my mother’s village. She had been killed by Naraku so I was taken in by the new Miko of our village but then bandits came and killed everyone, they kept the young and pretty girls alive and sold us as concubines…..and then you saved me” Kagome’s eyes were wide with shock but Hitomi just carried on, taking a lock of Kagome’s hair and playing with it as if nothing were wrong.


“Miyuu, the Miko who replaced my mother told me about you, she told me that you and your group defeated Naraku and that you helped my mother find peace. Thank you” Kagome’s eyes were still very wide, she had no idea how to respond. Somehow as if she’d sensed her mistress was still processing, Hitomi granted her reprieve.


“what are we having for dinner lady kagome?” She asked innocently, changing the subject as if they’d only been discussing the weather .


And that was the only thing Kagome had ever heard of it. Hitomi was Hitomiko’s daughter………..

 Kagome was snapped out of her memory when Rin spoke

“Lady Kagome, will you come to the west with me? I think Lord Sesshomaru would like to see you.” Kagome’s blush was not lost on Rin as the girl smiled at her radiantly

‘I know he likes her! I just know it!’ Rin had been trying to formulate a plan for her lady Kagome and Lord Sesshomaru to fall madly in love and mate and have tons of doggy eared pups for her to play with but so far her plans had been unsuccessful as Kagome was always wary to go to the west.

However, lord Sesshomaru often asked about the priestess, always finding a way to casually inquire about her mating status, Rin knew her lord better than anyone and she knew the great inu saw Kagome as more than just a priestess and governess to his ward. 

“Um, I ….I….have to stay here with Hitomi, Rin, she’s going to have to learn some Miko techniques but give Lord Sesshomaru my regards” she smiled down at the disappointed girl.

Suddenly a giggle from Rin and a snapping twig alerted Kagome to a presence behind her.

“Miko….this Sesshomaru would like to inquire about Rin’s studies” the demon lord had come out of nowhere and was now behind Kagome. Had she been able to see him she would have noticed him inhaling her scent deeply. Kagome bowed slightly in acknowledgement, he was the stuffy older brother of Inuyasha and he talked to her like she was a pile of dirt.

‘This human, why is it that I find her scent so pleasing? It tickles my nose like no other bitch’s scent ever has. I would have her if not for her humanity, hmp what a pity’ The demon lord looked at the miko with the same bored expression as he mused.

She missed Hitomi taking off in a fast run, the young girl hated the stoic demon lord more than she’d hated his hanyou brother. She could feel his disdain for her and her race, she hated when he looked at Kagome like he did, when he thought no one could see he would drop his mask and look at Kagome with lust.

‘How dare he look at lady Kagome like that, ugh I wish Rin would just tell him to leave us alone. She should just go west already and take her stupid fucking dog father with her! The last thing lady Kagome needs are more stinky ass dogs sniffing after her’ her thoughts raged in her mind as she huffed in anger before picking a flower from the field roughly.

 She walked picking each pedal one by one wishing Sesshomaru would just leave Edo and go west forever.  

Hitomi was a beautiful girl, her shoulder length black hair framed her face perfectly, it had taken her three years to grow it out from when it had been shaved by the woman who wanted to execute her. She was very slender and a bit taller than Rin . her eyes were wide and her nose was small and dainty. Her lips were full, her skin was milky and her cheeks had a natural pink blush. She was radiant especially when compared to Rin who turned out to be a rather plain girl.

Rin had a heart of gold, she was very caring and loved Hitomi and Kagome both very much. She always did what she could to help and harbored no resentment for her lack of spiritual powers, though she did get a bit jealous when Hitomi go to spend special miko time with Kagome but Kagome always made sure to have her own special time with Rin as well.

Rin had known Kagome since she was a child and always looked up to her and by the time lady kaede died Kagome had already been acting as the girl’s mentor. Rin slept next to Kagome every night with the exception of the times when Inuyasha would come in, during the times before he’d gone away after he and Kagome decided to be friends and nothing more. Rin didn’t hate the hanyou but she couldn’t help but feel jealousy when she and Hitomi were ousted from their place next to Kagome so the hanyou could come to her and she was happy when he’d stopped coming for good.

She once heard Shippo say they never smelled of mating and that Kagome never smelled like any man. It had been a funny day when Shippo explained that he could scent things like that, he’d blushed and Hitomi had made fun of him as she often did. Rin imagined if they never mated they would talk or perhaps hold each other, in Rin’s mind he couldn’t have been courting her since he never gave her any gifts .

Rin had beautiful kimonos while Hitomi wore miko robes at all times. Hitomi didn’t mind, she loved her robes, She’d worn nothing else when she was with her mother. Being with lady Kagome was like being with her mother again, she didn’t care for fancy silks like Rin did.

Rin wasn’t materialistic but like any Lord’s daughter she had been well spoiled by her adopted father. She wore fine silks everyday and often ruined them. She had long beautiful hair, her haircut told of her status in the court of the west. However, she was not beautiful, she was cute and some would say pretty but her eyes were very small, her nose was flat and wide and her lips were very thin. Without makeup Rin was nothing special, it was her shining personality that made her stand out over the quiet, reserved, Hitomi.

The girls, however, co-existed for the most part, until Kohaku arrived. Kohaku had been away rebuilding the slayer village for three long years. He’d finally come to visit when he was finished and ready to look for a wife.

The day he came to visit both girls were absolutely taken with him. He had initially kept his eyes trained on the beautiful Hitomi but his history with Rin along with her shining personality soon won him over. Hitomi was very distrustful of him, it was to be expected for what she went through so she’d been very shy and never talked to Kohaku, choosing to just watch him from afar. He took it as rejection and was soon charmed by the loving and charismatic Rin.


"To be honest Sesshomaru sama, I believe Rin is too young to be anyone's wife but my village is quite different from edo." She spoke honestly to the demon lord, she found it was quite easy to express her opinions to him particularly when it came to Rin.

"Hnn, this Sesshomaru agrees. Rin is still a child, however, she is most stubborn and it seems that human custom is for females to take a mate at her age, therefore it shall be allowed." He came to stand next to the priestess as they watched Rin skip through a field of tall flowers.

'This one has watched the pup grow into a woman, you humans are so short lived' He snorted softly as he studied his child, he would miss her immeasurably.

Then it was as if the miko at his side took the words from his mind.

"I'm really going to miss Rin, she's my ray of sunshine, her strength and love have really helped me through some difficult moments. She’s so smart too, she’s an excellent student. I hope she has a long and happy life with Kohaku, I know he’ll take good care of her." She smiled as they continued to watch the girl. She could feel the tears coming and she did not want to deal the uncomfortable consequences that came from crying in front of the demon lord.

‘oh man, gotta change the subject, ahhh I can’t cry in front of Sesshomaru, he’ll probably be like ‘cease your insolence, female’ or something…….ugh…..stupid emotions! Ok ok think about baseball…oh god I don’t know anything about baseball and neither does he! Oh god I can only imagine ‘so Sesshomaru how bout those Nagoya Dragons?...but not Ryukotsusei, the guy who killed your dad, cause….um I don’t think he was from Nagoya…haha’ ……….’die, human’ …yeah no…um…I’ve GOT IT’ she spoke happily and loudly, a little too loudly.

“Hmmm it’ll probably rain today” she looked up with a huge smile and noted that the sky was perfect but the mountain villagers had reported a storm in their village earlier in the morning.

"hnn, this Sesshomaru does not smell any moisture, rain is highly unlikely" He took the time, in that moment, to study the female at his side.

She was beautiful; he wondered how he’d fail to notice before. Her eyes were the color of the sea, a color he’d never seen on a human before and different from the dull blues of the blue eyed demons he'd come across. They were mesmerizing.

She frowned a bit before flipping her hair and speaking again. A few stray tendrils of inky black whipped the demon’s cheek, unwittingly wafting that heavenly scent to him.

“Well, the mountain villagers reported rain in their village and the pattern that the storm systems in this area move in is pretty predictable, so I’d say there is a very good chance of rain. It’ll probably happen tonight” she closed her eyes and crossed her arms, had he been anyone else she would have proposed a bet.

After a few moments of silence she opened her eyes and gasped softly, startled by his nearness. He looked at her eyes, studying the prismatic depths of cerulean and sapphire with hints of opaque sky blue woven in. Truly splendid they were.

"hnn" he responded in a distracted tone, it suddenly dawned on Kagome that she could discern his distraction from the tone he used to articulate a simple 'hnn' she shook her head for a moment and looked up at the demon with her large sparkling eyes.  

'God he's pretty....oh no no no no no! THINK ABOUT BASEBALL!!!' She smiled her signature false smile and laughed a bit. 

He came closer to her and inhaled her scent deeply, there was something so pleasing so relaxing about it that he could not help himself. Her scent and eyes, however, were not the only things that drew him to her. He admired her acuity of mind more and more each time they spoke and he used all of his will to repress a smile as his nose picked up the scent of moisture, indeed it would rain that night.  


Hitomi walked along the field of flowers, her bare feet relishing the feeling of the soft petals brushing her skin. She often walked alone, Kagome would sometimes follow her at a distance to make sure she was safe. However, today someone else watched over her…..

She continued to muse as she walked along not even noticing her mysterious companion. He now floated just above her head.

Her brows were drawn in concentration as she thought on the earlier events , she knew why the white dog had come this day, he came to speak with Sango and arrange the marriage of Rin and Kohaku. Of course Rin had a large dowry , she was the spoiled ward of the western lord.

She felt something brush her head and she swatted thinking it was an overzealous insect when suddenly a flower fell into her hand. She looked up and yelped in shock as she was met with a pair of bright green eyes and long red hair falling over her shoulders as the tall fox demon floated upside down above her.

“SHIPPO! YOU IDIOT!! ARE YOU TRYING TO SCARE ME TO DEATH?!?!?! UGH YOU’RE SUCH A STUPID JERK” She threw the flower down and ran as fast as her legs would carry her, disappearing into the forest and masking her aura as Shippo had done to catch her off guard.

“COME BACK HITOMI!! I’M SORRY!” the young fox huffed and ran after the girl, choosing not to use his newly learned flying skill.

Shippo was a very attractive demon, fox school had allowed him to pass to the next level of his growth, going from small child to teenager almost of mating age. Another year and he would be at the start of mating age and a graduate of fox school. Shippo was one hundred and forty five, he’d chosen to remain small in order to retain his strength. For foxes, the longer they stayed in the first stage of growth, the more power they would have in the next stage.

He was now as tall as Inuyasha though he was thinner than the Hanyou, his long red hair came past his waist and his tail was now gone as were his paws, his form was that of a full humanoid. His ears were pointed and his face was now marked with a blue flamelike mark under each of his eyes.

Fox school was the best thing that ever happened to Shippo, he was able to met other fox demons of all levels and learn all of the magic his parents were not able to show him.

He was excelling in his studies and someday he would become a taiyokai of immeasurable strength.

Shippo loved school but he looked forward to his holidays when he could return home and be with his adopted family. He loved Kagome, Miroku and Sango and their children, and even Inuyasha though he was gone now but sometimes he would return when Shippo did and they would spar and trade stories. He also looked forward to his time with Rin his childhood friend whom he loved like a sister and finally Hitomi, the young beautiful miko who’d thoroughly captured his heart.

He sniffed the air when he caught the slight scent of her, something was off about her scent, almost like he could never fully catch it, like it was incomplete in some way. He could sense the blockage coming from the beads around her neck, they bore immense holy power. She’d once told him that they were protection beads from her mother, though they could not protect her from humans.

He walked a bit further following the sweet scent of his beautiful friend and there he saw her, Hitomi was perched on her favorite tree watching the hut where Miroku and Sango lived with their growing family. 

She watched Kagome and Rin walk inside hand in hand, she watched Sesshomaru go after Kagome, sniffing her like always. Hitomi snarled in disgust as she watched him.

“People shouldn't spy on others, it’s rude.” Hitomi rolled her eyes at the smooth male voice that chimed in behind her.

“Oh yeah? Well people shouldn’t sneak up on others, it’s rude. You jerk!” she said sharply

“You know my name Hitomi, use it” he said into her ear playfully

“fine, back the fuck up …SHIPPO” she had learned to speak crudely from her time in the harem, she was treated like an animal, used by the lord of the house and his teenaged sons who often would keep her in their rooms treating her like a member of their little group of friends, letting her sit with them and go to their lessons so they could make her do their homework after they’d discovered she could learn much faster than them.

They would make her study in their stead while they did nothing but play war games and shogi.

She could read, write, calculate advanced mathematics and knew quite a bit of alchemy, her time with the boys was not as bad as her time with their father had been except when their hormones called they would rape her mercilessly often times leaving her tied to a bed for hours covered in various fluids. 

“Oh, you’ve still got quite a mouth on you MIKO” said the young fox with a grin on his face

The handsome young demon was completely in love with the beautiful, reserved, extremely intelligent Hitomi as he’d found out when she let her guard down, usually when he’d been home for a few days, he was actually the only male in the world she trusted and each time he was away and returned he would have to earn her trust back slowly but he always managed to have her laughing and giggling like a normal girl before he would have to leave her again.

“One day I’m gonna  clean up that dirty little mouth of yours” he whispered in her ear, pushing against her with his jaki trying to coax out her energy.

“You wish foxboy,  find your own branch and get off my stick.” she rolled her eyes before releasing a small spark of ki singing his elven ear a bit

“OUTCH!....ok Jeeze, are you about to go in heat or something?” He jumped up to a higher branch before she could retaliate for his remark.

“You know, being crude only makes you more attractive to me right?” the fox looked down at her and flashed a handsome smile

she rolled her eyes and huffed as they both continued to watch the hut for any activity.

He had no idea how much Hitomi really did adore him, for all of her attempts not to fall, she’d slipped and let him into her heart.

She smiled softly as she felt his jaki flare against her and she released a bit of her own ki, making them both blush and reel in their energy before their little game of energetic footsie turned into something they were both not ready for.

“Hey, Can you hear what’s going on?” she strained her ears to hear but it was no use

“yeah but why should I tell you?” he teased

“because if you don’t I’ll purify your balls off” she looked up at him and flashed him an innocently beautiful smile

“WOAAAAH there! You really are in a bad mood today aren’t you , beautiful?” he couldn’t help but be completely taken by the crude little vixen

“Just tell me, you idiot!” she huffed and hit him playfully on the shoulder before leaning on him to jut her ear out a bit and listen.

“ok, ok ……um Sesshomaru is offering Sango and Miroku lands and the chest Jakken carried in is full of gold, He said the ceremony has to take place in the west and that any children Rin and Kohaku have would be under the protection of the west, everyone is agreeing and Rin is really happy” he tried not to smirk as she leaned into him more, he loved when she touched him.

Hitomi just scoffed and continued to listen as Shippo explained what was going on .

“He’s inviting Kagome to the west to present Rin to the court, and then she’ll have to go back for the mating ceremony” he noted then that she let go of him and then looked down and realized he was talking to himself as Hitomi was heading toward the hut, her aura quiet but her face full of wrath.

The fox hurried after her lest she do something regrettable in front of Lord Sesshomaru and meet the ends of his claws.

Hitomi stilled for a moment at the door of the hut and composed herself before creeping inside, she stood behind Kagome before she noticed the hardened eyes of the demon lord on her, distrust seeping from his golden gaze.

She countered with an equally fervent gaze full of loathing and disgust, he was taken aback the extent to which the young human could express pure putrid hatred with just her eyes, it was reminiscent of someone he couldn’t place.

Shippo shuffled in behind the girl and lowered his gaze immediately submitting to the alpha in the room, Sesshomaru noted Kagome’s smile grew when the young fox came in.

She reached back and took his clawed hand and the hand of the young miko in hers, joining their two hands in hers. The demon lord narrowed his eyes at the fox sitting contently as he relaxed with touch of the two most important women in his life.

Sesshomaru shifted slightly, he knew the fox did not see Kagome as a potential mate but as a mentor, he also knew the young fox was madly and hopelessly in love with the young priestess Hitomi, the young woman was so filled with hatred towards men that he almost pitied the fox for his choice of female, that and he could sense that she was no longer pure. He deduced the two things were related, she was no doubt defiled, he felt pity for her, he would gut any male who would dare touch his little pup Rin and he knew Hitomi was like Rin in many ways. 

The lords’s attention shifted back to Kagome, his brother’s priestess no more. Her beautiful blue eyes shining as she watched Sango and Kohaku discuss the impending marriage. He couldn’t help be swept away by her…Ka-go-me. It was a pity she was human. He inhaled deeply to catch her scent and held back a growl of satisfaction as the sweet aroma ticked him somewhere deep inside where nothing had ever been able to reach. She was exquisite and he would be happy to make her his one way or another. It was something he should have to ponder

Hope you guys like this one, if you do please review. Thank you!