Oneshots for Tangie's Annual Fanfic Tourny by sugar0o who lurks

The Story of Two Great Races

AN: this is for Tangie's Annual Fanfic Tourny, i do not own or make any money from the use of Inuyasha or it's Characters

Summary: The two Great races looked down upon them, and for that, they were taken down, but the mortals never expected what was to come.  

Title: The Story of Two Great Races

Prompt: Toxic

Partner: Zandrellia, go read her fic here:

Rating: M

Universe: Alt

Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Romance, Tragedy

Warnings: violence, implied bestiality

Word Count: 7001 (per MSW)

Voting: To vote you need to send a message to TangerineDream




Long ago when the world was new, there were beings made by the kami themselves, known as Youkai. Spirit creatures that took on the lives of the animal, the plants, and the very world around them. These creatures were close to perfection, yet at the same time, the kami grew listless with such perfect creatures. So long lived and immobile in the ways of change. It was so, that the kami then created mankind, a flawed creature with such a short time to live that everything was always at its height of possibilities, to love, to hate, to fear, all these were felt unlike the Youkai of old.

The kami decided to allow both races to deal with their world they lived in on their own. Youkai though hated man, and man feared Youkai. Death soon came, and the kami realized that if something were not done, that Youkai would kill out the human. And so unto mankind was born another kind of being, Miko, Monk, and Priest. Beings that held a bit of divine power within them, as much as their young supple human bodies could hold. For a time, These new breed of humans was thought to be nothing to worry about by Youkai, but as time went on it was proven not to be the case.

But as the Youkai had grown to hate human, human had begun to hate Youkai. Miko, Monk and Priest were not creatures born to hate, and so being used as tools of destruction, a group of them, the human’s only line of defense left them for parts of the world unknown. It was then that these miko, monk and priest came upon Youkai that lived far away from most other Youkai, the elementals. These Youkai did not hate mankind, or agree with Youkai kind, and had decided to stay out of the squabbles of both kinds. They had welcomed the miko into their folds with open arms and peace, and so it was this that brought about the next great kind.

No one knew where their name came from but the miko, monk and priest began to mate with the elementals, becoming a race of beings able to use both the pure reshi of miko, monk and priest, as well as the abilities of the elemental Youkai, they were known as the Evangeline. As time passed, the kami saw how mankind used those they have gifted with their power, and resented their treatment of their chosen. With time, the Kami no longer gave the gift as mankind grew intelligent, and began to come up with newer better ways to kill off Youkai, while Youkai had their innate powers given to them long before, that they had breed to be stronger, better, faster then they had been given originally, all to be used against the human. But all the while the Evangeline, stayed out of it on both sides also growing stronger.

It was then that a great war broke out between the Youkai, and the human, a war in which the Evangeline had once again decided to stay out. To them they thought that it all as needless, pointless death. Hate so toxic that it would be the end of both kinds, which would also be fine by them. They were not weak by far, they had the best of both Youkai and human, but none of their weaknesses. They were now the favored race amongst the kami, and so they had stayed out of the war that came. The Youkai did not begrudge them for this, Youkai were intelligent enough to understand that the Evangeline were beings not meant to be pushed, they had the same strengths as Youkai, and were just as dangerous as them if not more so. Begrudgingly, the Youkai knew that the Evangeline were better the both Youkai and human alike.

The humans though were not so forgiving.

In the mind of the humans, if you were not with them, then you were against them, such was their way, their path in hatred. Because of this, the human had decided that the Evangeline needed to die along side the youaki, and it was with this in mind that they began to plot on how to become the race on top once more. A plot that would work only for them to fall just as quickly. A century or more in the planning had welded the results the human had wanted. Those that had begun this insane plot had not only managed to make it work. In the Youkai, their strongest, their king had been felled by a human onna.

Raised and bathed in hatred that her forefathers gave her, the young woman’s heart was black with such toxic feelings. Izayoi was born to be this woman, as had her mother been before her, and hers before her. With the help of a bitter and angry hanyou, Naraku, the human’s had managed to place Izayoi in Touga, the Inu No Kotei, the dog Emperor’s path.

As resistant as he had been to the female, considering he had a mate, and an offspring, between the black magics that humans had found their hand in, and the onna herself, Touga had fallen in love with her, sick and twisted as it was. But unplanned was that Izayoi had fallen for him too, unfortunately it was of no consequence to the humans, as they had never planned to allow her to live when it was all over. She was tainted after all by the demon filth, had even bore him a bastard son, a Halfling that was unworthy in their eyes. Izayoi, since birth had always been a sacrifice for the “greater good,” and would be honored once dead, once they killed her. Izayoi, try as she might had not been able to fight the training she had been given since birth to throw demon kind into an upheaval, and so in their twisted love, they fell, one, and then the other.

It was with Touga’s death, by poisoning, that had started the human’s war. With Naraku’s help they had flooded into the demon’s territory, armed with black magic, and aiming for death, their sheer numbers had outdone the Youkai, it was of no consequence to the humans that only a small part of demon kind was actually trained for war, less then one out of four was, and so they had sweep through and sacked the demon lands. Many human dieing along the way, but for everyone that had fallen there were three or four to take their place. Their sheer numbers, like vermin had taken down the greater beasts. Izayoi had not survived the first night. Her son a youngling, had gone missing, and none could find him, Touga’s death had only been a week or so in passing.

One by one, the Youkai were taken down losing a great deal in the process, the new, young King unwilling to be taken captive had taken down a great number of the human army himself. But even Sesshomaru had not been able to stand up to how many had come for them, he was not much older then a pup and should have had much longer to go before he ever took control as his father had before him. He had watched the vile humans come into his land, and his own mother slaughter and raped before his eyes, as they had captured him with their magics. A loathing so great had welled up within him for mankind. If, and when he was free they would all die, that he vowed, they had fed him on their toxic hate, sewed the seeds and one day they would be harvested. So angry and full of hatred for them it was that when ever a human got close enough to him to look into his great eyes, they knew this too.

The Youkai fell faster then they would have ever thought they would have. Too high and mighty they thought themselves, the humans were bastards, cowards and tricksters. But it was not just the Youkai that had fallen prey to their wickedness.

The Evangeline, had been taken as well, though much harder to take down then demon kind, they were not as easily susceptible to black magics, as they were to their own hearts. Naraku had played his part well in finding his way into the house of their queen, and destroying them from the inside out. He had taken to his bed Kikyo the eldest daughter, and through her, gotten into the house and court of their queen, before spreading information about the human uprising, causing panic, and dismay. He had murder Midoriko, their Queen, and Kikyo had given her very life to save her younger sister Kagome from the same plight. In the end, the Evangeline could fight but were not the type to do so. While they were peaceful they believed death was unwarranted unless absolutely needed.

They were taken prisoner and enslaved to the human lords as the Youkai had been before them. Their princess’ life for their own, Lady Kikyo would never be the same again, it would be up to her younger sister, now heir to the thrown and Queen because of her defilement, Kagome to lead their peoples from not on.




Bankotsu was one of the seven ruling human kings. For generation after generation plans had been in the making for the humans to slay demon kind, and to take the Evangeline down too. For years upon years this had been their goal and it had happened in his lifetime. He was thankful to the kami, - not knowing that they did not hear or want his thanks, that it had in fact happened. Many a man had been left home to fight in this war, and many never found their ways home again. Youkai had been bloodthirsty and devious and hard to fold in battle. The Evangeline, - he laughed at the thought, had not wanted to fight, but while that had made him wary at first, now, that was not the case.

After years of clean up the humans had taken over every aspect of the known world, all things under demon control, as well as those of the Evangeline and been split up between the seven kings, and the hanyou known as Naraku. Now though were the games. Games in which the mortals watched the immortals battle to the death. Weak as they were from malnourishment and their captive treatment, they could not raise against them, and so the human took pleasure in watching them die at one another’s claw. Pitting siblings against one another, or parent and offspring, or even spouses, they did not care, to the humans, Evangelian and Youkai alike were nothing but horrid creatures that needed to die. But it was with this thought, this belief that they would never fall, that they would dig their own graves.

Years has passed since the great wars had ended, and still they were being fought, caged like cattle, herded, and beaten, Youkai and Evangelian alike were matched together in battles, blood, and bondage. It was during this time that the kami took all favor away from the humans, none of the mortals would have their light, and so within the mitts of their enclosures the strongest and the brightest of the immortal races were given favor instead. Sesshomaru knew the day would come soon when he would be forced to fight again, for now they kept him lower then low, tied and whipped until bloody, his great strength healing him just enough so that they could beat him again. He was not aware of how he knew but he knew when he fought, he would have the ability to free his people, and murder the human.

The still young Queen Kagome too was hidden away in the dark recesses of the enslavement camps. Her abilities muted like all of her kind, she was no better then a mortal now, with better healing abilities, and a longer life. Watching as her people went to the slaughter she grew to hate the mortals, and vowed that she would one day seek her revenge. Evangelian were not the type to do such, they believed in knowledge being a higher power, living with the land and for it. Violence was always a last effort, but it did not mean they did not know how to fight. While none liked it all of their kind knew it. But it was their ways that had trapped them.

Her mother‘s murder, and her sister‘s sacrifice, their new Queen had bargained their lives for her own, that they not fight so that they might live. Kagome wondered about her sister every day and ever night, knowing that if the kami allowed she would murder the one that had put them all in this position, and spend as much of her life as needed to make it up to Kikyo that she had been given such a fate. Their lives had been spared that day, but this, caged, fought like beasts was no form of living. It was in these cages that she learned hate, and sought nothing but vengeances for her people.




His humanoid form restricted by dark magics, and his great size as well. He was trapped in his animal form, but so very diminutive. Something would be happening this day and he did not know what. Sesshomaru prowled restlessly as he waited, today would be the day they fought him again. How many immortals would die at his claws so that he could survive to one day free his peoples. He did not know but he promised himself for everyone they fought against him, he would take down five fold of their own. His blood was heated, aggravated by something they had slipped in his food, and as much as he did not want to rely on them, the humans had held him captive with their dark magics for too long, he would starve if he did not eat.

While he had been able to scent that there was something wrong with the meat, he had been starved until recently, and had ate it none the less. Now with his very blood on fire, he could feel the toxic magics at work, heating him beyond the point of reason, pushing him into a point of total irrationality, and knowing only two things: a need for blood, or a need to rut and dominate. The young lord knew that this would end badly for whom ever they pitted him against today, male or female they would have to submit to a fevered beast and then be raped just to survive, and kami help them if they didn’t. He prayed this day ended sooner then he knew it would, and that those whose lives would be forfeit for the heathen humans forgive him for what he was about to do.

Pacing his cell, or more so his cage, to didn’t take long for the fowl smelling mortals to show themselves. The roar of the mortals and stench of their unwashed bodies in the thousands nearly making him faint from the stink. He knew the routine just like many of the others. While few were forced into a situation like himself, any of the Youkai that were lower lords, heirs, generals, or anyone was a vast amount of power had been locked into their beast form. The humans treated them as if they had no higher intelligence, and those that had been stupid enough getting too close to the bars had paid for it with their lives. All of the Youkai were of the same understanding, ‘take any life they foolishly put too close to your claws.’ Even so, at this point they knew to keep as clear of him as they could. He’d already lost count of how many he’d personally pulled into his confinement and gutted like the weak things they were.

Led through a tunnel system that all the cages had an opening for, those around him gave him respect still. Locked in their own bodies, they still knew who their king was. They snarled at the mortals that hastened their approached to the arena floor, wondering if today who ever he would fight would win, of if once more another of their brethren paid for humanities greed.

Sesshomaru for himself had not been able to pay much attention to those around him, being prodded and pushed towards the door the heat and fire in his blood, the toxic lust they had placed in him making him completely uncontrollable, making the dark magics that fed from him keep the collar even more steadily in place. He was pushed into the right place too drugged to go after those that had placed him there, as he usually did, a crowd favorite, he was, for he had lived up to his name as the killing perfection. If he was in his right mind he would have noticed that today, of all days was an anniversary day and that because of this the eight false kings were in attendances for the special day. He knew not that ten long years had passed since the wars had been declared won by the mortals, or that today they planed to pit the King of Youkai against the Queen of the Evangelian.

Above him, but not by far the eight false Kings sat, Bankoutsu their leader sat by Naraku, the one that had aided them in getting this place. The dark haired false King spoke in amused tones, as they watched the Youkai king below them. Too bloated on their own power to understand that the kami had already written their fate. Too assured that their power was flawless to know that it would be at the hands of the Youkai King and the Evangelian Queen would be their down fall. Being so utterly thoughtless in their complete victory, none had brought a large amount of guards, none had brought weaponry either. It was a common rule that none of them bring any other self defense then body guards as a show of faith and good will amongst them. And it would be their faith that would seal their fate.

The first match they had already known the fallen Youkai King would win, they wanted him to win against all that would be sent to him today until the Evangelian Queen was presented. They would get their blood and watch finally as the Royals of both lines killed one another, or at least that was the plan. “Do you think the Fallen King will beat the Fallen Queen?” Bankoutsu asked the hanyou he had always remained wary of. Eyeing the Evangelian female at his side, knowing from history that this had been the heir to the Evangelian thrown. Defiled and now made into Naraku’s whore. She was a broken thing, that would have been beautiful if not for how utterly tragic she seemed. Then dark hanyou did not seem to notice Bankoutsu’s eyes on his ‘pet.’

“Hmm. It is an assurance. From what we all spoke of, the Fallen King was given meat tainted with the dark magics of lust.” the spider hanyou cackled darkly then. “He will be facing nothing but Evangelian females today, most if not all will not know how to deal with a lusting Youkai, let alone one in his true form. They will die thinking like all others that this is just a normal fight. It will be interesting to see what the Fallen Queen does though.” Neither male seemed to notice the broken onna stir at their words. Lost in her thought Kikyo was slowly becoming aware.

Their words rising in her broken soul with what plans they had for her younger sister. Had she not followed their ways, the Evangelian would have fought, but violence was against everything they stood for, and in her mind, then it had been far better for just her life to be soiled then all of her people. It had all been a dark lie though, and all that were not mortal had suffered. She as much as any of her kind. Kikyo wondered if she would be able to sit by and watch as her sister were raped by the Fallen Youkai King. She prayed for a miracle, not knowing that her prayers would be answered.  

The false King Bankoutsu spoke again after his own dark chuckle rang out, amused at the games they would see today. He smirked arrogantly. “It will indeed be and interesting show. The Evangelian always wanted peace and knowledge, they are not accustomed to the more warlike Youkai. We will finally get the royal blood we’ve sought to defeat for so long this day. Once that happens, what will you do with your…Consort?” he stressed the word looking aggregately at the once heiress. Not much was known about Evangelians, as they had been a very private race.

But what was known was that purity of the body was only to be given to mates. The onna had lost her chance at being Queen the second she had spread her thighs for Naraku. As such she was defiled, and most Evangelian men would not wish for her even with her royal blood. As it was, they hadn’t realized there was a second daughter until she’d already learned to fight, or she too would have shared the same fate as her elder sister. It had only been recently that they had found her, and had set this specific series of games up for such an event.

To be taken or die, and either way, the new Evangelian Queen would be all of nothing. Still Bankoutsu had never liked that the hanyou had taken this onna for more then just a ride in the sack for a while. With her sisters demise, which he felt was fated, the old heir was nothing but useless. He and the rest of the false Kings had been pressing Naraku to end her miserable life for years now. Still They would try on. “I will keep her. Make no mistake she is broken, and will never rise against me.” The dark hanyou stated before eyeing the human. “This is the last time I will speak on this Bankoutsu.” he ended with a dark promise in his voice. Annoyed the human shot him a glare before focusing on the death match that was about to happen.

Drums rumbled the air, sending a vibration through the arena that had the spectators eager to see what would happen. Most if not all the humans there were of the higher households, those that were important to the humans in general. Called out to bare witness as the Fallen Royals eventually would be murdered off in these games, held for their amusement. The noise only served to aggravate Sesshomaru who was nearly lost to his blood, to the toxic heat that swelled and churned within him. The magics in his collar fed from this, keeping him chained in this feeling, in this form, made so that no Youkai could remove them, he waited like the rest for what was about to happen. Swearing to the kami with every second that the moment he was free he would begin a reign of terror the likes of which the humans could never fathom.

It only took a moment for the first to die this day to make her entrance, the Evanlgelian like all of her kind was a mix of holy and Youkai, something that was only in her races kind. Like those in her captive area, her neck bore a collar. Similar to his own in every way but one, unlike his, where no Youkai could take it off, no Evangelian could take her own collar off. Kept in separate storage areas the two races were never mixed for the dark magics could only work on one, but not both. Still she was young, and had probably only been a child before this war had started. More then likely captured while playing, and the only part of Sesshomaru that recognized this mourned that her immortal blood would be spilt this day.  The fight was short and bloody, the girl, a young onna had never stood a chance.

Her terrified scent had wafted to his being, and lost in the heat of his blood she was nothing but a pawn for the human’s immoral glee. The next two were similar, though obviously a bit more hardened, they had no idea what they were up against. Like all Evangelian though they could fight, and had obviously done so before, but they had obviously never stood up to someone like him, especially in this form. It went on this way for another few fights before things for the humans got more interesting then just an Evangelian bloodbath. His newest opponent was marred by battle scars. Obviously she was not one to fall like a wilting flower or allow her fear to take over her being like those before had. Her eyes were a lavender color, darker then her lavender hair. Her skin tanned and determination stiff in her gaze.

The young Fallen King had no idea that he faced one of the up and coming generals in the Evangelian realm. Still Shiroi knew that this male was the Youkai King. As much as she wanted to win and save her own life, she knew that would be hard even in the state the male was in before. While she had been starved like the rest of them, only given enough to sustain, she’d been fighting a long time. The will of a warrior born within her in the need to survive, she felt today would mark a change in all things she knew. Sparked into a slight fear as a low rumbled roared from the Fallen Youkai King, the young woman began her fight.

Armed with a spear, the onna faced her would be assassin. Unlike those that came before her, her fear did not cloud her scent, and it was indeed a nice scent. With blood so heated, a fury growing in him because the blood from before had not sated him, only fueling him to greater heights, the Youkai King was damn near enraged. He wanted the female to submit, and instead she bore fangs at him intending to fight him. Why could she not see that he was the stronger between the pair, and that should she just submit, her life would not be forfeit. Feign left, dart right, jump, attack, they danced a fighters dance, the crowd wild with anticipation, heady with bloodlust. The atmosphere was dangerous, and it was not long before Shiroi made her mistake. Too caught up she was ensnared, maneuvered into a submissive position below the great inu, she allowed her terror to show through.

Angry that he’d gotten the female to submit only for her fear to begin to stink up the air, angry that it had come to this, and unwilling to rape her the dog swiftly camped his jaws down on her neck. Yanking her this way and that, her body fell like a rag doll is it hit the side wall, and Sesshomaru roared. The humans not thinking anything about this, had not bothered to check to see if she would live. They would kill her if she did, and she had not served her purpose in bathing the area in her blood. Her body, like all those of Evangelian blood would heal the wound not more then a gouge, it was the stun to her body that have left her frozen, and set in motion the kami’s retribution to the mortals. Sesshomaru snarled as the handlers kept him away from the female’s body, wanting nothing more then to render it gone from his sight, burning crimson eyes watched as they pushed the body into a pit.

Knowing already that the pit went to the Youkai cages below, those below would have a dinner falling from above, the blood and bodies of those that had been felled this day. On the arena floor the Youkai lord paced waiting for the next to come his way, below the Evangelian female fell into the cage of a great Panther Youkai. General and Advisor to his young King, the panther was as black as night, the sheen on his once marvelous coat a deep purple haze. Annoyed and angered at the sight before him, he was startled when the body moved, like all of his kind, those stuck in their youkai bodies, beneath a ceiling of death, he had been reduced to eating the remains of those that feel from above as well. Like all those here, his hate for mortals growing high, but still this was the first time such a whole body and so alive had fallen into this place. Deep violet eyes of the Panther youkai were finally met with the lavender shade.

Fear was the first thing to great him by scent, and when he did not move the eyes looked back. Shiori had heard over time what happened here. The human filth liked very much to tell them where their fates one day would lay, still she had never expected and had dared to hope she would never find herself in this place. When she’d seen the youkai, she knew were she was, and yet he did not attack like expected. Slowly sitting up, those around her and the panther youkai watched on, the humans too stupid to stay, and most going above ground to watch the main event leaving others behind, and paving a pathway for the destruction that was about to occur. 

When it eventually became clear that she was not dinner this evening Shiori made her move. As fast as her healing body would allow her the Evangelian lunged for the great panther. Shocked and unexpected the panther had not even tried to move when he felt his cursed being removed. Black magic collars used their youkai against them, just as it did with the Evangelian’s collars. They could not remove their own, but were held separately so that they would never have a change to remove the others. For as sure as they had once been equals they would gang together against the humans as one great enemy, it had been the only warning those who made the dark collars had given.

The swell of youki did not alert the humans that there was a change about to take effect. The humans without the ones that gave them dark powers were unaware, and thus the weaker race. Miroku stood in his nude glory. His clawed hands being a sight for sore tired angry eyes. He locked his vision on the onna that had freed him, and sliced through her collar as well, watching in rapt attention as her own aura swell. Unlike them locked in an animal body the Evangelian’s more demonic nature was locked away with their collars. Fangs and claws began to grow, a glow began to take form, and together they grinned ferally. Shiori for her part did not give pause to think about the fact that the male was in the nude as he used his great powers for the first time to begin to free the others from their cages. She was right behind him as she sliced through collar after collar freeing others. It didn’t take long for them all to be free, and Miroku to already be directing those around him to get going.

Some would be going with Shiroi to the Evangelian’s captive area where they would free them as well. The rest, would be going with him topside to take out those they could. Not bothering to argue, the lavender eyed beauty managed to catch the wink the panther sent her way before they were separated. When they were free of this place and things were over, Miroku knew he’d find her again should they both still be alive.




He didn’t know how long he had waited, his mind totally gone from everything that had happened, not enough blood given to sate this lust, and the waiting making it worse, he could not concentrate on anything with the roar of the mortals dulling his usually powerful senses, the drugs making him aggressive. Dully he noted the shift in the undercurrent of power, but the humans could not, too spiritually null to notice, and for the only creature besides himself that did, she kept quiet. Kikyo, used toy of the fowl hanyou false king, had felt the shift in power below their seats. A turning point was about to occur, the foolish mortals having gathered their heads of state in one place like lambs to the slaughter. The anger within those that would show themselves soon was almost palpable but the humans could only feel the charge in the air. The fowl hanyou thought was different, she had felt him slowly becoming aware of the change in the air, the feeling of youkai swelling.

Deciding that she could give more the once heiress brushed against Naraku’s thigh, causing him to take notice of herself once more. Though he knew she would never touch him on purpose the dark hanyou had always hoped. But he was no fool, as broken as she might be, her sister was about to be slaughtered and he knew if she was any kind of sister, she would once again allow him to break her that much more. Too caught up in his own plotting, the dark hanyou began his mental torture on the onna, who for once allowed it so that it could buy those below more time. The fowl one delighted in harming her and so when she stirred restlessly at the idea of Kaogme facing this monster in the form of the great inu, it was all the more believable to him that this was her only cause.

Below them the wall finally shifted, and a young woman with long black hair, and a scantly clad outfit that barely covered anything was pushed forward. All the handlers were top side save the few that had been sent to push the girl out. It was the Evangelian Queen. Young as she may be, body supple, and gorgeous, many a male around the arena lusted after her pale beauty. But sapphire eyes were locked on rubyed orbs. Unlike the majority of her race, Kagome like Kikyo before her were only a slight bit different then their kind. While most Evangelian knew little of Youkai kind, they as heirs to the thrown and diplomats were expected to know all. This one bit of training would save her this day. And so unlike those before that had feared him, and those that had fought him. The Fallen queen did the unthinkable. She submitted.

Shock and awe were the first sentiments to rage through the crowd followed by anger that the bitch would submit, not understanding what was about to happen. Palms face up and neck bared. The Queen came towards the snarling Fallen King, her pulse raced, but her scent did not spike with fear like the others. Anger was prevalent, not towards this male. She knew the Fallen King would not be easily taken down, but at those that had pitted those weak, unable and unknowing against him. It was a show they wanted, and it was a show they’d get. Her powers locked away she could have know knowledge of what went on below, she had no idea that Shiori was not dead, long friend and close confident, the Fallen Queen knew only that she’d seen her friend go up and never come back.

She hated these mortals, and if she died doing what she wanted to do, she smirked inwardly, that it would be worth it. Eyeing the Fallen king she finally fell to her knees not much before him. His snarls giving way to angry growls as he began to circle her, her neck and back exposed to his hungry eye, the boo’s and jeers from the crowd only serving to anger him. Ignoring the shock and speculation from the false Kings, or the outrage from the dark hanyou. His mind was only on the female. Smart enough to know whom to submit to. Before anyone knew what was happening, the Fallen Queen was mounted.

A show of pure unadulterated domination was what they got instead of a blood bath. Their human morals horrified that the Fallen Queen would even allow this to happen for not one human would have done the same. But there in was their issue, Evangelian, though their own race had once been youkai, their true forms that of the elements themselves, this was not as perverse as it could have been. And when a roar of triumph left the Fallen King’s throat, his seed shot deep into her waiting womb, sharp fangs glinted as they buried themselves into the onna’s neck, breaking her collar in the process.

And like the stories of old in that exact moment, two things happened at once. One clawed pale hand reached up and sliced through a collar made to hold back the powers for a Fallen King, the sky answering the Fallen Queen’s rage, as her now Immortal husband and mate reverted back to his once humanoid form and glory. And the second being that at that moment, those who had been held below made themselves known. Sesshomaru stood and watched as Evangelian and Youkai alike swarmed from below like starving locust, blood of the mortals being spilt, slashed, drank, bathed in. And once his powers were fully there, he himself was in the may lay, though not to be outdone by his bride. The pair Fallen Royalty they were, weak, tired, beaten, and battered attacked. The seven mortal men falling with swiftness as The Queen took her sweet time with Naraku. In no time the first of many battles were won, mortal blood washing the ground.

Sesshomaru was for his own part not sure what to do about his now mate. At once time this situation would have been unthinkable, but now it was too late. He like her sister and herself, had been schooled on Evangelian. The once Heir, Lady kikyo was defiled, and now unable to take the thrown, simply because Naraku had never mated her, a used woman, sullied was not the likes to make a proper Queen. Kagome, as he’d found out her name was not in the same situation, for she was not only marked but bound to him by the pup that grew in her belly. Unsure of what the future held for them, he and his mate, both tired, and wary waited for a report from their generals. Watching as the Panther and a lavender haired onna came their ways, both received news that would help to shape their fate.

All those held there were free, the humans there dead, but there were more held captive elsewhere and those that made the damn collars to worry about. Needed to get away and retreat, to regroup they left that place, and the humans in a scramble. Out of the mostly human territories, they had made it into the forests when they were ambushed by an unsuspecting being. Old and wizened the Evengelian elder had never thought he’d see either his Once heir or New Queen again. Totosai, a fire Evengelian, led the group back to a safe haven, where new assessments were made. The news was not welcoming. Most if not all those in capture had been systematically killed off, those that were left were either too strong or used for things such as slaves or whores. Their two peoples were hurting, broken, and angry, and so while they had been locked away those that had remained free had searched for not only a way to free them but to destroy the humans.

Swords forged by the fiery breath of the Evangelian elder himself, the will of the kami to smite mankind. Those were free laid waste to the mortals, leaving only the babes who would never know if their forefathers treachery. It was a few months later that a swollen bellied Kagome stood at a fortress window, her hand ideally resting on the sign of peace between the two greater races. Her mate and husband coming up behind her whispering, “It is done.” while she could only nod. There was so much hate for mankind when it was all said and done, no one not even Kagome had wanted them to live. But as it was her nature as well as her kind’s ways, she could not see herself doing the exact thing they had once tried to do, or even allowing others to do so.

It was with a heavy heart that she had presented her idea to the new co-council between the two great races. To destroy the mortals in every way but one, their offspring too young to remember these events, she did not want the kami to despise them and bring upon them their wrath. Those who were not against the idea were the ones to take the humans in. While many did not like the idea, none could fault their new Queen for doing what she did. The rest of mankind would never be safe from them though. Their buildings burned, and destroyed, the bodies broken and bled, they were simply starting over, freeing them of their toxic hate. And in the wake of the great wars, the anger, and degradation, a new form of royalty made, a Fallen King and Queen made right again, a future growing in her belly.