the cursed eye by kogazgirl29

Chapter 1

A/n: Perhaps that this is not the best thing that I have written. I probably could have done a better job at it but at least I did give a go at this.

This is for Tangerine Dream's second annual fanfiction tournament.

Round one: Evil eye

Partner: Summerbirdy

Rating: T for some language


 Graduation was only a week away and Kagome was was getting excited. Finally, she would not have to worry about school again until she decided to go to college. She had to make sure that her best friend Sango was going to be going to college too because when they were kids they made a deal with eachother that they would go to the same college. Little she know that everything was going to change over the summer.


 Across the city of Tokyo in a mansion lived a family of dog demons. Inu Taisho loved his family but there was one thing that did bother him though. That worriesome thing was his oldest son and heir, Sesshoumaru. Demonesses were scared of him because of his temper but to make matters worse Sesshoumaru had a scar going across his left eye and side of his face. Inu Taisho knew that his son would have a hard time marrying a girl with that scar across his almost feminine like face. He couldn't exactly recall how he got that scar. All he knew was that Sesshoumaru got it when he was a child. Ever since that happened, Sesshoumaru refused to step foot outside of the mansion unless it was in his mother's garden and if it was out in public Sesshoumaru would wear a mask to cover up his face. Most of the time though that never happened. Sesshoumaru hated everyone and everything around him. He hated his father for having an affair with his step mother who in turn gave birth to his half brother Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru was just miserable to anyone that was near him.What he hated the most was school. Thank god that he had a tutor for that. One day however there came a knock on the door of the Taisho mansion. When the servant opened the door there was no one there but a small figure of a girl.

"What do you want?" the servant asked.

The girl just smiled.

"My name is Kagome and I am here to talk to Inuyasha. He is a friend of mine from school."

"Master Inuyasha never mentioned anyone coming over today. You can come in and sit in the parlor. I will inform the lord of the house that there is a 'friend' of the young master here to see him."

"Thank you very much."

Kagome walked into the large mansion and found that it was very exsquisitely designed, but then again, it was an extremely rich family that lived here. Unfortunately today was not the day to visit this mansion or go in the parlor for that matter.Sesshoumaru had just settled down to read after getting into an argument with his father. He was still angry with the fact that it had to do something with marraige. Inu Taisho had told him that it was high time that the heir of the household got hitched to a fine demoness. However, that was not the case for Sesshoumaru. He never wanted to get married and if he had to ignore the hell out of his father, he would do it. It really did not matter to him what his father thought about marraige. The whole subject was rather revolting. At twenty three years of age, a heir of his kind would have allready been married and would have pups on the way. The whole commotion today was that Sesshoumaru never agreed to anything very easily.

  Sitting down in the chair, Sesshoumaru started to read the book that was in his hands when he sensed that someone had just came into the parlor. That was not what he needed at the moment, especially since he did not have anything to cover his face with.

"Excuse me, sir but the servant sent me in here and I am not sure that this is the parlor or not. I have never seen one before."

Sesshoumaru got really angry when he heard the voice. Of all the impossible things that could happen to him a female just happens to waltz into his mother's parlor.

"If you are waiting for the lord of the house, I am not it and get the hell out of this room." Sesshoumaru growled from behind his book.

"I am sorry. I thought you were the owner. Please excuse me."

Kagome turned around only to bump into a hard chest.

"Excuse me sir. I didn't mean to bump into you."

"You are Kagome?" the man asked.

"Yes I am."

"Inuyasha is waiting in the dining room for you. He is just finishing up lunch. I apologize for my oldest son's behavior. He is in quite the mood today." Inu Taisho said.

Sesshoumaru slammed the book down that he was reading and walked over to his father. Kagome let out a gasp of horror. Sesshoumaru suddenly remembered the fact that he didn't have a mask on.

"You are Sesshoumaru, the cursed oldest son of Inu Taisho." Kagome said shaking.

"What of it bitch? Am I that horrifying to you that all you can do is shake with fear?" Sesshoumaru sneered, "That is most impressive for a filthy human bitch who knows nothing of what I have to deal with."

Sesshoumaru stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Kagome almost fell to her knees if Inu Taisho had not caught her first.

"Easy there young one. My oldest son can be quite vile when it comes to him speaking. He has held had much hatred since that happened to his face. I will apologize for him. To say the least, he will be dealing with me later on. Come, Inuyasha is probably getting very impatient to see you."

Kagome gently pushed Inu Taisho's hand away.

"Can you just give Inuyasha a message for me. Just tell him that I could not make it over today because I wasn't feeling well. Thank you."

Kagome ran form the room and out of the mansion without even a simple response from Inuyasha's father. He knew what Kagome had told him to tell Inuyasha was a white lie but the small sprig of girl who just ran out the door had quite a resonable explanation as to why she did that. Inu Taisho was furious. He walked upstairs only to find Sesshoumaru sitting in the hallway with a smirk on his face.

"I see the bitch left. She wasn't welcomed here anyway."

Inu Taisho slapped Sesshoumaru hard in the face.

"What you just did to her was inexcusable Sesshoumaru. Never before have I laid a hand on you but now I am realizing that if I had when you were younger, then maybe you would not have turned out so god damned spoiled."

"You would not have done that even when I was young and you know that father."

"I don't give a shit what you say. You are my son and while you live in this house, you will not lay a hand on any human that comes to visit, male or female, nor will you speak to them in that tone that you have just used on that girl. Do I make myself clear?"

"It is pointless to say those words since you are married to a human whore."

Inu Taisho lost it at that point. He grabbed his son by the throat.

"Don't you ever say a thing about Izaiyoi again. I will make myself perfectly clear on this. For if you do so again, wether you are my son or not I will kick you out of this house." He hissed.

Inu Taisho let go of Sesshoumaru and walked away. Sesshoumaru went to his bedroom and slammed the door. He walked over to his mirror and looked at his face. The scar gave him somewhat of a nasty look. Perhaps that was the reason for the bad temper that he had. Sesshoumaru had no idea where the sudden hatred had come from. Could it be that it was because his mother left him behind when she left his father? He had no clue. All he knew was that the scar gave him the look of having a cursed or evil eye.

Everyone that he glared at in the mansion seemed to sense that Sesshoumaru had an evil eye. Perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing after all. At least it would keep the women away from. However, his father was right about one thing. He had no right to talk to Kagome the way he did. If she came back he knew he would have to apologize to her. What use would that make though? She would probably run from him again and then end up cursed herself. Little did he know that while thinking this Kagome was at home having fitfull dreams about a scarfaced man.

*Dream Sequence*

The scarfaced man ran after Kagome, chasing her through brambles and thick woods. She ran and ran and still the man kept up with her. What the hell was he? His red eyes shown powerfully vivid throught the dark night, his breath raging as he ran after the girl, seething with hatred. Kagome on the other hand was scared shitless when the chase began and at this point had not stopped running yet. By the time she got to the river, she just could not run anymore. Suddenly something jumped at her and she screamed. The monster had her in its grasp and Kagome fought to get loose but to no evail. Kagome kept screaming and screaming.

"Shut it bitch!" the voice told her.

She realized at that point who it was.

"Sesshoumaru? Wha-what are you doing?!! Let me go you beast!"

Sesshoumaru growled in her face.

"Curse all you wretched humans. You are to blame for this face of mine. May you all die in agony in hell. Death to you all!!!!"

Sesshoumaru raised a hand to deal the killing blow and Kagome screamed yet again.

*End dream sequence*

Kagome shot out of bed. She knew how Sesshoumaru got that scar. Maybe she was the one who could heal the ice in his heart that was so full of hatred. She had to at least try.

For if she could not, Sesshoumaru would live the rest of his life out in agony, not to be loved by anyone at all. The darkness that consumed his body mind and soul came from the scar itself. In all reallity, Sesshoumaru was cursed beyond a doubt, to live a life of loneliness. The human that gave him that evil eye along with the scar to go with it would pay dearly for what they had done.


A/N: Here it is everyone. hope you enjoy it and if you want to vote for this story please send your vote to tangerine dream in a message. thank you.