Curiosity by Ejunkie

Prelude: Curious Glances

Title: Without hesitation

 Theme: Glance 

Genre: Romance 

Summary:  The precursor of my one-shot for Special Delivery - which will be delivered on time tonight. ;u; 


A curious demon stumbles upon a miko and a well.


Without hesitation

Earth. Stone. Aged-wood. The stench of humanity.

However it appeared - a banal copse, weathered trees warding a weathered well - this was where the priestess’s scent ended.

The curiosity that had driven him here burned the amber if his attention onto the priestess’s ministrations now, perched on the well edge. She was unaware of him – as she should have been, he was without need of shards and she was clearly untrained - but somehow, as the small form fell forward, her glance flew back at the last possible moment to reach his.

Without another thought, the tall form of the taiyoukai blurred forward, his rapidly forming decision setting his movements, as he fell into the well behind her.


I hope you enjoyed this little tumble down the well - remember, REVIEWS ARE FUEL. ;U;