The Secret Life of the Tashios' by MidNigh

From Sun Bather to Inu Youkai?

I'll catch up guys, my shoe's untied.” Waving her friends towards the hotel that they were staying at just up the street, Kagome Higurashi knelt down to retire the lace.

Kagome and her friends,Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi, had spent the the day lounging on the beach, and stuffing themselves with frozen treats.

Are you hurt?” A voice asked. Kagome looked up, meeting the curious eyes of a little girl.

No sweetheart, I just had to tie my shoe.” She answered smiling. The girl beamed back.

Your pretty.” She said, Kagome blushed and stood up.

Thank you, your pretty too. My name is Kagome, what's yours?” The girl was silent several moments before answering.

My daddy says to never talk to strangers, but you told me your name so I can talk to you right?” The child asked shyly.

I agree with your daddy. You should never talk to strangers or take anything from them or go any place with them, because not all people are good and they might try to take you from your mommy and daddy.” Kagome paused. “But I think it would be find to tell me your name, because your way up there and I'm over here so your safe.” Haven been given permission to talk, the girl was off.

My name is Rin Tashio. My daddy’s name is daddy and my mommy’s name is mommy and I have two brothers, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, and I have a puppy name blitz and two ten fishes, their names are bubbles, mouse, CJ, blossom, and domino. I named domino that because he's all white with two gold spots like the game pieces......uh I forgot what names I said.” Rin took a deep breath and began from the beginning.

Dazed by the long tirade of names, Kagome's eyes began to glaze over, but a small scream jerked her attention back to Rin. In her excitement Rin had leaned farther over the fence than she should have, and came tumbling over the other side. Right down on top of Kagome.

Oh my god! Are you okay, or you hurt.” Kagome sat the child up and began checking her for injuries. Rin burst into tears.

Aww honey don't cry, everything’s going to be okay.” Kagome tried to console her, but Rin jumped out of her arms. Kagomes eyes locked on something behind the child and she gasped. A long black tail swished from side to side behind Rin. Following her gaze Rin began to cry harder.

Are you going to kill me now?” She asked tears streaming down her face.

What no ...why would I do such a horrible thing?” Kagome question, but Rin began to back away. Before Kagome could say a word, Rin bolted, but not in the direction of her house.

Wait Rin! You shouldn't run off by yourself its going to be dark soon!” Kagome gave chase, following Rin around the block.

*Crap she fast!* Kagome thought, her lungs burning.

Rin continued to run, and the sun set, leaving Kagome stumbling after her. Seeing a small shape dash down an ally way, Kagome made to follow, but a beer bottle rolled under her foot sending her to the ground with a snap. Kagome screamed and grabbed her ankle. Pain made her gaze fuzzy and her mouth water with the need to vomit.

Miss Ka....Kagome. Are you ok?” Kagome whipped her head up at the sound of Rin's voice.

I hurt my leg.” Kagome gasped out Rin began to cry again.
“I didn't mean for you to get hurt! I just didn't want you to kill me like my brother said you would.” Rin cried, standing forlornly in front of Kagome. Pushing the pain back Kagome tried to reassure her.

I would never hurt you or any other child. And my getting hurt is not your fault, you were just scare.” Rin approached tentatively.

Really? Your not mad?” She asked, Kagome shook her head.

No I'm not mad, but we have to get you home. I'm sure your parents are worried.” Kagome stood shakily and tested her ankle, wincing when pain shot up her leg.

Taking a deep breath Kagome held out her hand to Rin, the girl took it. Kagome noticed tiny claws, as they cut across the palm of her hand, but ignored it and limped from the ally. They seemed to wonder for hours, as they tried to retrace their steps. When Rin stumbled into her for the fifth time kagome sighed and swung her the girl into her arms, biting back a moan of pain. It seemed the longer she walked around, the worst the pain became. Sweat trickled down her face,neck, and back as a fierce headache pounded behind her eyes. Kagome almost collapsed in relief, when she finally recognized a street sign. Ten minutes later She reached the front gate of Rin's house.Shuffling up the long winding drive way to the front of Rin's house, Kagome barley noticed the large four story mansion, until she tripped over the steps. Clutching Rin tighter to her chest, Kagome pounded on the door.

Toga Tashio paced his living room as his mate cried softly on the couch, a picture of their daughter held to her chest.

The boys will find her Izayoi, do not distress yourself so.” Toga began to gather her into his arms when someone pounded on the front door. Toga rushed to open it, hopping it was about his child. He frowned when a young human woman fell into his arms, Rin fast asleep in hers.

Smelling her fathers familiar sent, Rin's eyes popped open.

Daddy!” Hearing her daughters voice Izayoi ran forward and pulled Rin into her arms. In Toga's arms, Kagome whimper and cried out. Toga's nose twitched as he smelled the Inu-Posion racing threw her veins. Cursing he gathered her limp form into his arms and stormed up the stairs.

Izayoi, call for the healer!” He ordered. Kicking the first door he came to open, Toga laid the woman on the bed, and slapped her cheek gently.

Ugh” Kagome felt like her whole body was on fire. Opening her eyes, she squinted up at the handsome, man who hovered above her.

Can you hear me child? What is your name?” He questioned. Licking her dry lips, Kagome tried to answer, but her throat felt like sandpaper.

Her name is Kagome daddy, she brought me home.” Rin informed her father from the door.

At her father's insistence Rin related the whole story, hardly pausing to take a breath. Nodding at his child's long winded explanation, Toga began to remove Kagome's clothes with clinical expertise.

Father?” Toga did not look up at the sound his eldest sons voice.

Help me remove her clothing, Sesshomaru. We have to get her into a cold bath quickly.” Toga order. Hearing the steal in his fathers voice, Sesshomaru moved to do as he was told, before filling his bath tub with cold water.

You will have to help me hold her.” His father said when he entered the bathroom with the now naked Kagome in his arms. Without warning Toga thrust the woman at Sesshomaru's chest and removed his shirt and shoes, before taking her back and ordering Sesshomaru to do the same.

I have never seen a human take to the change this quickly.” Toga muttered as he and Sesshomaru lowered the girl into the water.

How was she infected?” Sesshomaru asked curios as to which of his fathers subject had been careless enough to infect the girl.

It was Rin.” Toga stated simply. Sesshomaru paled. Never had a human survived the change after being infected with Inu poison.

We can not allow her to leave if she makes it through the change.” Sesshomaru said. Toga nodded.

We will protect our families secret no matter what, but she will be our responsibility.” Toga informed his son, who would rule after he stepped down.

For years demons had lived among humans without them being alerted to the existence of such powerful beings, and as the largest and most powerful breed it had always fallen to the Inu Youkai to keep the humans in the dark. As head family of the Inu Youkai clan, the Tashio's worked hardest to keep their secret just that. A secret.

Kagome screamed as they lowered her into the water, the two demon males actually had to struggle to keep her in the bath.

What the hell?” Sesshomaru gritted his teeth and sat on the girls flailing legs, before shooting a exasperated look toward his brother. Inuyasha walked further into the room to ogle Kagome naked breast.

If your not going to help, then leave you perverted half breed.” Sesshomaru growled. Toga sighed, but didn't not chasten Sesshomaru for the slur. Inuyasha huffed and stormed from the room, passing his mother on his way out.

How is she?” Izayoi asked.

Better than I expected. Where is the healer?” He demanded.

Most of the female's in the local wolf tribe have gone into labor tonight. No one will be able to arrive for hours yet.” Izayoi replied, flinching at her mates harsh growl.

I think her fever has broke.” Sesshomaru said three hours later, drawing his father's and Izayoi's attention to Kagome.

Nodding Toga lifted Kagome from the water and Izayoi and Sesshomaru wrapped towels around Kagome's shivering form.

Now we wait.” Toga said after laying Kagome on the bed.

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