Scientific Method by JeniNeji

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

AN: This is just for fun, random fun.

Marshmallow Magic

Chapter 4

The fire burnt the wood slowly and from time to time a crack would shatter the silence of the pair. The young miko sat next to the fire and began to spear a few marshmallows in a stick. After assuring herself she had as many as she could eat she sat next to the fire demurely.

Time passed by and her thoughts continued to the Daiyoukai she traveled with. He had softened a little. He was still cold—mind you—but he had become more attentive to her human needs.

A sudden movement made her gaze fly to Sesshomaru and she caught him sniffing the air. “These are marshmallows,” she explained, “They are a futuristic treat most of us enjoy regularly.”

Sesshomaru—noticing he had been caught—turned away from her.

Kagome shook her head, brought a marshmallow closer to her mouth and ate it whole.  After finishing the first, she grabbed a second, “You know, in my time dogs are considered man’s best friend.”

Sesshomaru watched her eat the second and inquired, “Why?”

“I don’t know,” she confessed, “They are really smart too. We train them,” she added with a side grin, “and they obey our commands loyally.” She took the third and last marshmallow, but instead of eating it she studied it carefully.

 “Why would a dog obey a worthless human?”

“Do you want some?” asked Kagome instead and offered the last marshmallow to him “Is the last one.” Kagome noticed the longing look but could also detect the pride rebelling against her suggestion. So, she tried a new approach. “It will not be for free, so do not even think I pity you.”

Sesshomaru glanced her way and narrowed his eyes attentively, “What would you have this Sesshomaru do miko?” His voice was challenging and at the same time curious.

Kagome grinned, “You have to come and get it. I’m not walking there.”

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, “That is hardly a task miko.”

“So, stop stalling and come and get it,” prompted the miko, still sitting next to the fire.

Sesshomaru scowled but stood anyways and walked towards the miko. He accepted the white and chubby marshmallow and chewed on it thoughtfully for a few moments, “So, why does a dog do what you ask?”

Kagome smirked, “Just by offering a tasty treat.”

Sesshomaru gulped down the marshmallow and froze when the miko whispered a soft, “Gotcha.”