Every Dog has its Day by sesshomarusama33

Chapter Forty-One: Don't Leave


Chapter 41

Word Count: 100

Prompt: Soundtrack Challenge, "Endless Story." 


She coughed harshly, her body ridding it of the excess water in her lungs. Inuyasha held on to her closely.

“What were you thinking!? Killin’ yourself ain’t the answer!” Inuyasha yelled, his grip on her tightening. Her eyes started to water as fresh tears spilled from her eyes.

“He’s going to kill Yanagi, Inuyasha! I failed him… I deserve to die!” She wailed, her body wracking with sobs.

“You’re just giving him what he wants, stupid! I’m gonna help you save your brother, so don’t even worry about it! Yukiko…”

Looking up, she saw the blush that painted his cheeks.

“Don’t… leave me.”