The Guy in Green by floridfox

Large Fireflies

This is just a playful little drabble series I've decided to start on the side! It usually takes me a while to write the chapters for Phoenix Flight, so this is a little bit of silliness  that can be updated more often. 

This is a Zelda crossover. I'm not focusing on one particular game or going to go into too many specifics because I don't want people unfamiliar with it to be confused. Everything will be explained as I go, I guess. It is still definitely Sess/Kag, so don't worry!

Each installment will be at 200 words.


It actually started out like a normal day for once. Except when Kagome stepped out of the house that morning, fresh and well studied for her impending exam, she noticed an abnormally large firefly bouncing in proximity to the well, uncharacteristically visible in the daylight.

Sighing, she went to check it out before heading to school. It wouldn’t do to have demons spewing out of it with Grandpa in charge of defense. She slid the doors open with ease, eyes widening when she took in the sight.

The well house was full of glowing orbs, but they weren’t actually fireflies, as she found out. Kagome was allowed to perform a close inspection when one alighted on her nose. It was humanoid.

“What the hell?” She asked intelligently, moving to look down the well.  It looked the same. She shifted from foot to foot, trying to decide if she should just ignore this development and go to school.

But there were fairies in the well house.

Sighing, Kagome set her school bag down and reached for the yellow one that sat in the corner. She hefted it onto her shoulders, huffing once more for good measure, and leapt into the well.