Developments by Ejunkie


AN/ Welcome to my first experimental outlet into the wonderful CU of the Sesshoumaru/Kagome pairing. This began as a short serial of dokuga contest entries, which grew. I hope you enjoy the ride~!  MA for some language and innapropriate scenes for younger readers later.

Another take on the search for the Shikon Jewel

Summary: Kagome finds herself a victim of a change of situation of the worst kind.



The view from the back of a youkai – even if he was only half – had never failed to lighten her heart, inexplicably elevating her mood. The beautiful scenery of this clean, newly born landscape, (free of tar and concrete and fumes) elicited the same tight thrill in her chest - regardless of situation, regardless of boundaries and short time constraints – and as the breeze filled her face, for just a moment, she’d forget everything.

With a muffled growl and trembling, straining muscles, dirty, bare feet sank deep in a crouch back into the earth, wavering as the balance of weight readjusted to a new direction and in a flash of sparking youki, Inuyasha had flung the two of them as far away from their previous location as he could carry them. Kagomes hands tightened their clinging grip around Inuyashas neck; her breath finding her throat and emptying her chest in a quiet rush as her dazed mind struggled with this situation. A battle?

I have you, Kagome!” Inuyasha. Inuyashas voice had a desperate edge to it as the vivid golden gaze caught hers over the red slip of his shoulder, pain sharpening the snarls curling around his words. ”Just, what ever you do- don’t let go.”

“It is not you whom I wish to entreat, half-breed.”

The roiling waves of power had swamped them before Inuyasha had made his next step, an echoing flare of power pulsing from her wrists in a burst she couldn't control, narrowly followed by another whip of light - honing the attacks. The realisation hit her as the quiet snick of the blade released Tetsusaiga, springing, humming from it’s containment. Another crackle of energy swept them, her own newly discovered power flaring in response as inuyasha crashed back into the earth, sending a feral growl ripping from his chest. His muscles quivered - he was hurt? She barely had a chance to gather her thoughts before the dark, deadly energy was rushing to meet them, impossibly matching Inuyashas speed, and the clatter of metal against metal clashed against the air, shoving them both backwards. The flash of silver twisted through the darkness, melting into the shadows between the stumps of tree lining the battered clearing.

"Give up, human."

Another flare of pink erupted around them, her hands shaking as the surge of energy left her, taking her strength with it.There was no way she could keep this up.

Closing her eyes, she pushed from Inuyashas grip, just as the blur of white appeared before them, and warm, thick coils of fur wound around her, tearing Inuyashas clothes from her hands.

She felt the opposing rise in energy from Inuyasha, as the bloody half-demon streaked towards her, hand outstretched – before the image had blurred and she was face to face with the long, arrogant features of the half brother. A darker golden flickered down across her features, slim nostrils flaring slightly, before the deep, growling snarls echoed across the space: “Sesshoumaru- she’s human -this makes no fucking sense-!“

“Join me, or I will kill my brother.”

Her expression strained with the exhaustion of her power, the pink flares weakening into a dull aura.Her eyes rose to his, questioning, searching the gleaming golden irises, stained silver by the moonlight. First he had tried to kill her, now this. Then again, when had she had a choice, since she had stumbled a scarce month ago into this wilderness?

Her eyes settled on the torn-up, quivering form of her Inuyasha, the dried blooding blending his features into his father's scarlet garments. That settled it, simply.



Reviews are greatly appreciated throughout this tumbling ride. ;D