Alpha by Lyra

E: Ecardinate

Drabble Collection: Alpha


The Alphabet Challenge

E: Ecardinate: without hinges

Kagome woke in darkness, utter darkness, and scrabbled about on her knees – encountered softness, then cold floor, a wall – a door?

A door!

But she could find no handle; it wouldn’t slide, either – wouldn’t budge, wouldn’t open -

It opened; but not because of her.

Light poured in from the corridor behind the door and made her blink; she shied back from the only thing that was visible to her, a terrible silhouette.


His fingers reached out slowly for her cheek...and then instead, he turned and stalked back through the door. It sealed behind him, left neither handle, nor hinges, nor seam of light.

A wail rose in her soul, but Kagome quenched it, stared at the door with furious eyes.

“Just you wait; I will get out of here, Sesshomaru! I will - and you’ll regret it!”

She hoped he’d heard her threat. Even if she had to live sustained by her own brightness – it would be enough. She would make it enough.

No one could save her, this time.

Not even...

Inuyasha. Inuyasha, are you alive; are you coming for me? Don’t come for me, Inuyasha.

Even you aren’t strong enough.


A/N: Look how naughty I am, straying from my own rule :P Alphabet Challenge joy, all caught up! All I could think this whole time was that silly riddle from the Hobbit about an Egg. “...and golden treasure inside is hid.” 200 words! Editing Complete! And so Onwards!

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