Untamed by criticat

Quote: Snowflakes are like kisses sent down from heaven.

This drabble was written for The Lovely Miko’s Prompts and Quotes challenge.

Standard disclaimer applies. I do not own Inuyasha.

Quote: Snowflakes are like kisses sent down from heaven.

Time for a cute chapter!

“Do you really have to go?” The four year said, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, small hands wiping away any evidence of salty water. Eliciting a warm smile from his sister he too felt the corners of his mouth twitch as a small smile tugged at his lips, Kagome embracing his small form.

“I wish I could stay but I have no choice. I must obey the mage.”

“But we must obey the Raj. There is no one more important.”

Suddenly his face lip up with a toothy smile, a small hand shooting up as he declared “I’m the heir. I’m the next Raj. I can tell the mage to go away and leave you in the palace. He will do what I say, yes? Then you can stay.” Eyes shining brightly, he puffed out his chest as much as he could, grinning. Kagome laughed, tackling her brother, both falling onto the plush pillows, the girl tickling him mercilessly.

“Such a clever boy! Such a big boy too, aren’t you?”

“Not a little boy” the four year old reiterated seriously.

“No, definitely a big boy,” she said, kissing him as he collapsed into giggles.

Calming down somewhat, the two lay in silence, Souta clutching onto his sister’s hand as he fought a loosing battle against sleep. Yawning, he rubbed his eyes, murmuring quietly “Tell me a story.”

“What story do you wish for?”

Frowning as he pondered his options, Souta finally chose.

“Tell me about snow.”

“I see you favour this one lately.”

Wrapping her hands securely around the boy as he closed his eyes, Kagome spoke mutely, stroking his obsidian locks absentmindedly.

“Once upon the time, in a land far far away, there lived a silver haired warrior with eyes as bright as the sun. He was the strongest and the most feared man in all lands, yet he was kind, helping anyone who asked for his assistance, not asking for anything in return. It appeared as if he had everything: admiration, riches, power. He should have been happy but he felt that something was amiss. Until he fell in love.”

“Was she beautiful?”

“Very. A princess with long dark tresses that cascaded down her back. One day, the people of the land asked him to fight against a vicious beast. A fire breathing shaitahn that none could defeat. He did not want to leave his love, knowing that he had many foes who may wish to harm her and yet his heart was noble and he could not live happily knowing that many suffered. So he left with a heavy heart. As the princess bid goodbye to her love, she whispered into his ear. Snowflakes are like kisses sent down from heaven. The warrior smiled and... Souta?”

Turning her head minutely, she saw that the little boy was fast asleep, his chest’s rise and fall hinting at no trickery on his part. Planting a quick kiss onto his forehead, Kagome stood, taking in the sight of her brother, tucking the memory away securely.