Untamed by criticat

Prompt: Dapocaginous

This drabble was written for Smittee’s Alphabet challenge.

Standard disclaimer applies. I do not own Inuyasha.

Miroku raised his head slowly, cringing as his blood encrusted skin strained under the effort of first movements, finally conscious and painfully aware of the cold and dampness of the dungeon. Flexing muscles, he grit his teeth as pain dug its claws into his limbs, mauve bruises reminders of the dapocaginous men that exchanged profanities mere feet away, pounding their fists against the door as they argued.

Hearing familiar half-hearted curses to his right, Miroku forced a smile, dry lips moving slowly.

“I am glad that you are alive, my friend..”

“And kicking. Now stop playing the damsel in distress and help me already! These damn chains are bewitched or something, I can’t break ‘em.”

Feeling around his mouth with his tongue, Miroku’s eyes lit up, lips curling lightly in a victorious smirk as he located the object he searched for, hidden well enough not to be taken away with their armour and weapons. With quick and light flicks he pushed it to his lips, clamping them tightly around it. Feeling Inuyasha shift closer, he leaned towards the lock.

Prompt: Dapocaginous - mean-spirited; heartless.