Medley's by Luna

Spicy Viennese Espresso

Standard disclaimer applies. I do not own Inuyasha. Not even a little.

This is written for Smittee's Alphabet Challenge!

Every week, she will put out a single prompt, starting with the letter of the alphabet that's next in line. So that means, twenty-six letters, twenty-six chapters! Please enjoy the start of what I hope will be a smart, funny, romantic story based off my two favorite Inuyasha characters!

This will be a collection of one-shots, so chapter length will vary from chapter to chapter.


1: A

By: Luna

Kagome smiled cheerfully as she poured coffee into a traveling mug, keeping up a lively stream of conversation as she then toasted her customer a bagel. As she slid her offerings across the counter, the elderly man gave her a roguish wink as he slid her more than the cost of coffee.

Winking back, she pocketed her tip and sighed, utterly content. She heard the front doors' bell chime, telling her she had another customer. Looking over, warmth spread through her middle, around her heart. He was back again. A customer she was already half in love with, and she didn't even know his name.

His hair must have grayed prematurely, for his silver locks held a purity she's rarely seen. His aristocratic features, though currently pinched, were heart-stoppingly gorgeous. His hair was cropped short in the back but grew a little longer in front, where his bangs brushed against his eyebrows and the tips of his ears.

His eyes were a hazel so warm they appeared golden. Though the color was that of a warm sunset, the expression in them was like ice as he went to a corner booth and sat down, his movements uncharacteristically short and choppy, far different from his usual grace.

Smiling, she automatically started grinding fresh coffee beans, then brewing until it made two perfect shots of espresso. She mixed that with four ground cloves, a half teaspoon of allspice and cinnamon, then topped it off with a lavish dollop of whipped cream.

She pulled out a secret stash of handmade chocolate truffles, which she made every week just for him. She placed two carefully on a small plate on top of a paper doily, before placing the hot espresso on the tray next to the chocolates. Picking the tray up, she made her way to her favorite customer before placing the coffee and chocolate, both unasked for but needed, in front of him.

His golden eyes took in her offerings, staring at the truffles before closing his eyes and breathing in the spicy smell of her Viennese Espresso.

"Bad day?" She asked sympathetically as he reached for the coffee, holding it under his nose for a moment to breath in the aroma before taking a slow sip.

"Hnn." He sighed at the spicy flavor. He reached for a truffle. "My father fired me."

Kagome gasped. "Your own father?"

He took a bite of chocolate, savoring the sweet flavor mixed with the spiciness of the drink. "I had forgotten to mention that I had started my own business… and the fact that I recently bought him out."

"Er… so how could he fire you if you technically own his own company?" She asked, a little confused.

"I only bought the business," he told her, his eyes back to his espresso. "Not the management."

"I hope he doesn't hate you." She said, grimacing at the whole situation.

He paused, the espresso cup half way to his lips. "No." He stated, almost curiously. "He was quite proud of me."

Blinking, Kagome gave one of the curls falling out of her bun an absent tug, before she shrugged in acceptance of her ignorance. "So this is a bad day… how?"

He was scowling now, his fingers clenching around the little cup with a little more force than necessary. "My brother is coming to visit."

Okay, now she was completely lost. Family was supposed to be a good thing. Wasn't it? "I'm sorry?"

For the first time he tipped his head up and met her eyes, and the color in them took her breath away. She's never seen a color so gold before…

"If you knew him, you really would be sorry." He was scowling at her. Not the expression she had been hoping for, but at least now he was actually looking at her. Did he notice the new earrings she bought yesterday…?

"Well, I really am sorry I don't understand your family's dynamics. I love it when my brother comes to visit me." She said with a smile, hoping that he noticed the subtle shade of coral she added to her lips that day.

"He is the lowest of the low." Her customer confirmed. "A beast with no manners. On the food chain, he would be a crustacean."

She chortled at his rant; she's never seen him so vehement before - but sobered quickly when he glared at her. She patted his shoulder in commiseration. "I'm sorry, sir. Please feel free to come in here anytime you need a break from your brother, and I'll serve you one of my special pick-me-ups."

He huffed, turning his attention back to his half eaten truffle. "Then you may expect to see me in here quite a bit this week."

If that was the case, she hoped his brother visited more often!


Prompt: Abapical, Smitee's ABC Challenge, April 21st 2011

Words: 802

Definition: Abapical - the lowest point.