UnWelcome Home by LadySafire

Chapter 1

1.     Missed

Kagome quick-stepped into the elevator just as the door swished shut, narrowly missing the hem of her skirt and pushed the 18th floor button, where she worked.She carefully checked to make sure she hadn’t spilled any of the lattes she carried in the cardboard holder from the deli down the street for her boss, Mr Touga Tashio.

Satisfied not a drop had spilled, she watched the numbers light up as it rose quickly to her chosen floor unaware fate was waiting for her.

2. Waiting

She strode quickly into the office and tapped lightly upon the inner office door. At the

 low called out “Enter.” She stepped in, a bright smile of her face for the silvery haired man behind the desk.

“Touga-sama, your white chocolate macadamia latte with whip cream and TWO cherries as requested.”

The tall man gratefully nodded his thanks as he accepted it from her and took a large sip, sucking one of the cherries into his mouth, happily chewing.

He swallowed and asked, “You got my text?”

“Yes, who is the third coffee for, if I may ask?”

“It is for me.” Spoke a low baritone she hadn’t heard in four years.

3. Excited

Gold eyes watched as the dark haired young woman slowly turned to face him.

They narrowed slightly at Kagome’s cool greeting. “Oh hello, Sesshomaru. It has been a long time.” She gave a short nod towards the disposable cup. “Please enjoy the coffee. Touga-sama, I’ll leave the both of you to your visit.”

They both watched as she strode out the door, softly closing the door behind her.

Sesshomaru turned to his father. “That was not expected.”

“What? Did you expect her to be excited about your return, son?” The older youkai sighed deeply. “You left her at the altar.”

4. Welcome

“I thought I might get more of a welcome, even if it was an angry one.” Sesshomaru said softly.

“What? Did you expect her to fall weeping into your arms, professing that she still loved you?” At the slight pink tinge along his son’s ears, his father snorted derisively. “Idiot.”

Touga leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. “Though truth be told, I was imagining a more emotional response to your return.”

 At the light click of the office door, they both watched as Kagome marched over to stand in front of Sesshomaru.

 Her hand shot out and delivered a sharp slap to an ivory cheek. “Welcome home and go to hell, you jackass!” she hissed vehemently.

5. Belong

Both males watched as Kagome swung around and strode angrily to the door.

She snapped her head around to speak to Touga. “You have an appointment in one hour, sir. I will go ready the conference room.”

The sharp “snick” of the closing door sounded louder that thunder in the large office. Touga looked at the darkening handprint on his offspring’s face and began to laugh.

Sesshomaru turned to glare at his sire. “And what do you find so amusing about her striking me?”

Touga continued to laugh. “THAT was the response I was expecting!”

6. Kept

Kagome slammed the portfolios down on the polished table and began to set them into their places around it.

“Stupid jerk, acting like nothing happened! How DARE he!” she fumed as she snapped another folder into place. “Does he think I kept my hopes up that he would someday come back on his hands and knees begging my forgiveness?! HA!! Fat chance, dog boy!”

“No, but I had hoped for some shred of forgiveness, Kagome.” Came a voice from behind.

Suddenly all the pain and desolation welled up from the day he had jilted her and flown to England to take over one of his father’s companies.

“You lied to me.” She whispered brokenly. “You said we would be together.”

 “I know and I have regretted it ever since.”

7. Smitten

“Why did you do it?” she asked as tear trailed down her face, eyes dark and a mournful blue.

Sesshomaru slowly moved to stand in front of her and reached out to brush the offending teardrop away. “Even InuYoukai can be frightened, Kagome. I questioned my feelings for you. I was unsure if I really loved you or if I was just momentarily smitten with a beautiful woman.” He gazed with quiet apology into her eyes and dropped to his knees in front of her. “ I ask for your forgiveness, Kagome. Will you let me prove to you that I am sincere?”

He held his breath as he waited for her answer.

8. Loved

Kagome walked beside the river alone as she remembered that day. She had told Sesshomaru a quiet “No.” and left the room.

Most males would have let it end there but she had forgotten how tenacious Inuyoukai could be. He had given her a week and shown up at her apartment door with her family, his family, marriage license and a minister to marry them. And the ring he had bought for their wedding four years earlier.

She smiled slightly, remembering the angry words that had spewed from her mouth at his high handedness.

 He had simply told her in front of all present that he loved her and she would be his wife. Then he had kissed her silly and moments later she had found herself repeating vows.

Strong arms curved around her as his face nuzzled into her shoulder tenderly, interrupting her quiet reverie.

“Am I forgiven yet?” he asked softly.

 Kagome turned impish eyes towards him. “No.”

Molten eyes gleamed in the fading sunlight as he gazed down at her.“Ah, then let us retire to our room, so that I show you a more private and thorough apology, my wife.” 

Soft laughter and heated murmurs drifted out into the evening as the couple made their way inside.

The End.


Hopefully you can see this.

Please read and review.

Love LadySafire