This is What Happens.... by Naraku

When Target Practice Goes Wrong


Disclaimer: I do not gain profits nor do I own any of the characters from the Inuyasha Series.. If I did.. things would be a lot different. (: All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. <33

Prompt : Missed

Word Count: 133

Carefully, a young miko took aim at the target she had placed against a tree some 200 yards away.

Archery was not one of her greater skills, though she had been improving over time.

So with precise aiming, she drew back the arrow, bow string drawn tight. With a silent prayer to herself she wished 'Let it hit!' The arrow flew through the air towards the target, but just when it was about to land a bulls eye, a blur of white and red flashed through her vision and knocked the arrow off course causing her to miss.

Not far from her, an arrogant demon lord stood, an all but invisible smirk gracing his lips.

Kagome twitched angrily. " You jerk!!" she yelled before storming over to her arrow, pointedly ignoring the demon lord.


A/N : Posted for DDN 04/17/11