Kame by jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo


Chapter 1

Flakes of snow fell across the high mountains of Langley. Shining blue eyes reflected the small amount of sunlight which peeped through the thick grey clouds.


She felt the silent whisper creep amongst the thorns of her heart. Her cold, shivering hand touched the clear glass as her black lashes brushed themselves against her wet cheeks.

play with us Kagome, play with us pretty raven...

It had been such a long time since she had glanced at the golden sand and massive blue ocean; oh how she missed the way it would roll in a natural rhythm to the sea breeze. Now all she could see within her surroundings was white, silver and brown. Everything was dead and not a single animal could be heard. Was she to be trapped here forever?

A tall unnoticed shadow crept slowly across the marble staircase, consequently small slippered feet quickly shifted their way along the tiles before reaching the bottom of the staircase.

Bowing from the line of her hips, Kagome greeted the person to which had kept her safe for so many days, so many months, so many years even.

“Lord Sesshoumaru,” she said softly, her conflictive emotions now masked by an empty shell; to many one would be unable to understand her feelings with one glance at such an empty shell, but this demon knew better.

“Kagome, due to the amount of time you have lived here, do you honestly expect to fool me with that expression of yours?”

Kagome bit her lower lip as the tears she fought so hard to hold back eased their way down her reddened cheeks.

It was pitiful; Sesshoumaru refused to touch the miko yet the urge to do such was achingly powerful. Oh how he wished he could run his claws through that silken ebony, to taste her soft skin and feel the blood rush to her beautifully shaped face.

Plucking a silk handkerchief from the depths of his yukata, the demon allowed it to flutter down into the moist hands of the woman before him.

“Wipe your tears miko,” he felt his cold fatigue falling into place as heavy knocks boomed against the doors of his home.

Nodding Kagome complied before crawling behind Sesshoumaru, the world had become cruel since the reign of Naraku. Forever she had been forced to hide within snowy lands because of that foul, disgusting, bitter and tasteless monster. Kagome felt her stomach curl into knots at the thought of what she had experienced due to that hideous creature and his goals.

Her mother had been raped, her brother decapitated, and she almost assaulted by Naraku's henchmen.

For weeks she fled across the seas of Europe, for days she climbed the Langley mountains in hope of finding the demon who she once knew many thousands of years ago. She had been fortunate to catch his attention as many had been tracking her. Sesshoumaru killed all of them before any even had the chance to lay a single finger upon her skin.

Broken by the events she had faced, she chose to be silent when around the demon, she hid her emotions within a stone shell. However, over time she came to find pleasure when in Sesshoumaru's presence; he made her feel safe, so she began to talk, to silently tell him what she knew of Naraku and why the hanyou had decided to bring displeasure upon her home. For years she hid upon the white lands in which he tended.

But now, now was different.


Holding her breath Kagome listened for the breaking of the large oak doors which had kept out so many horrible creatures. In the blink of an eye she felt the gust of wind swirl upon them, sucking on her lip she did her best to force the oncoming tears away.

I don't want this. Help me, help me, Sesshoumaru help me...

The youkai glanced at the miko; she was scared, he could smell it. Turning to face his opponents, Sesshoumaru scowled; Naraku was indeed a cowardly man if he wished to play childish games such as these.

Sesshoumaru's nostrils flared and with one sweep of his hand the two puppets were rendered into rusty ashes.

“In future Naraku I suggest you do not invade my home with such weak minions.”

Kagome cringed as the rumbling chuckle echoed across the towering white walls which were no longer safe.

“Forgive me Sesshoumaru, I merely wished to give the young one a frightening entrance. Adolescents these days, we all know how they like a little thrill.”

Nearly whimpering Kagome pressed herself against Sesshoumaru's back; once upon a time the miko had no fear, but as she felt the creature's red eyes lust after her bloody screams, she could not bring herself to be confident by the slightest.

Sesshoumaru get me out of here, now, please.

As if able to read her thoughts the demon allowed his mokomoko to curl across her body. It was time, he would need to speak to the union tonight.

Flicking a black switch on the porcelain wall of his modernised mansion, Sesshoumaru then proceeded to grasp a white sack hanging next to his oak shelf which held arrangements of hand-copied scrolls. Kagome watched as the demon tensed his legs. Understanding what he was about to do, Kagome clung to him, surprised at the strong warmth she felt. Closing her eyes and bracing for the journey ahead Kagome felt as they both were caught within the white clouds. Ignoring her nausea from the sudden launch, she peered down through the sky, and watched with horror as her home for the past three years exploded into millions of pieces.

Naraku's chortles crushing her hopes of ever seeing that tall, divine tower whole again.


To Be Continued


By jazzyinuluvsesshyxxo



Right, so... Naraku now chortles, I thought that because he tends to be a bit of a crafty man, well lets humiliate him a tad p;

Kame was originally for a contest, now it's just for fun. Kame - for those of you who were not aware - is the Japanese word for turtle. I like my random Japanese words in fanfiction, it encourages readers to explore different languages. I for one study Japanese p; (though I'm not terribly great at it ahahaha).

Reviews are highly appreciated! My writing tends to be fairly... odd... it lacks better descriptions and the word choice I have also tends to be pretty demented.

Oh well, I do try to make it interesting p;

Jazzy xoxo <3