The Sky Opened up and Cried by ~Smiling insanity~

The Sky Opened up and Cried

She never expected a happy ending because she knew she could never have one. She never dreamed for a fairy tale ending, or a night in shining armor to come save her. She never dreamed to ever ride away into the sunset with the man she loved. She knew better than to hope like that.

No, she never expected anything other than the tears she knew she was bound to cry. She never wanted anything from this world other than the love she knew she could never have, because she didn't want to have to wake into reality, once again realizing she was still alone in this world.

[quote]~Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there~ [/quote]

Just when she thought she was happy and everything was going great, the sky opened up and cried for her.

It opened up and cried when her father was shot, protecting her from a robber and ended up dying in her arms. It opened up and cried when she came home and her mother slapped her, blaming her for her father's death. The sky opened up and cried when her mother kicked her out of the house right when she turned sixteen, nobody even knowing she had a daughter.

For she was never allowed to have friends, go outside, or to even go to school like a normal girl her age. No she was home schooled in a place where she wasn't even wanted. A place called home but never truly felt like it.

The sky opened up and cried when she huddled close to herself, hungry and no where to go except an old abandoned tunnel at the park. The place where the sky first opened up and cried for her, the place her father and the only person to ever love her took his last breathe.

The sky cried when she finally found a nice job and a nice affordable apartment, only for it to ripped away from her grasp once again. Another so called home ripped away from her before she even had the chance to get used to a normal happy life.

Of course, she never expected to fall in love with a man that gave her everything she could ever dream of. A nice house, a great job, food on the table, and an unconditional love that knew no bounds. She never knew things like that could even exist in her bleak world.

She never expected to have everything that she always wanted in life, the stuff she thought she could never have or deserve.

She forgot all of her sorrow, loneliness, and for once she was happy with the man she loved with every single broken piece of her heart.

Then the sky opened up and cried as she watched him clutch his hand to his chest, blood seeping through his slim fingers where a bullet hole lay beneath. Blood seeping around them as they laid on the cold ground, both dying in each others arms. Her midnight hair mixing with his silver hair, under the moonlight.

[quote]~'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all~[/quote]

Then she remembered why she never expected a happy ending, because in her world happy endings never existed, only bitter sweet ones.

So she looked up into the heavens, the sky's tears mixing with the tears streaming down her face and the blood on the ground. A soft smile adorned her face even as she watched the rise and fall of his chest slow to almost nothing.

She watched a smirk cross his usual emotionless face, as he inhaled her scent one last time. The maroon stripes on his cheeks coming through the seal that constricted his powers and the blue moon on his forehead glowing softly in the dark. A peaceful look came across his face as she heard him forcing air into his lungs, his whispered words echoing through the darkness surrounding him.

"People like me and you were never supposed to end or begin happily, but always know that the end is only a new beginning and a chance for happiness for someone else. Giving someone else a chance to have what we never could. Maybe next time our story will have a happy ending." Came his raspy voice as it faded away like the rest of him. The hand holding hers going limp and cold.

No, there was no happy ending but she would still always carry something she thought she would never have.

The memories of the love she shared with the man she would have spent the rest of her life with, if only the sky wouldn't had opened up and cried on her so often. For she never had a Fairy God Mother nor had she walked into the sunset hand in hand smiling.

She died because she was not going to have a happy ending, nor was her love going to last forever like in stories.

More the opposite, she was given the love she never expected from anyone even if in one short second, it was all ripped away from her.

So the sky opened up and cried, this time for a whole different reason. Marking the bitter sweet beginning and end of her not so happy ending. No, she never had a happy ending, but she didn't have a sad one either.

Her ending was her own fairy tail ending, she wouldn't expect anything more and nothing less. This was the way everything was supposed to be, and that is how it is.

Her last breathe was that of loss but also of the love that was held deep within her aching heart, even as once again it was taken from her. Even in death a soft bitter smile lit her face and for once she didn't have to wait for the sky to open up and cry for her. For it already was and always would, even if she was in a place where she could no longer feel it crying.

[quote]~Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop~[/quote]