The Fake Princess by Yoru-101


The Fake Princess

Prompt: Demonstration

Word Count: 450

The concept was simple: impersonate a dead princess, get free luxury accommodation, trick a dog demon general that just so happens to the long-dead father of your best friend into thinking you’re his girlfriend, get pretty clothes and try not to die. Didn’t sound too hard.

Kagome’s mouth was open, but no sound was coming out. So instead she did the stupidest thing she could think of.

She nodded.

Yuki grabbed her in a fierce hug.

“Thank you so much, milady! You have saved us all!”

Kagome could only stand there and gape. What had she done?

Letting go eventually, Yuki began to mutter to herself and pace around the room, apparently planning. She hailed over to a young servant girl that Kagome hadn’t noticed before to get a scroll, a brush and an ink stone. Another servant girl ushered Kagome to kneel before where Yuki was writing what appeared to be a schedule. Kagome’s mind was too shell-shocked to completely absorb what was being muttered to her.

Kagome’s eyes skimmed over the words written; Etiquette, kimono fittings, fan demonstrations, tea ceremony were among various things scribbled on the scroll. Yuki just kept writing. Her hand was a flurry of movement, a blur. Her brush moved at the speed of sound yet her handwriting was as still better than anything Kagome could do. Her handwriting was like calligraphy, yet it looked so elegant, so fluent. Colours blended into each other around her and Kagome felt sick to her stomach. Why was she here again? Oh, right.

Suddenly the room had become a bustle of activity. Servants and strangers were hugging her left and right, some sobbing gratefully in front of her , all because she agreed to be their fake princess. People were bringing in crates full of things. Ornate fans were mounted upon the radiant walls, adding to their splendor. The once empty castle was being brought to life all because of one simple nod.

Barely listening to Yuki, Kagome let the sounds drone on into a dull hum around her. This was too overwhelming. She just wanted to relax. Just hours ago she was sitting under the Goshinboku with Inuyasha and her family.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

My family.


She closed her eyes and wished for the blue of the sky again. She wished for the blue of the space-time continuum and the feeling of weightlessness that brought her to strange, terrifying and wonderful places.

I wish to go home.

She opened her eyes.

She was still in hell. She was still here. She was trapped like a sparrow in a golden cage.

Let me out. Let me fly.

Kagome fell backwards, and wished for green grass.