The Fake Princess by Yoru-101


The Fake Princess

Prompt: Regrets

Word Count: 450

Kagome was at a loss for words. Her? Save them? Wasn’t she just kidnapped?

Tears spilled down the woman’s face while she waited for an answer.

“Whoa, back up. What do you need saving from? And a better question, who are you?”

The woman sniffled and tried to right herself.

“Forgive me.” She said. “I am still a bit emotional after what has happened.”

The woman used the sleeve of her kimono to smear her tears into her cheeks. She then took a deep breath, straightened her back, and suddenly looked years younger.

“I am Yuki, and I was the princess’ royal minister.”

Kagome nodded slowly.

“Okay… And what does this have to do with me?”

Yuki started and grabbed her wrist with the same firm grip the prior girl did. She was pulled to a tapestry ten times life size. The weaving was expertly done, each strand of thread almost invisible to the eye. The tapestry was of a lovely princess, wearing the same kimono she was. The bamboo blossoms seemed more lively in the painting, Kagome mused. Such things didn’t suit her.

As her gaze traveled up, her mind received a shock. The princess was her exact likeness. Ebony hair streamed on forever in the painting, but every bit as luxurious as one that used future hair products. The porcelain skin was far too light for one that was outside for most of the day, and the fingers to delicate for pulling back a bowstring.

But the face was exactly the same. Blue eyes and all.

Kagome’s same blue eyes traveled down to the inscription woven at the bottom. Her heart dropped in her stomach.

Izayoi-hime of the House of the Northern Wind.

Kagome’s gaze slowly traveled back to Yuki, who was staring at the tapestry with sorrow. Kagome tried to speak.


“She’s dead.”

Kagome’s gut dropped alongside her heart.

“She died this morning. In her sleep the healer’s say.” Yuki attempted to shrug nonchalantly, but her shoulders were shaking with suppressed sorrow.

Yuki’s gaze met Kagome’s icy blue.

“You must save us.”

Kagome’s mouth opened to retort, but she was interrupted.

“I regret forcing this upon you, but we have no other choice. He will kill us if he finds news of her death.”

Yuki’s eyes tore away from her own. She sank to the floor in a heap of silk, and bowed her head to the mat. She was in a position of utter helplessness. Kagome froze. She didn’t know what to do.

“What am I supposed to do?” She whispered.

Yuki bolted upright and grabbed Kagome’s forearms before she could even blink.

“Take her place.” Yuki whispered.

“Become our princess, and save this city from that monster.”