Every Gimmick in the Book by naqaashi

Violence is Not Ladylike

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.


Very carefully, Kagome cut Sesshoumaru’s call and stared at the phone.

It was a pretty phone. A Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro. It was small, shiny and pink with black trimmings. Great sound quality. Excellent apps. Had cost her a pretty penny, too. All in all, it was a stylish phone for a stylish young woman.

“Isn’t this a nice phone, Sango?”

Sango, her diaperhood friend and soul sister, agreed cautiously.

“It definitely doesn’t deserve such a fate, does it, Sango?”

“That’d be just a teeny bit unkind, yeah.”

“Hmm…” Kagome continued to sit immobile, considering the hapless piece of technology cradled in her palm. She was sure the battery was sweating ions by now…

“Am I mean enough to go through with it, Sango?”

Sango contemplated her friend’s profile. Kagome was so very pretty to look at, after all. She had a nice, clean profile, too. Chin gently curved, lips pouting to just the right degree, nose titled up just so to perfect pertness, gleaming black bangs framing the entirety just so…she was using quite a lot of ‘just’s, wasn’t she? But that look in the girl’s eye was…just…so…

Sango shivered. And Sango did not shiver easily, being highly trained in kickboxing and possessing a natural intrepidity of spirit.

Kagome had caught the tremble at the corner of her vision, however. “Am I scaring you, Sango?”

“Not as much as you would be if I were tiny and pink-and-black and fragile and about to make the close acquaintance of one of your walls, Kago-chan. And I’d appreciate it lots if you didn’t chant my name so ominously at the end of every sentence. May I rescue the phone?” And she gladly did the honours without waiting for assent.

Kagome shrugged, perked up and returned to braiding her friend’s hair.   


Prompt: Perk (This was entered for Dokuga_contest's Weekly Perfection challenge. Didn't win anything though... XD)

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