Moments by Skyisthelimit

Movie Night

A/N: Errr So my AN for this mysteriously disappeared...or at least, I think I did - I'm pretty sure I had one here. If not, well, now i do. Basically, this is my collection of DDNs and IDDNs. This one was for the Valentines day DDN on 2/13 - 2/14 (DDNs are pretty late lol). 

In the summary will be a summary of the latest DDN - just go to the latest chapter to get to it!

Disclaimer: do not own Inuyasha


Prompt 1 - Soft Light 

“This Sesshomaru fails to see the appeal,” the daiyoukai remarked, watching the screen with disinterest.

In his arms, Kagome turned, smiling. “Are you sure? Don’t you find Ilsa pretty?”


“The woman - played by Ingrid Bergman? Have you been paying attention at all?”

“That’s a horrible name. And no, I do not.”

“Well you’d be the first. You know, they’d put a stocking over the camera lens to cast her in a ‘soft light.’”

Sesshomaru spared one more look at the tearful actress, before looking away.

“Hn. Unacceptable. You need no such hosiery to cast your own soft light.”


Prompt 2: Flicker

“Oh really?” Kagome’s smile widened. “That’s awfully sweet of you.”

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. “This Sesshomaru is not sweet. I merely stated a fact.”

The miko regarded her lover softly, the light from the television flickering across his perfect face. She gently traced the markings on his cheeks before stretching herself up for a chaste kiss that quickly became something more.

“I was under the impression that you wished to watch this movie,” Sesshomaru breathed across her lips, entangling one hand in her soft tresses as the other glided down her back.

“Screw it,” she breathed back. He growled approvingly.


Prompt 3: Red Satin

Kagome stretched lazily on the red satin covers. Her hand sought out her lover next to her, only to find the spot empty and cold. Sitting up, she searched the dark room until she heard traces of noise outside the door.

Getting up, she headed to the living room, arriving just in time to see Rick shoot the German general. She raised an eyebrow.

“Perhaps you see the appeal now?” she grinned at the youkai currently seated on the sofa.

Sesshomaru turned to answer the negative, but instead hungrily gazed at the scantily clad miko dressed in his shirt.



Prompt 4: Scent

“Okay, so you don’t like Casablanca. Is there another movie you prefer?”

“Hn,” was his reply.

“Fine, then next we’re watching Wolverine. You’ll like the action, and I’ll ogle Hugh Jackman. He’s such a hottie…” She sighed.

Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed, not liking the excitement and admiration in her scent. That scent was his.

In a flash, he had the miko in his arms. “Absolutely not. I am the only one you may ‘ogle,’” the inuyoukai growled. “This ‘wolverine’ is no match for this Sesshomaru.”

Kagome couldn’t complain as his heated lips wiped away any reply she might have thought of.


Prompt 5 - Music

“So, I say we give up on the whole movie endeavor,” Kagome said, tracing her lover’s chest with a finger.

“Is that so?” He stroked her hair as they laid in bed, lazy in his content.

“Yeah, because we never actually watch the movie, we just end up in bed,” the miko complained.

 “Is that so bad?”

“No, but we should try bonding over something else. How about music?”

Sesshomaru smirked predatorily and nuzzled her neck, eliciting a soft sigh as his tongue tasted the skin there.

“Agreed. Now listen, miko, as this Sesshomaru uses your body to make music.”


Prompt 6: Savour

Panting, but completely sated, Kagome snuggled next to her daiyoukai. “That’s not what I meant by ‘music.’”

“Hn. Are you complaining?”

“No, but I wanted to bond. And don’t say ‘this is bonding’”

He raised an eyebrow.

She sighed. “If I suggested books, you’d say…”

“Your body is the only thing I need to read.”


“The only taste I savour is yours.”

“See? Why is that the only thing on men’s mind?” she lamented.

Sesshomaru wrapped her tighter to him. “Is it so wrong? The only thing that will always be in this one’s mind is you.”

She smiled, closing her eyes in content. “No, it’s just right.”