Randomness by Hya-chan

Little Misshaps

The sound of the news rambled on as a bedridden Miko stumbled to the kitchen. Glancing into the living room she became suddenly aware of the lack of shadow being cast. Moving as silently as she could she proceeded into the room to discover that Sesshomaru, Mr. High and Mighty that he was, had drifted off to sleep at some point. Idly moving a strand of silver hair from his majestic face and placing it behind his ear she returned to the kitchen for her original goal. Rumbing her rounding stomach she opened the fridge. Finding nothing in there that remotely looked appetizing she switched her search to the freezer. She was suprised and delighted to discover confetti ice cream stashed away in the back of their freezer. Not remembering having put it there herself Kagome briefly wondered where it came from. Shrugging it off she percurred herself a bowl and happily gave herself three BIG scoops.

'It's all for the baby.' Yes her thought would justify her actions. Heading back into the living room she decided to sit and watch something as she ate. Seeing as Sesshomaru was fast alseep and wouldn't mind her commendering the tv. As Kagome began to walk around the couch her foot caught on an object that was obscurred from her view of the floor. Terrified of what a fall could do she released her beloved ice cream in favor of catching herself on the back of the couch. Her relief lasted only moments before she realized that a pair of golden eyes were peering at her from the opposite side of the couch. Fighting the chuckles that arose to her throat Kagome took in the scene.

A now, semi conscious, Sesshomaru was propped up on his elbows. His clothing had been spared from the flying frozen treat...sadly his hair had not. His silver hair now had pink sliding down to the ends. The little choclate candy pieces also left an array of interesting colors specced all over his head. He was glaring at her through somemore of the pink mess that was, what use to be her ice cream. She looked at him sheepishly through her eyelashes and mumbled, "Oops?"

I know there are some spelling and grammar errors. They shall be fixed tomorrow. I want to thank Cakeiton for the inspiration. :)