Little Green Matchmaker by AmaViarra

Chapter one

A/N: This was written for the 'Give em some love' challenge. For this entry, I am doing the 'Jaken Love'. Hope you all enjoy C:

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Disclaimer: I own nothing of Inuyasha.

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A heavy sigh escaped the beak of the small kappa demon that followed behind his beloved lord. His mind was full of bothersome thoughts, all of which were tied in with his master. He knew that his master had now reached the age of full maturity. Which meant he would need to find a mate and create a heir soon, he knew that their days of travel would be reduced immensely after his master mated. It will be missed.

However he would not mind, nor would he mind caring for his master's pups when they were born-which as the faithful follower he was, he knew doing so would be added to his job list. What was bothering him however, was who his master's mate would be. He wanted his master to be loved, and to be happy. Which with his master, he knew finding a mate that could provide this, plus power and beauty would be hard to find.

Not to mention his master avoided contact with females unless it was absolutely necessary. Most females, he knew, his master saw as being weak and he had no time for weak things. Glancing towards the female child skipping happily beside him, Jaken snorted. That was one female that stayed with his master, all the time, but he knew his master would not take a child-especially not a human child.

So caught up in his thoughts, Jaken's already wide eyes seemed to widen even further when he felt himself collide with the silken pant leg that he knew belonged to his master. Glancing upwards he flinched as he met the narrowed gaze of his master. Quickly taking a step back, he bowed to his master. “I-I apologize Lord Sesshoumaru!” he exclaimed.

He waited nervously for the next move his lord would make. A sigh of relief escaped when he realized his lord was not going to punish him. Glancing upward, he watched his Lord curiously. It was then that he noticed that his lord's attention was down the road. “What is it Lord Sesshoumaru?” he questioned.

His lord did not glance back as he answered. “The Half breed” he replied simply, though there was a slight undertone of disgust in his voice. Jaken did not need any further words to know why his lord was acting in such a manner. It was no secret that his lord was not fond of his half breed brother. Not that anyone would blame him, the half breed was loud and obnoxious. Staining the family name with anything but the pride and royalty his first master, Inu no Taisho, worked so hard to build or portray.

He watched his lord, seeing on what he would do and if they would be 'meeting up' with his half breed sibling or if they would go a different route to avoid meeting the half breed and his group of human followers. A slight incline of his master's head as he began to walk down the path they were currently on was the answer to his unasked question. His lord wanted to have a meeting with the half breed. Well he thought with an annoyed sigh this shall be interesting.

Hurry up Jaken! Or you will be left behind!”

The shout of his master's ward drew his attention to his current situation. For as the small human girl's words stated-he was indeed being left behind. Huffing he scurried to catch up with his master, the two headed dragon and the child.

As he followed his mind drifted back to his previous thoughts. He would need to find a suitable mate for his lord, before someone else stepped in and forced the wrong one upon him. He huffed, this task would be a hard one, but he would find a suitable mate for his lord-even if it ended up causing his death.

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A/N: Short, I know, the future chapters will be longer. This will probably be a three to four chapter story, depending on how things go it could be longer. As for updating- can't make any promises. Most likely the chapters will come when I get motivated/an idea on how I want the chapter to go. Writing in Jaken's POV was interesting, I kind of liked it c: reviews are always appreciated!