Because That's How I Roll by Avadrea

Till I Runeth Over

Disclaimer:  I don’t own InuYahsha or its characters.  They belong to their creator Rumiko Takahashi.  Enjoy my insanity it isn’t worth anything more than that.

Chapter 21: Till I Runeth Over


Five paces to the right.  Pause and glower at Dr Who poster.  Spin around.  Pace seven steps.  Push over Totoro plushie.   Continue on for three more strides to glare at offending wall.  And repeat

This was the pattern Sesshouamru found himself in as he pondered the deep mystery that was women.  Or to be more accurate, one woman, Kagome.  The more he paced, the more he pondered.  And the more he pondered the more stunning his revelations became. 

When Inuyasha had first brought the human girl home, she had been all wild black hair and skinned knees.  Weak, fragile, and unimportant.  The only reason she had mattered to him was that she had become pack.  A foundling of his brothers, adopted by his father, he had no choice but to grudgingly except her and even extend his protection to her.  But somehow as the years had passed things had slowly changed.  Little by little she had come to matter TO HIM.  And he hadn’t even realized it until it was too late.

Sesshoumaru was no fool.  He had realized he had a problem years ago.  At first he had tried to explain his odd reactions to the blossoming human as instinct.  He only honed in on her scent to reassure himself that she was healthy and in good spirits.  It was something he would have done for any pack member.  Just as it was normal for him to feel excited at seeing her perched on the sofa when he came home from school or for his heart to race when she bustled in on chilly evenings, her cheeks flushed a charming rose.  It wasn’t until his stomach had started to swoop and dip inside him if she got to near that he realized that his reactions where more than just over protective instincts for the weakest in the group. 

He had allowed himself to admit that despite all reason he had a “crush” on his brother’s pet human.  Of course it would only be transitory.  Crushes by their very nature were fleeting things, making you sick with anxiety one day and gone the next.  Surely time would wear away the edge of his infatuation.  Or so he had thought.

Sadly the heart wants what the heart wants.  Or at least that was what the black organ insisted as the dizzying feelings seemed to decide that instead of moving on, they would just settle right in and take root.  His affection for the girl grew as they both moved from pubescence to adult hood.  Drop by drop his heart had become so full it would not take long for the dam to burst.

~to be continued~

Prompt: "Drop by drop - a whole lake becomes."

Recived: 8/18/2014

Source: The Proverbial Challenge

A/N: It's back! This is the first thing I have written in over a year.  I hope I haven't gotten too rusty.  Thank you all my lovely readers for the wounderful welcome backs I have recieveing. I also wanted to promise you that the angst will end soon.  This sappose to be a light hearted romp of my madness.