Perceptions by Danyealle-sama



By Danyealle-sama

Quickly, he stood and yanked his hakama on when he heard the first rustle of something approaching.  From the smell, he knew who was coming as well as the fact that this wasn’t going to end pretty.

Before she could register what was going on, he had wrapped his kimono around her and hoisted her into his arms.  Holding her to his chest, with one arm under her bottom and the other hand on her back, she could feel the tension in him, his muscles tight.  

Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, “What’s going on?”  Although she knew he would protect her, she still felt nervous and a twinge of fear gripped her.

Sensing what she was feeling, he nuzzled her softly with his cheek, gently stroking her back, “My idiot brother has decided to return.  He’s brought the ookami with him this time.”  Feeling her tense up even more and a soft whimper escape, he softened his voice, “Don’t worry, I’ll handle them, Kagome.”

Clinging to him tighter, she nodded but couldn’t stop herself from trembling.

Seconds later, the two men burst into the clearing.  Seeing her in his brother’s arms, dressed only in his kimono, made Inuyasha seethe. “Sesshomaru, you bastard!  Let Kagome go!”  Crouching in his normal battle stance, Tetsusaiga drawn, he waited.

After a couple of minutes, it was apparent to both Kouga and Inuyasha that Sesshomaru was making no move to release the miko.  Normally, he and his half-brother were well into the insult stage of their disagreement by now, with weapons drawn.  Instead, the daiyoukai just stood there looking at him. 


Growling in frustration, Inuyasha glared at Sesshomaru, but addressed Kagome, his tone softer, “Don’t worry, Kagome, we’ll get you away from him.  We won’t let him hurt you anymore.”

Once again he sensed her anxiety level rise and the scent of fear begin to mingle with it.  Trying to calm her down, he rubbed the back of her neck.  Locking eyes with Inuyasha, he glared at him then asked, his tone the normal silken dagger it always was when he addressed the half-breed, “What is this about, Inuyasha?  What is it I’ve supposedly done that Kagome needs you to rescue her?  I haven’t heard her call for you nor ask for your help.”

You know exactly what you did, you fucking rapist!”  Inuyasha spat out.  “You have a hold of her, so of course she isn’t asking for help, but anyone can see that she’s scared!”

Feeling Kagome stiffen and shake harder, a soft moan of fear emanating from her, Sesshomaru glared at his brother, eyes cold and hard, “I may be many things that are unpleasant Inuyasha, but a rapist most certainly isn’t one of them!”  He snarled loudly.  “Yes, she’s becoming frightened, but not of me.  It’s you who is scaring her!”

Don’t worry, Kagome; we won’t let him hurt you anymore.”  Inuyasha said in a tone that was soft and meant to soothe her.  Stepping closer, he glared at Sesshomaru.

Standing in the same place he stopped when he came into the clearing, Kouga looked at Sesshomaru with a puzzled expression sliding across his handsome features.  When Inuyasha had grabbed him in Edo, saying Sesshomaru had Kagome he had been ready to tear up some ass.  On the way when Inuyasha told him rape was involved, he was ready to kill.  Now he wasn’t so sure.  Yes, there was the smell of sex here and he could smell it on them.  There was also the smell of fear, but the two didn’t seem to mingle.  Sesshomaru did seem to be right; Kagome was scared, but it didn’t seem to be of him, it seemed to be Inuyasha that was the one frightening her.  In fact, it seemed that Sesshomaru was trying to calm her down by nuzzling her and stroking her back.  It was strange!

There were other odd things as well.  He was sure this was the first time he had ever heard Sesshomaru call her Kagome.  Usually he called her miko.  Even stranger was her being dressed in his clothes.  If he had raped her, would he have bothered?  In his time, Kouga had the misfortune of seeing several rape victims.  Unlike so many, he knew rape wasn’t about sex, but a crime of power, dominance and control where sex was the weapon.  Men who raped wouldn’t usually care if they were dressed when they were found.  In fact, they would more than likely leave them nude to add to the humiliation.  Almost assuredly they wouldn’t hold and try to comfort them like Sesshomaru was doing.  His behavior wasn’t fitting someone who Inuyasha had told him about to get him to come along.  Something didn’t fit here.

Glancing at Kouga, who he expected to have blown up by now, Inuyasha saw him looking at the two, contemplation on his face.  Sneering, he said to the ookami, “What’s the matter, you mangy wolf?  You chickening out on me?”

No Inuyasha.”  Kouga growled, but his eyes were still locked on the Western Lord and the miko in his arms.  “It’s just that something isn’t right…”  He said, voice trailing off.

What the fuck, Kouga?  You know what an asshole he is!”  Inuyasha said, glaring at him.

There’s a big difference between being an asshole and being a rapist.”  The ookami shot back calmly.

Keh—Worthless as usual.”  Inuyasha grumbled before fixing his brother with another gaze.  “You don’t think he already has an explanation made up to justify what he’s done?”

I don’t need to explain or justify any of my actions to you, half-breed.”  Sesshomaru sneered.

Because you can’t, that’s why!”  Inuyasha shouted.  “It’s hard to justify pinning her to a tree then threatening to kill me to get her to give in to you!”

Waiting, Inuyasha had expected an explanation from his brother, but Sesshomaru didn’t seem inclined to give one.  Staying quiet, the youkai just looked at him.

He had been perched in a tree thinking when the scent of his brother tickled his nose.  Grinning, he focused his attention on the clearing.  He had found this place earlier in the year.  Originally, he had used it as a quiet place to just sit and think, but he learned that plenty of other people used the quiet clearing for something other than his purpose.  It was a fairly busy place for trysts of all kinds.

His brother walked into the clearing with a human female in tow.  Of course he was immediately interested in what the human-hating youkai was doing with a human.  As he had learned in the past, he stayed far enough away from the clearing so that no one, human or otherwise, could see or smell him.  Of course, it left him at a disadvantage, but he could still see all that was going on clearly enough. 

Within minutes of seeing his baka brother, he realized the human was Kagome.  His Kagome!  He was about to hop down and kick some ass when Sesshomaru pinned her to a tree.  After a few minutes of fondling and kissing on her, he pulled away and said, “Am I going to have to go try to kill Inuyasha again for you to give in?”

He couldn’t see much of Kagome around his brothers’ body, but what he could see of her started to shake.

Kouga looked at the daiyoukai warily.  That did, indeed, sound bad and very much liked she was forced.

Well, asshole?  Explain that!”  Inuyasha shouted.

Without saying a word Sesshomaru glared at his brother.

Just as Inuyasha was about to go on another accusatory tirade, Kagome said something so softly no one could make it out.

Stepping closer, but not too close - seeing the look on the daiyoukai’s face told him too close could be deadly, Kouga asked, “What did you say, Kagome?”

Clearing her throat, she spoke a bit louder, voice shaky, “That was a joke.”

How in the hell is threatening to kill me so that you will have sex with him a joke?”  Inuyasha scowled.  “Besides, that fucker doesn’t make jokes!”

Shooting the hanyou a look he hoped would shut him up, Kouga looked at her, waiting for an explanation.  Although if it was her saying it was a joke he would tend to believe her without one.

Holding her a bit tighter to his chest, Sesshomaru nuzzled her softly, eyes still on his brother.  “You don’t have to explain anything to them, Kagome.”  He said a bit gruffly but his tone was soft and voice quiet.

Looking at him, she sighed then said, voice almost a whisper so only he could hear it, “I know but I don’t like hearing you accused of something you didn’t do!”

Although he didn’t say anything she could see that twinkle in his eyes he had when he was happy.

Just then Inuyasha barked, “Explain how this is a joke, Kagome!”

Jerking slightly, startled, she clung a bit tighter to Sesshomaru.

Glaring at the hanyou, Kouga huffed, “Knock it off, Inuyasha!  You’re scaring her!”

It ain’t me she’s scared of!  It’s Lord Asshole there that’s scaring her!”  Inuyasha shot back.

Eying the big daiyoukai carefully, Kouga stepped a bit closer to them then asked her gently, “Is Lord Sesshomaru scaring you, Kagome?”

Shaking her head, she looked at her friend, “No, not at all.”

Explain the joke, Kagome!”  Inuyasha shouted.  “That asshole never makes jokes so it can’t be one!”

Yes he does, you’ve just never heard him is all.”  She said softly

Pinning her against the tree, he inclined his head and captured her mouth with his, kissing her deeply, trying to show her how much he had missed her in the couple weeks they hadn’t seen each other. Moaning, she pressed her body to his, kissing him back with equal fervor.

Since walking into the clearing he had known his brother was there, watching.  As much as he wanted to just ignore the half-breed and continue on, it wasn’t fair to her.  Kissing up her neck, he then whispered in her ear, “Inuyasha is close and watching us.”

As he expected she stiffened up against him and flinched, her eyes widening, but she didn’t say anything.

Sighing, he ran his hand up and down her side softly and looked down at her.  “Do you wish me to stop so we can find somewhere else?  If we do, he’ll probably follow us Kagome.  We’ve been sneaking around for a year now; sooner or later this was bound to happen.  Why not just ignore the half-breed and be done with it?  I’m not ashamed to be with you and to have people know.  You’ve told me the same thing.  It’s time we stopped sneaking around, Kagome.”  He said softly, voice almost tender.  Naturally, with the temper the hanyou had, he assumed they wouldn’t get much further before he interrupted them, outraged.

Shivering slightly, she kept her gaze locked with his.  After thinking about it for a couple of minutes, she nodded.

Pressing tighter against her body, he growled softly then captured her mouth again and began to devour it.  One hand slide across her chest to gently cup one of her still covered breasts, he squeezed it softly with one of his calloused thumbs gliding over the stiffening nipple.

As usual, she quivered under his touch, feeling the heat start to spread throughout her body.  But there was still a bit of reluctance in her.

Silently cursing his bastard brother, he pulled away from her slightly, waiting.

Looking up into his golden eyes, she saw a familiar twinkle in them.  Despite her nervousness at being watched the corners of her mouth began to twitch upwards and her shoulders began to shake a bit from the giggles she was suppressing with the knowledge of what she knew he was going to say.

Smirking, he said, voice smooth as the finest silk, “Am I going to have to go try to kill Inuyasha again for you to give in?”

Shaking harder, she bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing out loud.  This had been a running joke between them since the first time they had sex.  She had been reluctant because she didn’t want to hurt Inuyasha.  Every part of her wanted Sesshomaru though. 

Finally, sensing her reluctance he had come across with that line.  Gasping, she thought he was serious until she saw the twinkle in his eyes and the smirk on his face.  It was then that she realized he was making a joke.

Shaking from repressed laughter, her reluctance melted away and she pressed tighter to him.

I thought you would see it my way again.”  He dead-panned then his lips captured hers .

Sighing, she didn’t look at Inuyasha, but Kouga and explained the running gag between them the best she could in the briefest way possible, blushing brightly as she did. 

Of course, Kouga understood it and even grinned a bit. 

Inuyasha didn’t buy any of it, snarling at his brother.  “Yeah, well, explain why she was pushing you away minutes later when you were trying to get her clothes off, you fucker!”  He snarled.

Umm—because I did’t want his claws shredding any more of my clothes.”  Kagome muttered softly.

That one Kouga had no problem understanding.  Her clothes, different material than the ones they had, didn’t seem to be as hard-wearing and ripped much more easily than the fabrics they used.  He had also seen a few glimpses of her lacy, light undergarments before when she was washing them.  Claws would rend those delicate items to shreds quite easily. 

Getting frustrated at all his accusations being answered, by Kagome no less, Inuyasha pushed forward, “If she wanted to then why did you pin her hands above her head, asshole?”

After both of them were undressed, he picked her up then laid her on her back on the soft grass.  Spreading her thighs, he slid between them on his knees.  Leaning over her prone body, resting on his forearms, his mouth captured hers yet again and kissed her heatedly.  Resting his hard manhood over her mound, he let it slide over it slightly as his mouth was locked with hers.

When he felt her quaking all over and her legs lock around his waist, pelvis thrusting slightly, he pushed himself up on his knees again.  Grabbing both her wrists with one hand, he pinned them above her head.  With the other he grabbed hold of his cock right behind the head.  Rubbing it on her slit, wetting it with her juices, he then put it at her entrance and thrust all the way in with one powerful thrust of his hips.

Arching up as his entire length slid into her tight channel, she let out a loud moan, shaking violently.

Looking at the Western Lord, Kouga could have sworn he saw him smirk even though his mouth was hidden behind Kagome’s head.  Kagome blushed a dark pink and lowered her eyes.  That was enough to tell him that whatever it was had nothing to do with force. 

Well?”  The red-faced, and obviously frustrated, hanyou demanded.

This time it wasn’t Kagome that answered, but Sesshomaru.  “That question is enough to tell me that you have never felt her claws in your back, Inuyasha.”  He purred silkily.  “They can do as much damage as ours can when they dig into your skin.”

Kouga actually had to strangle a bark of laughter at the look on Inuyasha’s face.  The hanyou had actually blushed brighter than Kagome.

However he quickly recovered and went back on the attack.  “How many times did she tell you no after that, Sesshomaru?  But you kept on!”  He growled.

While the big youkai fucked her in long, deep strokes, his mouth worked on her neck, kissing, nipping and sucking on it before beginning to whisper in her ear.

Inuyasha was too far away to hear what he was saying, but he could clearly hear her soft, moaned “no” as a response.

Sesshomaru kept thrusting harder, her body rocking under his with each of them.  Still he kept whispering in her ear and she kept saying no.  Growling, he began to thrust harder into her, making her moan and squeal. Finally, he snarled loudly, “Say yes, Kagome!” as he pounded into her hard enough for the sounds of their slapping flesh to echo through the clearing.

Arching up under him, she squealed loudly letting out a breathless “Yes, Sesshomaru!”before letting out a shrill scream.

By this time, Kouga was sure Inuyasha had read the whole scene wrong and was a bit embarrassed to have let himself get drawn into it. He just wanted to apologize to both Kagome and Sesshomaru then get the hell out of there.  “Just drop it, Inuyasha. You read the situation…”

Turning on the ookami the half-demon snarled, “Useless mangy wolf!  You weren’t there and didn’t see it!  I told you he would have an answer for everything!”

Before Kouga could say anything he got a whiff of salt in the air.  Looking at Kagome, the smell got stronger, an indication of an incoming rush of tears.

Feeling her face flush and sensing the tears, Sesshomaru growled a warning at his brother.  “Enough, half-breed!  You’re upsetting her!  You didn’t see what you perceived.  Accept that and move on.”  He snapped.

What did I see then, asshole?  She told you no clear as day, yet you continued!”  Inuyasha yelled, eyes blazing.

I was asking her the same thing I have for almost ten months now; to let me mark her as my mate.  She has consented, but won’t let mark her because she didn’t want to hurt you, Inuyasha!”  Sesshomaru sneered.

Sliding his cock into her deep, feeling her arch up and hearing her hiss a bit at the initial penetration like she always did, he began to lick, suck and nibble on her neck.  After a few minutes he murmured in her ear, “Let me mark you and finally claim you as mine, Kagome!”

Tightening her legs around him, she moaned but muttered a soft “No”.

Feeling her walls tighten and flutter around him, he growled softly in pleasure, eyes sliding to half-mast.  He wanted to mark her finally so he could show the world she was his and treat her in the manner she deserved.  For the first time he was in love and he wanted the world to know it.  It was time for that since his idiot bother finally knew about them.  “Kagome,” he breathed heavily in her ear, “he knows.  No more hiding it, no more sneaking around, we can be together every night.”

Wiggling around, she arched up and moaned loudly but said “No” again.

Pushing himself up, he looked down at her and was about to snarl in frustration when he saw the twinkle in her soft brown eyes.  She wasn’t saying no, she was teasing him.  Lustful wench would pay for that!

Crushing his mouth down on hers he began to pound into her in long, hard strokes, making her whole body jar.

Moaning and whimpering, she thrust onto him, matching his own jarring thrusts.  She could feel that familiar heavy heat swirling in her stomach, then starting to radiate outwards, signaling her impending orgasm.

Feeling her clench around him, he pounded into her harder, the slap of flesh on flesh filling the clearing.  Looking down at her, he snarled, “Say yes, Kagome!”

Arching up as she came, she screamed, “Yes!”

What?!?!”  Inuyasha screamed, eyes bulging.  “No fucking way would she want you as a mate!  She’s mine and she knows it.”

Kouga stepped back, eyes widening, when he heard a distinct snarl come from Sesshomaru and saw his eyes flash.  No doubt, that was a clear warning that the daiyoukai was starting to lose patience with the hanyou.  He even saw Kagome flinch slightly and heard her moan softly.

Hearing her moan of fear allowed Sesshomaru to clamp down on his temper.  He didn’t want her any more upset than she already was.  “Enough of this foolishness, Inuyasha.  You’ve humiliated yourself sufficiently for one day.  Go back to Edo and calm down.  I’ll bring Kagome back then we can discuss the whole matter in a calm, rational manner.”  He said in his normal, emotionless tone.

Good idea!”  Kouga added.  He was all for getting the hell out of here to alleviate any more embarrassment for all parties involved.  “C’mon Inuyasha, we’ll head...”

Shut the fuck up, you flea bitten excuse for a wolf!”  Inuyasha bellowed.  “I’m not leaving here without Kagome!  You may buy the assholes line of crap, but I’m not!  I was here and heard how she screamed in pain when he stuck his dick in her ass!”

After pulling out of her he reclined back on his knees, sitting upright. She turned over and got up onto all fours, looking back at him over her shoulder.  Looping an arm around her waist, he pulled her back until she was seated on his lap, her back against his chest.  Spreading his legs wide apart, until her knees no longer touched the ground but tightened against his outer thighs to hold on, he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her up a bit.  Positioning the head of his cock against her anus, he rubbed it around.

She whimpered loudly as he whispered in her ear then pulled her downwards onto it as his hips thrust up.  As he was impaling her his other hand strayed down to her soaking wet pussy.  With practiced ease his finger found her clit and began to rub it in a circle, causing her to shiver and shake.

Just as he had embedded himself all the way into her anal passage she threw her head back and let out a loud scream that echoed through the trees.

Burying her face in the crook of his neck she groaned, face flaming.  Kouga actually smacked his forehead and muttered, “Dumb ass!”  Sesshomaru just smirked. 

Locking eyes with his half brother he smirked again then said, voice a silken purr, “Just because you haven’t mastered the art of making a woman scream in pleasure, Inuyasha, doesn’t mean that it can’t be done.”

Scream in pleasure?  No way!”  Inuyasha shot back.  “Sounded more like pain to me.”

Shut up Inuyasha!  You’re making a jackass of yourself.”  Kouga barked at the hanyou.

What the fuck?  I thought you cared about her?”  Inuyasha shot right back, eyes bulging.

I do, but from what you’ve said I can tell it wasn’t pain that caused the scream.”

“What was it then, genius?”  The hanyou sneered.

An orgasm.”  Came Kagome’s soft reply.  She had blushed so red that her face was the color of Inuyasha’s firerat.

Positioning him cock at her anus, he whispered in her ear, “Do you want it there Kagome?  You know I’ll make it feel good just like I always do.  I’ll make you scream in pleasure.”  He growled.

His answer came in the form of a soft whimper and her pushing down slightly against his cock.  Taking that in the affirmative, he began to push up into her as he slowly pulled her down onto his pulsing length.  Feeling her tight ass start to surround his hard flesh he bit out a soft snarl of pure pleasure.   Raking his fangs across her neck, he nipped at it softly as his finger found her throbbing little nub and began to rub it just how he knew she loved it. 

Growling, feeling her body quiver in response, he whispered hotly in her ear, “Feel me fill you, Kagome.  Feel how you stretch as all of my cock enters you.  How it fills you completely.  Your body wants me in it; it accommodates me and pulls me in.”

Shuddering violently, she whimpered and moaned his name.  Her clit was pulsing against his finger, telling them her orgasm was coming.  Pulling her down more he nipped at her ear.  “How long are you going to feel me in you after I pull out?  Hours?  Days?  Every time you take a step you’ll feel my hardness still embedded deep inside you.”  Feeling her body quiver and spasm he sank the last few inches of himself deep into her.

As all of him slid into her back passage the deep throbbing tingle morphed into jolts of electricity.  Throwing her head back, she screamed as her orgasm seized hold, shaking and spasming around his cock.

Grunting, he began to thrust up into her tight channel.  Just then he heard Inuyasha leave.  Breathing a mental sigh of relief, he directed his full attention back to his woman.  Pulling her hair off her left shoulder, he began to nip and suck on the place he was going to mark.

Once again, he could feel her clit throbbing, signaling another orgasm was coming.  Knowing her clenching around him yet again would be all he would be able to take, he began to slam up into her hard and fast, snarling, eyes changing to red. 

Throwing her head back, she screamed at the top of her lungs as an orgasm of the intensity she had never felt before seized her and held her in its grasp, making her spasm and clench for what seemed like hours.  Tears of pleasure broke free from her eyes and coursed down her face.  All she could do was pant and gasp for air.

When her ass began seizing on his cock his own orgasm washed over him.  Roaring loudly, he held her then sank his elongated fangs into her shoulder, marking her as his.

Sensing Inuyasha wasn’t done with his tirade and accusations, Sesshomaru decided it was time to end his stupidity.  He, himself, wasn’t bothered by the hanyous’ accusations or insinuations but Kagome had been upset, frightened and embarrassed enough for one day. 

Glaring at his half-brother he then leveled his gaze with the ookami’s.  “Since the half-breed is proving that he can misread things and not understand certain situations meanings, I think it’s time I make sure this ends.”

Prince Kouga, if I raped, forced, coerced or tricked Kagome into mating with me would my mark remain on her?”  He asked, looking back at his brother.

Shaking his head, Kouga replied in a firm tone, “No.  The mark would start to fade immediately.  Within an hour’s time, it would be gone.”

Glaring at his brother, he then looked down at the woman in his arms, face softening.  Nuzzling her softly he whispered, “I’m sorry for all of this, Kagome.  It was never my intent to embarrass you in this manner.  If you’ll allow me one more indulgence it will all be over.”  He said softly.

Relaxing against him, she shut her eyes and nodded, agreeing to what he wanted to do.

Holding her close, he turned so that both Kouga and Inuyasha could have a clear view of her left shoulder.  Pulling the collar of his kimono down just enough to expose the mark, he looked at them.  “It hasn’t faded at all since I put it there.”

While Sesshomaru was talking, something hit her.  Turning her head, she looked at Inuyasha.

Feeling her eyes on him, the hanyou gazed at her then flinched at the flat, angry look she pierced him with.  “What, Kagome?”  He asked a bit unevenly.

If you thought I was being raped, why did you watch the whole thing almost to the end and do nothing, Inuyasha?  Any other time you would have charged in, sword draw, screaming for blood.”

Jerking as though slapped, he stepped back.  He knew that tone of voice, soft and quiet, indicating she was pissed.  He took another step back when the eyes of the other two males swiveled in his direction.  He heard Kouga say, “Good question!” but said nothing.  Opening his mouth, he tried to say something but nothing would come out.  Really, he didn’t know why he didn’t barge in so he couldn’t give her a reason.  Instead, he sheathed the sword and walked away.

Sighing, Kouga shook his head, “Damned mutt-face!”  He muttered then looked back at the couple.  “I’m sorry for all of this.  I didn’t mean to cause you all that embarrassment, Kagome.”  He told her a bit gruffly, knowing her normal modesty must have taken a brutal pounding since they had shown up.  Smiling, he looked at both of them, “Congratulations, by the way!  Now, I’ll leave you two alone even though I know the mood is shot to hell.”  Nodding to the Western Lord, he walked away.

Thanks, Kouga.”  Kagome said before relaxing against her mate, breathing a sigh of relief.

He nuzzled her softly until he knew both men were well out of hearing range then said softly, “Thank you, Kagome.  You needn’t have done that; I could have dealt with Inuyasha on my own.  I know how embarrassing that must have been.”  He said softly, kissing her temple.

Sighing softly, she smiled, “I won’t have him accusing my mate of something like that!”  She huffed.

Settling back down, he sat her between his legs and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her thin waist.  Any kind of sexual mood was gone but he held and cuddled her until she was once again totally relaxed.


An hour later Inuyasha was in Kaede’s hut in full rant mode, screaming about Kagome’s betrayal to a bewildered Kaede, Sango and Miroku.  They had no idea what he was going on about or what Kagome may have done to set him off.

After Miroku finally asked, Inuyasha snarled, “Because she’s a fucking whore!”

Kouga, who had been in the corner watching the whole thing, shaking his head, along with Ginta and Hakkaku, sighed.  He planned on waiting for the half-demon to run out of steam before he set the record straight.  Suddenly, the tickle of the Western Lords’ immense aura brushed against the back of his neck.  Straightening up, he managed to get out, “Inuyasha, I would stop if…” before he was interrupted.

A swirl of silver and white streaked through the door and the hanyou found himself hoisted off the ground by his jaw.

Snarling, Sesshomaru tightened his claws in his younger brothers’ jaw then hissed out, “What did you call Kagome, Inuyasha?”

Sputtering, Inuyasha said nothing, wrapping both hands around his brothers’ wrist, trying to free himself.

Unsure what to do, Sango and Miroku stood.  Just then Kagome walked into the hut.  Instead of rushing to help Inuyasha like she always did, she just stood there and looked at him, face stony.

Seeing her, Inuyasha choked out a gravely, “Ka-go-me…”

Sighing, she looked down and shook her head.

Glancing over his shoulder at her, Sesshomaru lowered his brother to the ground, but didn’t release him.  Eyes blazing, he growled, “Never again will you call her such names!  You will talk to and treat her with the respect she had both earned and deserves, little brother.”  Narrowing his eyes and voice lowered to a deadly almost whisper that all could hear, he hissed, “The only reason I don’t gut you here and now is she still considers you a friend.  Do you understand me Inuyasha?”

Nodding, Inuyasha croaked out a “Yes”.

Releasing the hanyou, Sesshomaru watched him until he vanished out the door. Stepping over to Kagome, he took her chin between his fingers and tilted her head up so she was looking into his face.  Expression softening, he said quietly, “He won’t bother you for a while.  I’ll be gone for no more than 15 minutes then we’ll leave.”

Smiling at him, she said a soft okay.

Giving her a brief kiss, he nodded to the others in the room then disappeared out the door.

Chuckling, Kouga said, “Well, mutt-face at least came out of that with his skin intact.  Better than I thought he would.”

All Miroku could do was stand there and look at his friend, making some kind of odd gurgling noise.  Sango stepped forward and looked at the woman she considered a sister, eyes impossibly large.  Then she asked, tone that oddly calm and quiet one that always indicated that the person asking was mentally blathering like the proverbial idiot, “Umm—Kagome?  Would you care to tell your friends what is going on?  Because we’d really like to know!”

Flushing a bit and giggling, Kagome replied, a smile spreading across her face, “It’s a long story, Sango.”

Please take your time and don’t skip the juicy details!”  Sango said, eyes twinkling.