Sesshomaru's Princess by Speedy Tomato

Sesshomaru's Princess

Sesshomaru’s Princess

By Speedy Tomato



Author’s Note: Please Read Before Proceeding! 


This is not something usually done but I felt, in the case of this story, it’s needed.  What you are about to read is a story about a couple fetishes that fall in the sub domain of BDSM: Daddy Doms and ABDL.  If you DON’T know what these things are I strongly suggest you look them up before proceeding any further.  If you don’t find those to your liking or are turned off by such things, don’t proceed and forget all about this tale.  This will be a story that falls in the realm of you will either like it or not. Beyond that, it’s a threesome/moresome story that’s going to contain elements of yaoi, incest, bisexuality and descriptions of some acts of extreme sexuality.  Again, if you don’t like such things don’t read this.  If you are still willing to give it a go then proceed at your own risk.  Flaming me because I’ve hit something you find distasteful won’t work, I won’t stop writing it, and I will not only ignore them and not respond to such idiocy but report such things as well.


Beyond that, all the characters in this tome are legal, consenting adults that are willing participants in the acts portrayed.  This has NOTHING to do with children or harming them in any way, shape or form. That is not an element involved in Daddy Dom or ABDL. 


If you are still with me after that warning, I hope you enjoy my blatherings and follow along as I spin this tale.




Chapter 1

As a rule, Sesshomaru hated the winter seasonal party that his company had for employees and some of their more important clients. Sure, he understood why he had to do it and the goodwill it promoted but he still hated it and all the crap that came along with it. But he always attended to be seen and pass out bonus checks to the employees. This year he would follow the same plan that he had all the previous years, stay an hour, mingle a bit, give the traditional toast then get the hell out of there before the booze began to really flow. It had worked all the previous years and he anticipated it would this one as well.

Standing off in the corner, talking to Kouga, his head of security for the whole company, he spied a female that he didn’t recognize as either an employee or client.  From his vantage point, he did admire the way she looked.  Though she appeared to be in her mid-teens, he assumed that she wasn’t if she was here.  The first thing that he noticed was those kilometer long legs of hers.  She was wearing a business suit that was short but not overly so, that seemed to accentuate and show them off at the same time.  Next, his eyes focused on that mass of shiny, wavy, raven colored hair of hers.  From his vantage point, it looked to be as soft as the finest spun silk.  He suddenly had to fight off the urge to walk over and run his fingers through it to see if it was as soft as it looked.  But, finally, he gazed at those big doe eyes of hers and found himself almost getting lost in them.

Nudging Kouga, he asked, keeping his voice down, “Who is that? I don’t remember her working here.”  Then he jerked his head her direction.

“Oh her…  She doesn’t, she’s here by special invite from your father.  Her name is Kagome Higurashi.”

“Hn… where have I heard that name before?”  Sesshomaru asked to no one in particular.

“It was her that found all those antiques for him when he was remodeling.”  Kouga explained. 

“Hn…,” was the diayoukai’s only response as he nodded at the information.  Other than that, his eyes locked on the beauty who was laughing and talking to Miroku, one of his vice presidents, and Sango, Miroku’s secretary.  While he watched her, he felt a familiar niggling that told him she may very well be the one he had been looking for.  No, he wasn’t sure how he knew this; he was never sure in the past when it came to the things he was into.  But that instinct had always been right when it came to his kink so he was going to explore that with her.  Yes, he had yet to even formally meet her but he was confident enough in his abilities that he would be able to convince her to at least go out with him.  Then he would see from there.

Over the next hour, as he attended to what was required of him, he kept an eye on her.  As he watched her interact with a few of the people there, he thought he may well have met her at some point in the past but he wasn’t able to place where or when that was. 

As the time that he usually made his exit from the festivities drew closer, he decided it was time to introduce himself to his future sexual play toy.  Waiting until she was alone, serving herself another glass of punch, he then slipped over beside her.  “Hello Kagome,” he said quietly. 

Startled, Kagome about jumped out of her skin.  Spinning around, she found herself looking up into a pair of golden eyes.  When she focused on the face they were set in, almost immediately she recognized him; Sesshomaru.  A couple years previous, she had dated his younger, half-brother, Inuyasha, for about a month or so.  It hadn’t worked out for some reason or other.  Gathering her wits, she gave a bit of a respectful bow then said, “Hello Lord Sesshomaru.”

Smirking at the use of his real title, something very few did anymore, he said, “Watching you, I realized I know you from somewhere but I can’t quite place where that may be.  I know you did some work for father but that wasn’t it.  So, tell me, where is I that you and I have met before?”

Giggling, she grinned a bit.  “I dated Inuyasha a few times. We met a couple times while we were doing so.”

Once she said it, the whole thing clicked and he remembered.  “Ah yes, now I remember.  You’re the miko.”

“That’s me,” she nodded.

“Hn… If I remember right, you and he didn’t last long.  I hope he didn’t do something foolish as he has so many times in the past.”

“No, nothing like that,” she told him dismissively.  “It wasn’t going to work out.  We both realized that fairly early on and decided to end it before it turned nasty as such things tend to become.”

Nodding, he processed the information that she gave him.  No, he didn’t like the fact that she had been with the whelp in any way but since it didn’t last long he thought he could deal with it.  Now it was time for him to settle in and start to work.  In the close proximity he was to her, that niggling he had before grew stronger.  He was now certain that she was the one that he had been looking for to fulfill what he wanted.  It had been a long time since he had a partner that he wanted and would do the kinds of things he liked. He could feel the first stirrings of an erection.  But he willed it away and focused fully on the onna in front of him rather than his hentai thoughts.  It was imperative that he get to know her and her thoughts on such matters before he journeyed down that road with her.  He was in such a position of power that any sexual proclivities of an odd nature would eventually get out if the female he was with found them repugnant.  That he was very wary about, so he planned to approach this gently and with a great deal of caution.  Settling himself in for a longer haul, he launched into a bit of conversation with her.

Within a half an hours time, when the party began to get a bit louder as the booze began to flow freely, he wanted to get out of there.  Quietly, she confided that she too wanted to leave before things got any rowdier.  Taking that as a good sign, he made his usual excuses to the staff then left, escorting her down to the parking garage to her car.  Before allowing her to leave, he managed to obtain her phone numbers, her home phone, work cell phone and private cell phone numbers.  Though he diligently wrote them down, by the time she finished telling him he had seared them into his memory. 

Once she seated herself in the car, he stepped back and watched her until her little sports car had vanished out of the garage and he could no longer see it.  Then, with a bit of a spring in his step that hadn’t been there for years, he walked to his own car and headed for his house.


Once home, he poured himself a drink then began to pace back and forth across his living room.  Mind whirling, he tried to decide how to go about this.  Yes, his first instinct was to pick up the phone and call her now, setting up a date.  But he restrained himself.  It wouldn’t do to call now.  He needed to wait a few hours before he thought about doing that.  First, he doubted she would be home by now.  Even if she were, it would do better if she had some time to settle in and relax before he called.  But he wasn’t known for his patience and being forced to wait to do something such as this was a form of torture. 

Aware he would end up in a severely agitated state if he just did nothing, he tried to focus on something else.  Information… he needed information on her.  On that facet, he had a source.  No, he wasn’t going to call Inuyasha.  He and his younger half-brother had never gotten along well.  But that wasn’t the only reason.  At this point in time the boy was married and the wench that he had taken for a wife, Kikyo, would be less than thrilled if he wanted to discuss past girlfriends with him.  Possessive and jealous, he knew it would cause a huge row between them.  No, they didn’t get along but he didn’t want to cause that kind of problem for the boy. 

Just when he was growling about not being able to use an excellent source of information, another idea struck him… his father.  He was well aware that Toga took an avid interest in everything when it came to Inuyasha, and the times he had encountered the miko, that he could remember, was at his father’s house.  So it would stand to reason that his father would have at least a bit of information about her.

After refreshing his drink, he put in a call to his old man.  Settling back on the sofa, he covered the mundane and the party with him for a while then made a bit of small talk before beginning to question him about what he knew of the miko.  As he had hoped, the older inu was a fount of information about her.  From the sound of things, his father had really liked Kagome and wished that it had worked out between her and the hanyou.  That assumption on his end actually seemed to firm up his impression of her and what she was into.  As he was well aware, his father had the same odd kink that he did.  In fact, it was finding some of the things his father had on the topics that had introduced him to it and fueled it.  If his father greatly approved of her, and from the sound of the way he spoke of her, had a bit of an attraction to her, that meant that he was getting the same vibes.  Now he was more intrigued and wanted to find out.


Curled up on her comfortable old sofa in her bathrobe, Kagome relaxed and flipped through the channels on the TV to see if she could find something that might be worth watching.  Sitting there, she felt relaxed but it wasn’t enough that she could go to bed and find sleep.  Sighing, she continued to flip through the numerous channels that her cable provider offered but couldn’t seem to find anything that was worth watching and would hold her interest.  Just as she was about to give up the hunt and find a DVD, the phone rang.  Glancing over at it, she frowned, wondering who it could be.  She knew that by this time of the night her family, save her brother, would be asleep.  None of her friends would call this late, knowing she usually was in bed herself, and all business calls would be picked up by her cell phone.  Now curious, she picked up the cordless and said, “Hello?”

“Hello Kagome,” came the deep voice of Sesshomaru through the receiver.

Smiling, she muted the TV and settled back on the sofa, curling her long legs under her.  “Hello Sesshomaru.  I didn’t expect to hear from you this soon.”  Indeed, as she had told him, she remembered him from the times she had gone out with Inuyasha.  Yes, she had thought the hanyou to be cute and good looking but, from the first time she had seen the daiyoukai, she had thought him to be absolutely gorgeous.  In all honestly, she would admit that she had developed a bit of a crush on him from the first time she had met him.  When it became obvious to her that things weren’t going to work out between her and Inuyasha it had been her hope that he would ask her out.  But it never had come about.  Now, here he was on the phone so that hope once more poked its head up. 

Much to her surprise, after a few awkward moments of stilted conversation they once more began to flow into talking about various things.  Yes, she noticed that most of it was about her and her history but he did talk to her about much of it and seemed to be genuinely interested in what she was saying.  After about an hour, just as they were about to hang up for the night, he asked her out the following night.  Of course, she said yes.  Then they made arrangements after he deduced where she wanted to go.

Finally, when she hung up the phone, she had a big grin on her face that even a mortician couldn’t have removed.  She couldn’t believe someone like him would ask her out!  Yet that is exactly what happened.  After shutting off the TV, she headed to bed though she doubted sleep would come. 

Lying curled up under the old quilt that her mother had made her so long ago, Kagome couldn’t find sleep.  Instead, she lay there with her eyes open staring out the window at the city lights, mind working.  No, she never lacked for dates since she had turned the age her mother would allow it.  In all honestly, she had more than her share of them when she compared herself to her friends.  But, for the most part, very few of them had interested her.  Once she was in college that changed a bit, she started dating beings that interested her more than the high school boys she had always seen.  Older men, and she meant a lot older than she was, were her weakness.  She adored them.  Though humans were fine with her, she tended to gravitate towards youkai.  They were, of course, a lot older than she was.  It had always been her opinion that older men treated her better and with more respect than those her own age did.  Plus they were more open minded than those her age about so many things.  She liked that. 

Yes, like most people in this world, she had odd things, sexually, that she liked.  Usually, it was kept to herself and not discussed with anyone.  But a few times in the past, she had come across a couple beings that liked what she did and she indulged them.  At this time though, it had been a while since she had done such things.  From things she knew about Sesshomaru, mentioned by Inuyasha when they had been going out, she thought that he might not be too shocked and may allow her to indulge.  Hell, from all Inuyasha had told her about him, he was the ultimate power freak so he might not be bothered by any of it.  Well, that was her hope anyway.  With a deep sigh, she shut her eyes.  Time would tell about that so she would just have to wait and see.


The next night Sesshomaru picked her up precisely on time, as he was known for.  Normally, he would be dressed in an immaculate suit but she had suggested a small café that she liked so he was dressed down because even a business suit would be out of place there.  Already, once he had her in the car, his mind was skipping to what he wanted to do to the delectable little miko and how to go about maneuvering her into such a position, but he forced himself to put that on the back burner for now.  The first date was not a time for such things.  He needed to see how it progressed before he started making such plans.  Also, he needed to start putting out feelers to see if she would be open to things that fed his kink.  It wouldn’t do to ask her about some of it without at least having an inkling as to what she herself was into. 

Dinner itself was a pleasant experience for him.  Once they started talking he found himself drawn to her because it was obvious she was highly intelligent and seemed to adore history, something he himself enjoyed.  Conversation came easy to the two of them and the time seemed to slip away from them.

Because the small, homey café wasn’t his usual type of bistro, he had decided to take her for a bit of a walk in places he was more accustomed to once they finished.  Yes, he enjoyed window shopping at some of the more high classed boutiques as a rule, but it was also a bit of a test for the females he dated.  If all they seemed to be interested in were the high priced items and clothes, then generally he never saw them again.  Most assuredly, he had plenty of money that he didn’t mind spending, but he was ever watchful for females that were gold diggers.  A short walk through the district that held all the high class boutiques was always telling to him and a good indicator of what the female he was with was like.

With Kagome, he had been very surprised.  Yes, she liked what she saw in the windows but didn’t seem very interested in such things.  But she was interested in the displays in the window of the toy store they saw.  In fact, he found it highly amusing so they went inside to look around.  Squealing in delight, she led him around the place, holding onto his hand, looking at all the wonderful contraptions designed for children and even had fun playing with a few of the things out for display.  Watching her, he had a large smirk on his face.  It was most enjoyable to see her enthusiasm for what she was doing and how much fun she seemed to having with things that were quite simple by the standards of what she was used to.  In the end, he did something he usually didn’t do on a first date, told her to pick out a toy she wanted and bought it for her.  He was even more surprised when she picked out a simple fluffy white dog as what she wanted, something not even remotely expensive.

Grinning sheepishly at him as they walked out of the door, clutching the stuffed animal to her chest, she admitted, “I love stuffed animals of all kinds.  They are my weakness.”

Putting a hand on the small of her back as they walked down the street, he said, “There is nothing wrong with that Kagome.  It’s nice to finally meet a woman that is easily pleased with the smaller joys in life.”  But, privately, he thought that her like of stuffed toys might be fairly telling about her personality.  That was encouraging to him.

As the clock hit midnight both of them decided that was enough for the night.  It was time to go home.  When he parked at her apartment building, he decided to walk her to her door.   Before she went inside, he gave her a soft kiss and promised to call the following day to arrange another date.


On the drive home, Sesshomaru smirked, pleased with how things went.  Oh yes, he most certainly would be calling her for another date!  From his point of view, he liked what he felt from her tonight and was encouraged by it.  He was now more certain than ever that she was what he had been looking for.  All he had to do was nudge in that direction and start to find out.  If it was how he thought it was, then she was already his and he wouldn’t ever let her go!