Demonic Love by Danyealle-sama

Demonic Love

Demonic Love

By Danyealle


This is a threesome story, not a single pairing


Snarling, Kouga pushed himself to run faster. Normally his tornadic speed was fast enough for him but the smell he was following, and the panic that was building in him over it, made him feel as though he was moving at a snails’ pace.

When he burst through the tree line he almost tripped over her. Looking down at the raven-haired beauty that had captured his heart he felt a sick knot form in the pit of his stomach. Blood, and way too much of it, was the first thing his mind screamed at him as he assessed the situation.

Kneeling down beside her head, he looked at her and didn’t like what he was seeing. Her face was as white as the newly fallen snow. When he looked at her expression he saw a soft, serene look to it with just a hint of a smile turning up the corners of her mouth. While she was breathing each breath was soft and light, almost as though they weren’t there at all. Looking down her body, the clothes she wore were so covered in blood that you couldn’t tell what color they were, all you saw was just that ugly maroon color blood became when it dried.

Every part of him screamed for him to pick her up and hold her to try to soothe her pain but as much as he wanted that he had to stop her bleeding. Looking around, he spied her bath supplies and the towels she used to dry off with. Grabbing them he tore them into strips and began to bind the wounds to try and stem the flow. Wincing as he looked at the long slices in her arms he felt his heart get heavy and clench painfully. There was no doubt what had been the cause of them, she had inflicted them herself. Beside her was the sharp knife he had used to slice her arms from elbow to her wrist, multiple times on each of them. This wasn’t attempted suicides that were a cry for help and little more than a gesture, but a serious attempt to end her life. Those cuts weren’t just nicking the skin a bit and opening small wounds, these were deep, bloody gashes that went down into the muscle. As he worked, he kept an eye on her face to see if she was slipping away because he was pretty sure from the amount of blood she had lost that it was already too late. As he worked, he prayed to any Kami that was listening to intervene on the kind, loving womans’ behalf.

Just as he was starting on her other arm there was a flash of silver and white that he caught out of the corner of his eye then a large shadow fell over him. Glancing up at Lord Sesshomaru he then went back to work on Kagome, ignoring him. If Inutrashas’ brother wanted a fight or to take exception with his manners then he could damn well wait until he was done with Kagome.

Once again he looked up at the unconscious miko then muttered softly, “C’mon Kagome, don’t give up. Stay with me. Fight Kagome, don’t leave.”


Looking down at the beautiful woman, he felt his chest contract painfully. Months before he had resigned himself to the fact that he had developed feelings of some kind for the beautiful young woman. But, because she apparently had feelings for his baka half-brother, he kept them to himself.

After figuring out what Kouga already had, that the wounds were self inflicted, anger welled up in him. Feeding fuel to that blaze was a helpless rage because he couldn’t do any more than the wolf demon already was.

Trying to distract himself, he glanced around the area then spotted her things about 10 feet away. Walking over he looked through what was strewn here and there. After poking around a bit he found a small book with a note addressed to her friends in the hanyous’ pack. Grabbing it, he skimmed through it quickly. Of course, as he had expected, it was a suicide note that basically said she was sorry for all the pain she had caused others and that it was all her fault because she broke the jewel in the first place. After he read that he opened the book it had been in. The pages of it were filled with her odd writing style so he quickly began to scan through the pages for any kind of clue that might tell them why she attempted such an act. When he finally looked through the last entry his eyes slowly began to bleed red, anger making way for an almost uncontrollable rage.

Indeed, the reason was there. In the last entry she detailed how Naraku had kidnapped and killed one of their friends as a warning for Inuyasha and his pack to back down. Then she related how Inuyasha had gotten angry with her over the whole thing. He started out with blaming her for everything all the way back to breaking the jewel. Then he proceeded to telling her how useless and worthless she was. At the end of his tirade he told her that she should just go home and never come back, that Kikyo could help them find the jewel shards and he would have someone beside him that could really fight.

The kind hearted girl did add she knew he didn’t mean it, that he was just as upset about what had been done to his friend as she was. But it also appeared that she believed a good sized chunk of what was said. To sit there and read what she felt and her guilt over it was very hard. The rage he felt towards his half-breed brother was threatening to over take him. Willing his youkai to calm down, he looked back down at the ookami and miko.

Kouga had finished binding the wounds the best he could and was sitting by her, holding her hand. Looking down at her arms he saw bright blooms of crimson had already began to seep through the makeshift bandages. Quite honestly, he didn’t know what else could be done to save her; she had already lost so much blood that it was fairly obvious that nothing he could do would be enough, a lot would depend on her and her will to live.

Sensing Sesshomarus’ gaze, Kouga looked up at him. Yes, there was a rage there, what caused it he didn’t know, but there was also something else; pain. It seemed to be the same kind he was feeling as he saw the woman he loved slipping away. In a rough voice that was on the verge of cracking, he asked, “Is there anything you can think of or do to help? Anything at all?”

Looking down at her, he shook his head. Yes, he had the Tenseiga that could bring people back from the dead but in this case, no matter what he felt for her, he wouldn’t use it. She wanted to die and he would respect her wishes on that subject. Just as he was about to answer Kouga in the negative two words came to mind. Looking at the ookami he said, “The well.”

Confused, Kouga was about to ask him what the hell he was talking about when it all clicked into place. The bone-eaters well, how Kagome passed from her time to theirs. “Do you think if we got her back to her own time that they could do something for her?”

“Hn… Even if they can’t it’s better than standing here and waiting for her to die.” Sesshomaru said gruffly.

Carefully, trying not to do any more damage, Kouga cradled her in his arms and stood. Clutching the note and her journal, Sesshomaru grabbed the wolf demons’ upper arm. A ball of light surrounded them then they streaked towards the well in the forest that bore the name of his half brother, looking like an earth-bound comet.


Once there, it was decided that Kouga would take her. Sesshomaru extracted a promise that the ookami would return as quickly as he could with news of her condition. Of course, Kouga readily agreed, saying he would meet him in Edo.

Before he could jump into the well, Sesshomaru stuffed the journal under his arm and gruffly told him to read the final entry. Nodding, the ookami shut his eyes and jumped into the well. A bright, powerful energy surge told Sesshomaru it had worked, that Kouga had passed through to Kagomes’ time.

After peering down into the wells depths to be sure, he began making his way to Edo, troubled and uncharacteristically worried. The worst part, he knew, would be the wait.