Opo: Cause and Effect by Danyealle-sama

Opo: Cause and Effect

Opo: Cause and Effect

By Danyealle


For Miss K.  Because I appreciate all you do for us.  Thanks Miss K!


Sitting at his computer, logged into that accursed site under a fake name, Sesshomaru surveyed the havoc he had managed to cause with a big smirk.  Despite his efforts, he hadn’t been able to stop the growth of the website or any of the authors that posted on it, so he felt that the next best thing would be to see how many wrenches he could throw in the gears.  At first he had gone about it the normal ways, then some not so normal ones, but they hadn’t worked and he had been unable to slow down the juggernaut that was Dokuga nor stymie its growth.  So he had resorted to other tactics.  That is where the possessed opossum youkai from the lowest level of hell had come into play. 

Honestly, he didn’t like the maniac ‘possum or dealing with it, but it was a means to an end.  It agreed to terrorize the chatroom they had built as long as he could get it there.  That he had managed, visiting the empty room late one night when no one had been around.  Though he had wanted to destroy the place, he didn’t bother with that.  As he well knew, the women that frequented this place were persistent pests that would just rebuild it.  So he had dropped the creature off, making it promise that it would raise as much hell and cause as much havoc as it could possibly manage.  Considering how virulent and persistent it was about things, he knew there was no way that the women would be able to get rid of the thing.

Now, well, he was gloating.  It had worked, in spades.  Not only did the beastie cause havoc, chucking them out of the chatroom at random times, silencing them, making things malfunction, but it also rampaged through the site at various times, causing all kinds of problem for the woman that owned the place.  Ah, sweet revenge!  How sweet it was!

Leaning back in his chair, he smirked as he pulled up the site, seeing that once more the damnable ‘possum had thrown a glitch in the works and that it was down.  Though he couldn’t put the site out of business, he was causing enough headaches for them all that this was the next best thing.


Pacing the floor downstairs, Kagome kept glancing up at the ceiling with a worried expression on her face.  Sesshomaru was taking his vendetta against that site far too seriously and it was taking up way too much of his time lately.  Sure, on some level, she could understand his obsession with it because there were some stories on there that were enough to make her hair stand on end, along with some that didn’t portray him in the best of light, but there were others that made him out to be a wonderful being that was gallant and a male that any woman would adore being around.  Heck, she read some of them and loved what the authors had done!  They had managed to bring them together in many inventive and wonderful ways, giving them a great relationship.  How could one be angry about that?

But, lately he was more obsessed than normal and she was really beginning to worry about him.  She thought that it was time to break this addiction and had come up with her own kind of intervention.  Well, really, it was more like a baptism of fire for him.  Maybe then he would stop this foolishness and move on.

After a bit more of a mental debate, not sure if she wanted to do this to her mate or not, she decided that it was for the best.  After all, some medicine was bitter and had some bad side effects but, in the end, it was for the best and helped you.  This was rather how she saw this.

With a deep sigh, wishing it hadn’t come to this, she picked up the phone and began to make the calls she needed to.


Straightening her sky blue bunny suit, Skye trailed behind Lady B. who was resplendent in her cops uniform, twirling her sparkly pink baton as they walked up the sidewalk to the nondescript house.  “Well, if Kagome is right, he’s alone so this shouldn’t be hard.” Skye observed, looking the house up and down.

“Quick and easy, that’s the best way to go about this.” Lady B told her with a nod.  “You distract him and I’ll get him then, between the two of us, we should be able to pack him off easily enough.”

Allowing the baton wielding mod to take the lead, Skye followed along with a nod.

After rapping firmly on the door with the Sparkling Baton of Doom, both women waited, fidgeting a bit.  So much could go wrong with this as they both knew.  After all, he was a force to be reckoned with when riled.

The unsuspecting daiyoukai opened the door then peered, warily, at the two oddly dressed onna’s standing on his doorstep.  He didn’t have a chance to do any more than that when a well-placed baton rendered him unconscious.

Watching the big inu drop to the ground, both women nodded, pleased.  “Well, that went well.” Skye observed, poking him with one toe of her bunny suit.

“Indeed, it did.” Lady B. conceded, sliding the baton back into its holder.  “Let’s get him packed up and go before he comes to.  It wouldn’t do to have him wake up until we get there.”  She said, bending down to pick him up.


Sitting at the computer, Miss Kagura was scowling at the screen.  This latest round of bugs that plagued the site were driving her nuts!  Just when she seemed to have it all fixed, another cropped up.  She was swearing that someone, somewhere, was doing this, but she couldn’t find any trace of that.  But, lately, the site had been plagued with them.  Nor were they of the kind that a professional hacker would do.  It was more like some kind of mischief making being were up to something.  But, honestly, they were driving her nuts!

Just as she managed to wrangle the latest one under control, the doorbell rang.  Glancing over her shoulder, she frowned a bit.  As far as she knew, she wasn’t expecting anyone.  Shrugging, she stood up to go answer it.  The old stray that had adopted her rubbed against her legs as she made her way to the door.  Stopping along the way, she smiled at her hamsters as they played in their wheel.  They were so much fun to watch.

After the bell chimed once more, she got moving again.  Opening the door, she stared at Skye and Lady B. then glanced at the bundle they were lugging.  “What do you have there?”  She asked, stepping back so they could carry it inside.

Heaving the heavy weight, both of them sweating, Skye and Lady B. carried the still out cold daiyoukai over to the sofa and dropped him with a relived sigh. 

Straightening up her bunny suit, Skye faced her, a bit of a mischievous look on her face.  “We got a tip about who was causing the bugs on the site so we brought him here for you to deal with personally.”

“Yes, his mate was getting worried about his obsession with the site so she called us to deal with him.” Lady B nodded.

“Who is it?  I can’t wait to teach them a lesson!”  Miss K snarled, red eyes flashing.  “No one messes with Dokuga without repercussions!”

Grinning a bit, Skye stepped back and pulled the sheet off the sleeping daiyoukai’s face.  “He’s all yours Miss K.  Kagome just asked that you not permanently damage him.”  Straightening up, unable to stop an amused giggle, she said, “Have fun!”

“We’ll leave you to it Miss K.” Lady B. told her with a knowing wink then both of the ladies left, grinning.

Staring at the unconscious male on her sofa, Miss K grinned evilly.  “Oh this is going to be so much fun!”