In the Palm of her Hand by SunsetMiko

The Prediction

Chapter 18 - The Prediction


This was written for Stella's Proverbial Challenge, Prompt: Empty pots make the most noise. Words: 350

Kagome's eyes widened as she realized what she'd just said aloud. "Nothing," she replied quickly.

"No, not nothing. What about a palm reader? What's a palm reader?"

Kagome knew Inuyasha would not give up until he received the answer he desired. He was like that. If he thought you were withholding information from him, Inuyasha would latch onto it and not let it go until whomever he was badgering gave in.

The miko sighed heavily. "A palm reader is a seer. They look at the lines of the palm of your hand and tell you your future."

"And? What does this have to do with a palm reader?"

"I went to one. My friends made me," Kagome admitted.

"So? What'd she tell you?"

The miko shook her head. She was not revealing that information, not to Inuyasha and definitely not in front of Sesshoumaru. "That's none of your business."

"Like hell it isn't! It has something to do with that bastard, so spill," Inuyasha demanded.

"Yes," Sesshoumaru agreed. "What did this palm reader tell you?"

Exasperated, Kagome yelled, "That some creepy demon was stalking me, watching and planning how he was going to get me! Sound familiar?"

"Creepy?" Sesshoumaru repeated.

"Don't you think it's a little odd, hiding in the shadows, watching me without me knowing you're there? Why wouldn't you just talk to me?"

"Because you considered me an enemy," he replied quickly. "Because I didn't know enough about you. Is that all she told you?"

"No," Inuyasha said as he studied the miko's posture and body language. "That ain't all. Keep going, wench."

"I don't want to," she declared, glancing at her other companions for help. It quickly became obvious they had no intention of saving her because they wanted to hear what Inuyasha was trying to drag out of her as well. Throwing her hands up in the air, the miko stared straight into the taiyoukai's eyes as she confessed, "That he was my true love."

Sesshoumaru smirked, his chest swelling with pride and relief. She would have to say yes now! He was her true love!