Pain by AmberEyes

It Takes My Pain away

A/N : First time writing while listening to one song...I suppose it could be (very) loosely related to the song, but its not exactly like the song. Just what I picked up from it while my muse was feeding me. 

InuYasha does not belong to me!

    She had dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn’t slept in a very long time. It seemed a little impossible though, because the medication she just asked to be filled puts most people to sleep for at least eight hours. Kagome, well, Ms. Higurashi is my boss.  Though I’m not an errand boy, I find no problem in running around town for her. Its hard to believe that she’s depressed; from what I’ve seen of her so far, she’s the nicest person I’ve ever met, and besides that, she seems truly happy to come into the office every morning.

    I was walking from the room, when I realized that I didn’t know which pharmacy she frequented.  As I turned around to ask her, my mouth closed and my mind went blank. There she was, slumped over her desk with her head in her hands. She looked so utterly defeated, I suppose it must have been a bad day for her, because I have never seen her looking so vulnerable. In all my scrutiny, I hadn’t noticed that she’d raised her eyes to me.

    “Do you have time to stand around Takahashi? I’m pretty sure I just asked you to do something.” Her words were venomous, but the look in her eyes seemed to tell me that she was ashamed for speaking to me this way.

    Though I knew she expected me to remove myself from her office, I just couldn’t. She looked so pained, so hurt. I wondered to myself what had happened to her, maybe even who happened to her. The look in her eyes reminded me of how my mother looked after my father left us.

    At risk for being out of line, I still couldn’t stop myself from saying what I said next, “I don’t think you need these.” The words came out in a rush and my eyes widened a bit as I said them.

    I was so going to be fired now, I was sure of it. I couldn’t quite read the look on her face, but I knew she  would do it. “I mean, you’re a strong person Ms. Higurashi. Whatever your facing, I think you can do it without being numbed by these medications.”

    She had yet to say anything. A tear slipped down her cheek and dropped down onto her desk. She looked up to me and opened her mouth for what I thought was going to be her telling me to clear out my desk. “Thank you Takahashi.”

    “You may call me Sesshomaru.”

A/N : Well, thats it! Reviews are appreciated, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!