A Secret Present by Angelic Memories

A Secret Present

This is to SesshysRose as a gift for a gift exchange. Merry Christmas. Hope you enjoy!

A Secret Present

Originally she had planned a small get together for Christmas. A couple friends, a couple drinks and a nice meal. Simple. Nothing more. Except that everyone she invited had a different idea. As soon as they entered her house she knew something was up. They whispered to each other and set about her house like they owned the place. Kagome thought it was suspicious when Rose was on the phone and talking quietly.

“What’s going on?” she asked when Rose was finished.

“Nothing I just had to take care of a little something.”

Kagome didn’t get a chance to press for more. Her timer went off for the cookies in the oven. Just as she finished plating and setting the table there was a knock on the door. Slowly the woman opened the door and looked out.

“Someone ordered a Christmas cake?” a delivery boy.

From behind Rose answered “here”. Kagome stared at the large cake then at the woman she thought was a little crazy.

“How much cake do you think we need?” Kagome asked.

“Well we may have invited a couple extra people...”

“Pizza anyone?” another delivery boy had arrived before Kagome could close the door.

Kagome turned into the house to leave Rose with her plotting. As long as Rose left her out of it she didn’t care what the little devil was up to. Back in the kitchen Kagome put away her glass dishes and found her supply of plastic cups and plates. She wasn’t going to take the chance that someone might break them.

Just as Kagome finished fortifying her house for a larger party than she expected by putting away anything she didn’t want broken, the guest started arrive. Near constant knocking was a reminder that her friends couldn’t do anything small.

“Well, it makes up for all the parties I missed this year, I guess,” she mumbled.

Rose walked into the kitchen with a smirk. “You’ll never guess who’s here.”

“Who?” Kagome asked to amuse the plotter.

“Come here,” Rose gestured for Kagome to follow with a wave.

With a sigh Kagome followed her friend. They peered around the entrance of the dining room which was open to the living room where everyone was gathered. The couch was claimed by five giggling girls. A group of six guys huddled in a circle in front of the television, apparently a hockey game as just about to start. Kagome entertained the night would be rather quiet if the guys were going to be occupied with the game. But there was one male that didn’t seem to take an interest in the television, or conversation.

“What’s Sesshomaru doing here?” Kagome asked in a whisper as she moved deeper into the safety of the kitchen before he could spot her spying. Rose followed.

“Well I called the Taisho residence and since Sesshomaru answered I opened the invitation to him. Of course I was calling to invite Inuyasha and told him to relay the message, but turns out Inuyasha can’t come... he’s in trouble again.”

“But Sesshomaru doesn’t know anyone here; he doesn’t even hang out with any of us.”

“I know... but he came anyway. Do you know what that implies?”

Kagome shook her head honestly.

“Sometimes you are very dimwitted,” Rose began, “It means that he’s here because he is interested in someone.”

“You can’t know that,” Kagome countered.

“But when I invited him he specifically asked who would be there... or here. So I said well there’s Rin, Sango, you, your cousin Kikyou, and me. That’s when he stopped me and said he would think about. That means we can cancel out the other girls I invited and limit it down to me, you, Rin, Sango and Kikyou.”

Kagome shook her head. Sometimes her friend’s conclusions were way out there. But she didn’t give Rose’s hopes up and simply grabbed the plate of cookies to add to the collection of food gathering on her table in the small dining room. Her meal of four had been made into a feast. The boxes of pizzas was already open, the boys had dug right in as soon as they arrived. Nearly all the cookies on her first plate out was gone, so she replaced it and headed back into the kitchen to find the rest of her treats she had hidden away.

“Oh no you don’t,” Sango had joined Rose, “You need to take a break and enjoy yourself.”

“I agree,” Rose added.  

“But I should probably go to the store and get some more drinks. I didn’t buy enough for this many people.”

“I got that handled already. Miroku and the guys stopped on the way to buy extra drinks. I think they were worried you would serve ‘girly drinks’,” Sango answered.

“Yeah but none of them know the real Kagome who isn’t a girl who gets drunk easily,” Rose added.

The trio giggled together.

“Okay then let’s go party!” Rose exclaimed loudly, her enthusiasm probably for the hunt of answering her previous hypothesis.

As much as Kagome loved her friends, she didn’t like large parties. Whenever things got too crowded Kagome would find another place to sit or talk quietly with one or two people. However, Rose, the cunning planner, had an eerie way of finding Kagome and dragging her to whatever group Sesshomaru was sitting with. That’s when Kagome would excuse herself for food, another drink, or the ladies room.

The football game was at its peak. Kagome would happy to find most of the guys too engaged in the screen so they weren’t bugging the ladies, particularly Kouga who enjoyed flirting with her. Yet the ladies were trying to start up a small party game. When the first couple failed Sango suggested ‘Truth or Dare’. Kagome shook her head at the immaturity but sat in the small circle when she saw the dangerous stare from Rose.

Sango started, daring Rose to steal Sesshomaru’s shirt. She tried but a fierce glare from the inu told her to give up. Thankfully Sango was nice enough to change the dare to something more reasonable. Rose chose Kagome, who wasn’t going to take the chicken’s way out and picked dare as well.

“Do you remember the outfit we wore for the cafe during our last year’s cultural festival?” Rose asked.

Slowly Kagome nodded.

“Did you keep it?”

Not liking where the conversation was going Kagome hesitated before replying: “I keep all the costumes we’ve ever made.”

“Good, I dare you to go change into that outfit for the rest of the evening.”

Reluctantly Kagome got up and headed to the stairs. Most of her costumes were hidden in the spare room closet. But she had taken pride in her first ever costume so she usually kept it in her room. However after nearly ten minutes of looking Kagome couldn’t find the costume so she went into the spare room to check and found that it wasn’t there either. Kagome headed back into her room to search again. She was on her hands and knees looking under her bed when she heard a scuffing of feet from the direction of her door behind her. Kagome looked up over her shoulder finding that Sesshomaru was standing staring at her.

“Uh, Sesshomaru... what are you doing here?” she said as she stood up having no luck finding her costume under the bed.

“Your friends have no sense of maturity and yet you participate in the foolery. Why?”

“Well,” she paused, “I won’t do anything I’m against, but I figure what harm can a little fun do?”

“Your friends are looking for you, you’re taking too long,” he finally got to answering her question.

“I seemed to have misplaced my costume.”

“The maid outfit?”

“Uh... how did you know? You never attended any of the culture festivals. Inuyasha complained how you could always get out of it while he couldn’t.”

Kagome moved to a chest at the end of her bed kneeling to rummage in the contents while she talked to her former classmate.

“Inuyasha would always come home to describe details about you and your pathetic friends.”

The woman rose to her feet and glared at the inu. She didn’t notice the sounds from the hallway, or the way that Sesshomaru was suddenly distracted.

“Well if you think my friends and I are pathetic why did you even bother coming?!” she stabbed her finger against Sesshomaru’s chest. Instantly she pulled her finger to her mouth, realizing the jab was a mistake, the inu didn’t have a chest he had a stone wall.

“I said your friends are pathetic not you. Otherwise this outing would be entirely pointless.”

“Do you really think I will let you insult my friends like that?”

“I speak facts, if your friends were mature we wouldn’t be lock in this room.”

“Lock in...?”

Kagome looked over Sesshomaru’s shoulder to see the door closed. When she walked over it wouldn’t budged. An impressive growl escaped her throat.

“Stupid friends...” Kagome noticed Sesshomaru looked smug. “This is your entire fault. Rose has this preposterous idea that you like one of the girls here and that’s the only reason you came. Now she’s determined to find out who you like.”

A subtle smirk formed on Sesshomaru’s face while Kagome turned away from him to try the doorknob again and again. It wasn’t like her door actually locked. But it swung out to the hall and obviously someone had shut her door and pushed something against it which also jammed the doorknob.

“You’re a youkai why don’t you do something. Jump out the window and then get me out of here,” Kagome said once she had given up all hope on the door.

As soon as Kagome had turned Sesshomaru had sealed the space between them. She took a step back but when her back pressed against the door she could go no further. A hand was carefully positioned on each side of her so the inu was boxing her in a prison cell made of his body.

“Sesshomaru... what are... you doing?” she stammered.

“You’re such a naive human,” the inu growled assertively.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kagome whispered honestly.

It confused her more when Sesshomaru chuckled and leaned in further. Frozen in place she couldn’t do a thing as she watched the inu inch closer. His lips brushed against hers and that’s when Kagome was given enough of a jolt to jumpstart her brainwaves and make a rational decision. She slithered her hands between their bodies and pushed the inu away. His stone-like structure hardly budged so she used her small frame to slip under his arms and create some distance between them.

“Sesshomaru,” Kagome said as she turned to face the inu once again, “You’re scaring me, this isn’t like you.”

Some logical response was what Kagome had hoped for. Anything that was Sesshomaru-like would have been fine. Or so she thought. His silence was typical for him, but ut scared her more because of the stare that would release her.


“Shall we play a game?”

“Um, okay... but didn’t you say the party games were foolish,” Kagome pointed out nervously.

“I didn’t say party game.”

“What kind of game?”

As usual, for Sesshomaru at least, there was no answer. Kagome couldn’t think of anything to say to fill the couple seconds of silence. The inu stepped closer. Out of habit from the intense moment earlier Kagome backed up. But her leg was jabbed by the corner of her low bed frame.


Though not intentional, Kagome’s clumsiness broke the mood in the atmosphere. The sharp pain stung the surface of her bare calf and she was just about to kneel to study her injury when she noticed she wasn’t standing on her feet any longer. Sesshomaru had picked her up and was placing her gently on the bed. He lifted her leg and examined the small dribble of blood coming from her invisible injury.

“I’m fine,” Kagome insisted while attempting to pull her leg away.

Something wet licked her skin and Kagome realized that Sesshomaru had his tongue pressed against the small cut. The warmth contrasted against her cool skin and she shivered. Obviously Sesshomaru took it as a sign of something else because his hand on her leg moved up her inner thigh. She immediately swapped it away. Not because of the sensation it sent up her spine but because she knew Sesshomaru. His pride alone meant he wouldn’t settle for anything less than perfect. His arrogance was a trait that her personality clashed with. As great as the situation was, as much as she had day dreamt during her time in high school, she couldn’t see them lasting more than a night. And as far as she was concerned she was worth more than a one night stand. Perfect as Sesshomaru seemed, he was not the perfect match for her.

Of course Rose thought otherwise. She was sure this was a set up by her friend. No proof, she thought, but that didn’t matter to her because her gut told her all she needed to know.

“What do you think you are doing?”

“So naive,” Sesshomaru repeated.

“You are not laying another finger on me,” she said proudly and dragged herself away from Sesshomaru.

Very purposefully the inu stuck out his hand extended toward the woman to brush a finger along her cheek. The bed was only so big and that meant she was still in an arm’s reach. He immediately redirected his hand to her ankle and tugged her back to her previous position. The force of the pull had pushed her to her back and now she was more vulnerable than before. In the process of movement her skirt hiked up to her hip exposing her skimpy underwear and even her short shirt moved to display a few inched of her belly.

“Sesshomaru what are you doing?” Kagome whispered anxiously.

“Playing a game,” he declared assertively.

“Please stop,” she half asked.

The response came in the form of a kiss on the skin just below the hem of her raised shirt. His hands had begun to roam her legs and grope the lean muscle of her buttocks. Without realizing how much she enjoyed the touch she was surprised to hear an escape moan.

Her eyes widened when she understood what that would mean to Sesshomaru. He would assume that she liked what he was doing and that she was okay with it. However she didn’t want this. Did she? Well she did, but not like this, not like a toy or a prized to be claimed for a single night. Yet she couldn’t stop the wonderful hands that wandered under her shirt with the twirling tongue.

And then... all of a sudden Sesshomaru stopped. He pulled away and pulled her to sit up. She couldn’t explain it, but she somehow felt empty. It was like she was lacking something, wasn’t complete, or missing out on the bigger picture.

“The game is over Kagome,” Sesshomaru announce.

“Wait a minute,” she began, “what kind of game is that?”

Sesshomaru leaned in to whisper in her ear, as if they were in a room full of people and he only wanted her to hear his secret. But they were the only ones there so she didn’t understand the whispering. It was a rather short ‘mine’ and then he was gone. Her bedroom door was forced open and Kagome was alone.


“Merry Christmas,” Kagome sang as she placed a roasted turkey on the table. This year’s holiday theme was ‘Western’.

Sesshomaru smirked as his mate walked past him. This was the first public event they had attended since they had mated. So far none of the woman’s friends had noticed the bond mark. He had known that the woman’s friends would assume something had happened between them. She had made enough noise during his ministrations the previous year to ensure those listening outside the door would hear. He also knew that they would pick at her until she confessed, but her confessions would sound like denials because she wouldn’t be able to stop blushing, a habit he found useful to use against her. Eventually she would be pushed into her arms because of how frustrated she was. Like a good inu he would take advantage of her willingness and take the woman as his.

However, it was helpful plotting from Rose that helped the two get together in the first place. He didn’t have to say anything when Rose invited them to the small party. She declared that Kagome would be there and the woman assumed he was interested. Then she had announced that she would set up some time alone for them. Now Kagome was someone he had admired for some time. He wanted to claim her for his own, but it didn’t seem likely to happen if not for Rose. But this was a secret he would take to his grave and just over a year later the two plots had come together to a successful victory.

“Rose,” Kagome said, “White or dark?”

“A little of both,” the dear friend replied.

Kagome leaned over and placed the filled plate in front of Rose once it was filled. That’s when Rose’s scent changed and Sesshomaru knew the woman was onto what others had missed. It was bound to get out and Sesshomaru decided now was a good time to leave. He hated the womanly squeals of happiness that Kagome and her friends were prone to.

He left silently knowing very well that his mate would come to him eventually. He would have to thank Rose in some manner some day for her cunning plan to set up their unique meeting.


I just want to explain my logic for this plot. Since SesshysRose is a writer I thought it would be interesting to take this as a plot to explain  the role that SesshysRose takes as a writer. In order to think of unique ways to set Kag and Sess up she has to be cunning. And so I thought a character named Rose who takes this key personality trait to the heart would be the perfect prompt for this gift. I hope you enjoyed.

Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2010