If You Give a Dog a Home by Angelic Memories

Time to Adjust

The semester is almost done for me. I only have exams so in celebration and am posting. I don't want to spam the front page all at once, so I have a couple of works I will be posting over the next couple of hours. 

Before you read this I do want to explain my inspiration. I remember this story called If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff and though this story isn't the same I did want to create a sort of cause and effect like story...

Okay no more rambling. 

Thanks to 1CarinoInu for baring with me, betaing and giving me amazing advice as I work this story out. 

If You Give a Dog a Home:

                He will need some time to adjust…

In the span of ten seconds her mother had gone from fears of Kagome living on her own, to whether she was eating healthy. Then there was school and marks, followed by any new friends. Of course this led her mother into the conversation on, you named it… guys.

“I’m just curious if you have met someone special,” the older woman mumbled grudgingly.

“Well I haven’t,” Kagome snipped, “and I am not going to. School’s much too important and I barely have time for my friends with work as it is; so what would I do with a guy in my life?”

“You could always move home honey. You know I wouldn’t charge you to live here and then you wouldn’t have to work so much.”

“Mom please, let’s drop this,” Kagome sighed.

“I’m not getting any younger though and I would like to see some grandbabies.”

Shaking her head the young woman of twenty-three rolled her eyes. “When I feel like it I will have or adopt children.”

Reflecting on her mother’s words Kagome wondered if she should take the advice. Maybe in a way her mother was right. At times Kagome felt she did need someone in her life. Yet she felt her life had advantages just the way it was and she was reluctant to change. 

It was three days later when an idea hit her. She had been looking at the ceiling of her apartment. The new landlady who lived four doors down had three pets and was reluctant to obey the rules when she took over the place. The woman changed the rules to fit her needs, which meant pets were now allowed in the building.

The next morning Kagome baked a few pastries for breakfast and carried them over for a visit to the landlady. Unlike the last superintendent, Kagome didn’t mind living a couple doors down. In fact Kagome found herself going to speak to the woman frequently.  In a way the landlady was like an older sister, someone who shared experiences with her so Kagome knew what to expect in life.

“Kagome, how are you? Oh are these for me? Thanks,” she smiled as her voice sang. Taking the plate she led the way into the apartment, identical to Kagome’s. “Did you need something?”

“Actually Kikyou, I was wondering how difficult it was to take care of them,” Kagome stared at a set of yellow eyes.

The smile was encouraging. It was a mirror image to hers. But it was more than the smile that matched Kagome’s. Silky black hair ran down Kikyou’s back, longer than Kagome’s and straighter. Cheekbones and jaw lines were identical. The only real difference were their eyes. Kikyou’s eyes were a deep earthy brown, always contemplating, while Kagome had bright sapphires like the night sky, filled with excitement but determination.

“Oh it’s no trouble if he or she is trained.”

“Trained,” Kagome repeated slowly.

Kikyou ushered Kagome into the apartment and to a soft couch covered in many throws. Kikyou went through the basics of pet care and the responsibility involved.

“Always remember, though we consider them pets, they take as much care and time as a child sometimes.”

Nearly an hour passed as the women talked, during which time Kagome’s mind was swayed.

“Thanks Kikyou,” the younger woman replied as their conversation ended. “I have to get to class now but I will talk to you later.”

“Drop by anytime.” 

That afternoon she began her search. It only took a while for her to choose the one she wanted, choosing unique looks over personality. The long walk home was nothing to either of them. Kagome was use to long walks and her new pet seemed to enjoy it immensely. Entering the building, she decided to let Kikyou see her new family member. The knock was quickly answered but she could hear the landlady telling off her cat Inuyasha, who seemed to take pleasure in clawing her furniture.

“Oh Kagome,” she smiled, “Good evening.”

“I wanted you to meet Sesshomaru.”

“He’s a dog… but I thought you wanted a cat?” she tilted her head to the side.

“I was looking at cats but he caught my attention and I couldn’t help but bring him home.”

Kagome knelt beside the silver furred dog. Deep amber eyes held deep thoughts and silent secrets. The giant paws were almost as large as her hand. Standing on his hind legs he towered over her. On all fours his head reached her just above her waist.

“He’s so big.”

“Fully trained though. His previous owners moved and couldn’t keep him. He came to me on his own accord, which I was told was strange. I just fell in love with him.”

“He is very beautiful. His eyes remind me of Inuyasha’s.”

“Yeah… strange. Their fur is the same colour almost too.”

“Well I have to head up to Mrs. Anderson’s. She has another complaint.”

“Of course she does,” Kagome rolled her eyes, “I guess I will see you tomorrow Kikyou.” 

Once in her apartment she began to unpack the bags upon bags of supplies. With everything set up she turned to her new roommate as she sat on the edge of her bed. Which was exactly when her thoughts had begun to wander over the past few days.

 “So this is home,” she began, feeling it was necessary to talk to the dog that had yet to move from the center of the room.

Getting to her feet Kagome picked up the dog bed and moved it to the right side of her bed. The side she mainly laid on when sleeping.

“You can sleep here,” she told him as she laid an extra blanket on the bed. “Are you hungry?”

Kagome measured out a dish of food and filled the water bowl. She placed them on the floor in a vacant place against the wall. As she looked up she patted her leg hoping to entice the dog to come closer and perhaps eat. He didn’t budge.

“Well it’s there for when you want it.”

Sesshomaru didn’t move as she began tidying up. By the time she started studying for the night the only movement from the dog was his graceful lowering to the floor. Every few moments Kagome’s attention averted from the pages of her textbooks to the golden gaze watching her off and on. As it neared midnight Kagome yawned and decided it was time to turn in. She changed into a pair of light sleep pants and a tank top, discarding her dirty clothing into the nearby hamper.

“Time for bed,” she said.

The dog didn’t move.

“It feels like I am talking to myself,” she grumbled, “People are going to think I’m insane.”

Kagome crawled into bed, not bothering to be shocked that her new companion stayed as he had been all evening.

“Good night,” she whispered with a sad yet hopeful smile.


As morning arrived Kagome awoke. Once again she found she woke long before her alarm was due to go off. Muttering under her breath and cursing the person who invented earlier mornings, Kagome hopped out of bed, her feet complaining about the cold floor and forgotten slippers.  Her eyes drifted to the large mound of white fur curled on the floor in a ball. She changed, choosing to shower after she returned.

“Come on, let’s go for a walk,” she smiled and picked up the leash.

Just a few blocks away was a park she planned to take him. On the way there Sesshomaru took the lead. Though she knew it was inappropriate since she was the master and she was supposed to walk up front, she decided to leave it, he wasn’t tugging her along in the least and for that she was grateful. His size had her questioning whether or not to get him and she feared that he would drag her about, since he was capable of just that.

“Do you fetch?” she asked, though she didn’t know why she asked since he obviously couldn’t talk. However his eyes showed a sort of understanding, like he knew exactly what she was saying.

Picking up a stick she threw it and of course shouted, “Fetch!”

But he didn’t move towards the object and instead gently tugged to continue to walk down the beaten park pathway.

“Okay, let’s go this way then,” she stated as she began to follow him.

 After half an hour Kagome decided it was time to head back home and with little trouble managed to explain to Sesshomaru she had to get ready for work but she would take him out after her shift. She felt guilty leaving him locked away but there wasn’t much she could do. Checking both water and food Kagome realized he had yet to eat anything.

“While I’m away please eat something.” Of course there was no answer but there was a flicker in the golden hues again. “Okay I’m off. See you soon Sesshomaru.”


With a sigh Kagome leaned against the counter at work. Her eyes watched the customers passing by the shop window. The small sweet shop was usually packed over the weekend and holidays. But today was slow, since it was the beginning of the week. This was fine by her because it usually meant she was going home with something that would sate her sweet tooth.

“Hey Kagome, I haven’t seen you in a while. Have you met anyone yet?”

“Sesshomaru,” the woman joked. “How was your vacation?”

“Who’s Sesshomaru? Have you kissed yet? Is he hot? Miroku wouldn’t let me go too far from him. There was a man who had a similar curse hand act at the resort. When the man tried to grope me Miroku went haywire and became very protective.” 

Kagome chuckled. “Well he deserved to have to put up with competition. But please tell me that you had a chance to enjoy the hotsprings? Anyway, Sesshomaru’s adorable,” she teased playfully while watching her co-workers expression turn to a squeal before breaking her heart. “He’s a dog though.”

“A dog? You don’t mean like a pet do you?”

“Of course. You’ll have to come by and see him sometime.”

“Kagome you’re supposed to find a man. Someone to go on a date… so we can go on double dates.”

“I know but I don’t know if I am ready to have a serious relationship.”

“I’ll come visit you tomorrow to come see your dog, but you have to come to the movies with me, Miroku, and one of his friends,” Sango proposed.

“What? But Sango I don’t…”

“You should get out more. Come on just tomorrow night. You’ll never get laid if you don’t start getting out in the world.”

Kagome looked down and sighed, “Fine, I’ll go… for the movie, but this isn’t a date.

“Sure, sure, no problem.”

The bell above the door rang and Kagome immediately straightened and smiled at the customer. “Good afternoon, welcome to Sugar and Sweets. Can I help you find anything sir?”


Flopping upon her bed Kagome dropped the bag of groceries she had gotten on the way home. Her eyes met with her new companion and she smiled.

“You’re so lucky you’re a dog. Laying around, playing, sleeping, and being lazy. I wish I could do that. My life sucks.” Kagome got up and began preparing dinner, she continued her rant though, liking that she wasn’t talking to herself for once. “I had to help another perverted man who thought it would be funny to slip his hand under my skirt. Thank heavens Sango was there. Tomorrow night she wants me to go to a movie with one of her boyfriend’s friends. What’s with people telling me to find someone special? I’m only twenty-three. Can’t I decide when I want to settle down?”

Kagome angrily chopped the vegetables, slicing them thinly for a stir fry. “I guess I will come home after school and walk you then go out. I might be back late though.” Moving to the fridge she opened the door and looked for the beef she had put to the side. “What? Where is it? I thought it was here last night? Good going Kagome. Well it looks like we are going to the store. Want to come?”

Sesshomaru moved to the door and sat obediently.

“Okay but you will have to wait outside the store while I slip inside,” she explained as she clipped on his leash.


“That will thirteen hundred yen ,” the clerk stated after ringing up the item.

“Right,” Kagome reached into her wallet and pulled out the money, surprised to find more than she thought. “Here,” she mumbled trying to hide her confusion.

Outside she untied Sesshomaru and took the shortest way home.

“I can’t believe I misplaced an entire side of beef. I mean I don’t remember using it,” she mumbled, shaking her head in disappointment. “Oh well… hey after dinner let’s go for a run? I haven’t gotten to do any night time runs in a while. Mom’s always telling me not to go out to late by myself, but if you’re with me you would protect me, right?”

Kagome smiled at an old woman she passed. The elder was giving her a curious look but Kagome continued on her way. At home she began to start her stir fry again. Every so often her gaze would move to the dog sitting by the patio door. It led onto a balcony, but Kagome never left it open since she was on the ground floor and it was easy enough to sneak in by hopping the barrier.

“Did you want it open?” she asked and walked over to the sliding door. “Just promise you won’t jump the railing,” the woman said.

The latch released with a click and the wheels of the door slid with a small squeak. Kagome was happy to see Sesshomaru move away from his favourite spot in the middle of the room for once. That night she joined her newest family member out in the fresh air to eat. She attempted to share her plate, but the dog turned up his nose every time she offered a morsel.

“Well, you snooze you lose,” she shrugged.

When she finished her meal she headed back to the kitchen to clean up her mess. Upon the completion of her task she called Sesshomaru back inside and locked the door once more. She gathered the leash from the hook by the door and she didn’t even have to say a thing to the furry creature; Sesshomaru made his way to her on his own. Kagome smiled, hoping it meant that he was warming up to her, but she guessed he was just happy to be out of her little cramped apartment.

Once at the park Kagome debated with herself. She didn’t want Sesshomaru to be bound by a rope, he  needed some room to run and she knew she could run as fast as him. Yet she didn’t want to take the chance that he would take off. As she stared at the golden eyes, she decided it was time to judge how much she could trust him. In her mind there was no need to keep an animal that didn’t want to stay with her.

He came to me in the first place, right? she pointed out suddenly.

“Okay, I’m going to take your leash off, but please don’t run away,” she begged, realizing just how much she was attached in such a short time.

As she unhooked the restraint, Kagome sighed in relief when he continued to stay along side her. After a few short stretches the woman turned to the dog and smiled.

“Well then let’s go,” she laughed.

Kagome began to jog along the well trampled track, Sesshomaru was quick to follow. As she picked up her pace, the dog did too. Soon she was full out running. Her speed had been one of the best when she was in high school. More than anything she enjoyed the cool air of the night, the way the darkness blocked off her sight, but heightened her hearing and smell. It made her comprehend how much she missed running. In no time she was panting, each breath bringing painfully cold air to her warm lungs. Her legs began to restrict and she was reminded of her humanity.

“I wish I was a dog,” she huffed; bending over with hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. “I would give away my soul to be able to run like you.” Clutching her chest as she rose, Kagome stared at the golden eyes watching her carefully. “You don’t even look the slightest bit tired, but I can’t run another inch. Let’s go get a drink and head home; I have to get ready for class tomorrow morning.”


Throughout the night she tossed and turned. Her body would be too cold one minute and too hot the next. When the alarm rung through the small apartment the next morning, she would have liked nothing more than to smash it with something heavy and toss it out of the open window.

“Kami I hate mornings, almost as much as the thought of going out with some strange guy tonight,” she mumbled to herself and flipped to her side to hit the off button on the blaring clock. She looked to the white fur ball on her floor and heaved a sigh. “I bought you a bed you know. I never intended for you to sleep on the cold floor.”

Golden eyes reached through the distance, as if begging her to be quiet so early in the morning. Not that Kagome could blame him, after all the sun had yet to wake up and greet the earth on her side of the globe.

“Let me get a shower and I will take you for a walk,” she stated instead.

On her way to the bathroom Kagome leaned over and patted the top of Sesshomaru’s head. The way he turned his head from her after her expression of affection reminded her of an embarrassed child. Kagome sighed and headed into the small shower area. Looking into the mirror she noticed the way her shirt hung lowly over her breast. But she cared not. Living alone had its advantages… and the only disadvantage she hated was now solved with her new pet’s arrival.

“I’ll take Sesshomaru to the park when I get home,” Kagome told her reflection.


Hey Kagome, where are you I’m at your house?”

“I’m at the park down the road walking Sesshomaru. I’ll be heading home shortly.”

Oh, in that case I will start walking in that direction,” Sango replied before hanging up.

Upon closing her phone with a snap, Kagome put it in her pocket and then turned to stare at Sesshomaru walking beside her. “I guess we have to start heading home.”

Because class had ended early, Kagome got home and was able to spend the last hour in the park with Sesshomaru. She really wasn’t looking forward to the date this evening. She found men were pigs who tended to want one thing, something she wasn’t willing to give them since she wanted her first time to be special. That and perhaps she was even scared.

“Well I can’t put it off anymore. Come on, let’s go home,” she mumbled hoping to gather her courage.

Along the sidewalk a tall figure wearing a tight black tank top lined with pink and a matching skirt caught her attention. Sango’s thick black hair was pinned in a long tail at the top of her head. Her pink trademark eye shadow and lipstick hadn’t changed since they were in high school together.

“Kagome!” she shouted happily, waving a hand over her head.

With a smile Kagome walked up to her friend and co-worker and gave her a hug.

“So this is him huh?”

“Uh… yeah this is Sesshomaru,” Kagome began, “Sesshomaru this is Sango.”

Sango looked at the dog and then to Kagome, “Do you always talk to him like he is human?”

“Yeah, it’s sort of habit. I want him to get use to me and adjusted to his new home so I talk to him,” she confessed.

“Kagome you need to get out more. Speaking of which, we better get you home. You need to get dressed,” Sango said while she pulled on her friend’s arm.

“But I am dressed.”

Turning back around Sango gave Kagome ‘the look’. It was the expression Kagome knew well. She had received it many times. Her face bunched in a way to ask ‘are you serious?’ and ‘you’ve got to be kidding me.’ Meanwhile Kagome couldn’t help but think there was nothing wrong with her baggy jeans and tight v cut t-shirt.

“Okay well the shirt can stay if it matches whatever you decided to replace the pants with,” Sango negotiated, liking the dragon design wrapping from the back to the front of the shirt.

“I don’t have much,” Kagome mumbled, hating to point out that she hadn’t really done any clothes shopping in a long time.

“That’s fine, I brought some things,” Sango cheered and began her act of pulling again. “The boys will meet us at the theatre at seven, so we have two hours.”

Kami save me, Kagome thought.

The usual ten minute walk to her apartment was completed in less than five. Sango’s long strides meant Kagome was jogging to keep up to the fast pace. When they arrived, Sango impatiently waited for Kagome to open the door, the many bags her friend bought were retrieved from the car on the way in.

“Now let’s get started.”

Sango began pulling out supplies. The first thing to go was the pants. After a long debate, Kagome was donning a short pleated blue skirt, trimmed with a shimmery white material. In the end Sango forced Kagome to replace her shirt with a corset like tank top, white to match the skirt. To top everything off, Sango began expressing a need to put up her hair and apply make-up, something Kagome never cared for. Then the look was accessorized with a dozen silver bracelets and a couple of silver chains. Just as six thirty rolled around Sango announced she was finished and stepped back to look at the finished product.

“You look amazing,” she exclaimed, before rushing to add finishing touches to her own attire.

“I feel like a whore,” Kagome whispered, leaning down to pat Sesshomaru.

The warmth that overwhelmed her beckoned for her to lean in and give the dog a hug. The usual coldness of her pet made her think she would never get away with such an action, but when he did nothing to show discomfort Kagome knew he was slowly warming up to her.

“I’ll be home by midnight. I promise,” she whispered.


Kagome sighed as she stared ahead of her. The theatre was a rather long walk from her house, and because she insisted on walking home, her ‘date’ explained he would accompany her. Even with her sincere declines, he told her that he wouldn’t feel right unless he could see she was home safely. The last thing she wanted was some strange male knowing where she lived. One quick glance to her best friend was her last ditch effort and it proved fruitless. The ‘match-maker’ didn’t help her none the less. In fact she pushed Kagome to accept the invite by explaining what a lovely idea Riko had.

Grudgingly she stalked forward, unhappy and displeased. Nearly fifteen minutes passed by with little to no conversation. Kagome found the silence awkward and desperately wanted to abandon the male whenever possible.

But apparently Riko was quite content with the silence, Kagome vaguely acknowledged the comment: “It’s nice to be able to walk with someone and not uphold a conversation huh?”

To which Kagome managed a half hearted, “Yeah.”

A long last her apartment building came into view. Unable to shake Riko off, Kagome continued forward. She passed into the entrance and headed down the hall to her door. Riko was right on her heels the entire time. She slipped her hand into her purse and found her keys by touch. As she reached the door she slid her house key into the lock and gave it a good turn. A click told her it was unlock so she turned around to face the male.

“Well, I had a good time,” Kagome mumbled, “Perhaps I will see you again soon,” she added politely with a small smile.

“You know tonight doesn’t have to end here,” he mumbled, leaning in closer.

Kagome put a hand out and pushed him away, “Sorry, I think you are mistaken. I’m not one of those kind of girls.”

“I’m not saying you are. I just thought perhaps you would want me to show you a good time,” he said.

Kagome tried to slip into her apartment, but Riko managed to push on the door to slip both of them in. His hands moved clumsy over her chest, groping for her breasts and she managed to knee him before a growl echoed through the room. Riko looked around startled and found two large golden eyes staring at him in the darkness.

“If you don’t want me to call him to attack then I suggest you leave in silence.”

It was evident that there was fear in the young male’s eyes as he backed away, leaving as fast as he could. Kagome moved to slam and lock the door before sliding against the frame and burying her face into her knees.

“Thank you,” she whispered barely looking up to the creature that sat across from her.

She swore there was some sort of emotion hidden in the deep depths, but instead of worrying about it Kagome looked to the clock.

“I promised you a walk and I’m home later than I thought. Sorry, but we can go now,” she said.

Sesshomaru got up and moved to the hook with his leash. Flashing a warm smile, Kagome got up and brushed off her skirt before frowning.

“Just let me change first,” she said, already heading to her room.

She re-emerged in a comfortable pair of jogging pants and tight tank top. It was her every intention of taking another long run with Sesshomaru in order to clear her mind. She already preferred the cool air of night rather than the dry, warm, heat of day.

“Okay let’s go.”


There is one thing I would like to point out. There are vague details in the beginning about the adoption and going to the pet store for a reason. I will be going into more depth once I get to a specific point in mind. 

Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2010