Hungry for More Drabbles: November's Prompts by DemonQueen17

Hungry for More Drabbles: November's Prompts

Disclaimer: No ownership, no profit off Inuyasha.

Note: These are my drabbles from November’s DDN. Enjoy.

Hungry for More Drabbles: November’s Prompts

Prompt: Voyage

Kagome was bored with Sesshomaru being at work and needed something to do. She looked at her music library through all the songs she had on her IPod and found the perfect one for her to dance to. She put the IPod on her speaker and blasted it, dancing to the song. Sesshomaru silently walked in the door after a long day at the office and a smile crept on his face. Through mid-dance, Kagome turned to see Sesshomaru with a big smile. She stood with a hand on the back, laughing nervously. Sesshomaru had flashbacks of the 1970's as the song 'Fantastic Voyage' was blaring through the speakers.

Prompt: Roast

Kagome's mouth watered as she watched the roast Sesshomaru prepared was cooking in the oven. She wondered about how much time was left until it was finally ready. Sesshomaru noticed this and shook his head. "As a watched pot never boils, neither does a watched roast cook in the oven."

Kagome could only scowl at this. "Oh, shut up." With that, she stormed out of the kitchen with her stomach growling.

Prompt: Dish

As the Inutachi made camp, Kagome pulled out a couple of food items from her bag, which were packaged into individual containers. Miroku was curious as these dishes were not of the ramen variety. Or course, Inuyasha was disappointed but curious at the same time. Kagome told everyone to dig in. Everyone enjoyed their meal as Kagome turned to Inuyasha and waited for what he had to say. Inuyasha looked up from the now empty container. "What? This was good. Could you bring more the time you go back? This is much better than ramen."

Sango put her hand on the hanyou's forehead, checking to see if he had a fever. "What? It's true."

Sesshomaru only snorted. "This is quite a shock. The idiot hanyou actually likes something other than that ramen concoction."

Inuyasha came up with the perfect retort. "Keh, so says the icy youkai prick who just ate human food."

Prompt: Carve

It was complete. Kagome had put the finishing touches of her sculpture; a tall imposing male with long hair and almost cold eyes. She made sure every muscle on his body was perfectly carved. The sculptress looked at her creation lustfully, impure thoughts running through mind as she wanted to do some...inappropriate things to it. Suddenly, a glow surrounded the sculpture, bringing it to life. What was once clay was now flesh as the figure gracefully jumped off the stand and landed in front of its, or rather HIS, creator. "I have read your thoughts, my mistress and know what you have in mind." The male lifted her chin with delicate-looking claws. "So when shall we begin?" Kagome could only gulp at this.

Prompt: Warm

There they were, the last remaining youkai in existence, chained in a dungeon when two princesses descended towards their prison. The older princess cupped the taiyoukai's face in her delicate hands, a warm feeling coursing through her body. "So this is the mighty Sesshomaru, former Lord of the Western Lands and his brother Prince Inuyasha. These two will make fine slaves for both Rin and I." Kagome smiled. "If you both do as you're told, you could be our 'special' slaves." She then clapped for the head slave trainer.

"Do whatever it takes to break their spirit and bring them to me when they're ready." Kagome giggled with anticipation as she heard both brothers struggle with their chains, growling in defiance as they silently swore that their spirits would never break as they swore vengeance upon the entire kingdom when they were free.

Prompt: Gratitude

Kagome couldn't believe that she lay in bed with her sculpture turned male perfection. Was she dreaming? She pinched herself and realized that everything that had happened between them was real. The male turned to face his creator, running his fingers through her hair. "I am truly grateful to you for bringing me to life. All you have to do is give me a name."

"A name?"

"Of course, you did create me after all."

"Um, ok, uh, how about Sesshomaru?"


"Yes, the killing part aside, you are perfection."

"Sesshomaru...I like the sound of that."

Prompt: Feast

Sesshomaru and Kagome couldn't help it. They started feasting on the food laid out before them. Inuyasha and the rest of the group had their jaws dropped. They needed to hurry and grab whatever food they could before it was all gone. They knew Sesshomaru had a big appetite, but not as big as what was seen. Kagome, on the other hand, patted her stomach as a loud burp came out of her mouth, signaling that she was done eating. She noticed the group's stares and sighed. "What? I was hungry. Not only that, I'm eating for three." Sesshomaru paused in his eating and grinned. On the other hand, the group could only faint at the news.

Unofficial Prompt: Dessert (left chat before this prompt)

There it was; the last piece of apple pie. Everyone had a piece of the pie. The question was; who would partake in it? The ones who wanted it stared longingly at the tasty dessert; the ones being Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. They glared and growled at each other, a challenge for that piece. And so, they took the battle outside. There was no clear-cut as both tired themselves out and sluggishly returned to find the dessert…gone. It was then Touga came out with the now empty plate which held it, looking confused at his two sons. “I’m sorry. Did you two want this?”

The responses he received were a sulking hanyou and a pouting taiyoukai.

I know it’s a bit late but I’m done. Later. ^_^