Random Drabbles by Kae

That Ol' Black Magic

For Special Plunnie Chat Night

Prompt: That Ol’ Black Magic

This place was spooky. But what did she expect from a witch? Witch’s were supposed to live in spooky, old, cobweb-filled houses.

“Hello?” she called into the darkness that filled the house.

“Come…in…” answered a creepy woman’s voice.

Kagome cautiously entered. “Where are you? Hello?”


Kagome followed the voice to a room that was lit only by the fire under what can only be described as a cauldron. An elderly woman stood over the pot stirring a glowing purple substance inside.

“Are you the witch that makes the-”

“Yes…child…come…” the woman ladled some of the glowing liquid into a glass jar. She shuffled over to Kagome and handed it to her.

“Thank you. How much do I owe you?”

“Never mind payment miko. Send me more customers and we will be even.”

“Um… okay. Thanks a lot!” With that she left the creepy house.

A little while later, she found who she was looking for. She walked up to him and handed him the jar.

“What is this, miko?”

She smiled up at him. “You’re supposed to drink it.”

His eyebrow rose. “What is it?”

Her smile never wavered. “It’s something that’s good for you. Just drink it.”

“This Sesshoumaru will do no such thing until I know what it is.”

She sighed. “Okay fine. Its some kind of herbal concoction that reacts with the chemicals in your body. Its supposed to make you stronger.”

“I need no such thing.” He attempted to give it back to her.

“No. You need to drink it.”

He shoved the jar at her. “No.”

“Fine.” She took it back. “But you’ll regret not drinking it.”

He scoffed and turned away.

Later, she was preparing tea. “Sesshoumaru, would you care for some tea?”

He nods and Kagome smirked evilly when he looked away. She emptied the jar into the tea kettle. “Here you go.” She said handing him his tea mug. With him holding it, she slowly poured the warm purple liquid into his mug.

He looked into the mug disapprovingly. “What is this?”

“it’s a new kind of tea I found. Its an herbal lavender tea.” she lied.

He nodded and sipped at it before dropping the mug as if it just burned him. “Miko, are you trying to kill me?!” He said standing up.

Her eyes grew wide. “No, why?”

His eyes became glassy. “That tea is not what you said it was!” he lifted his hand and it began to glow green. “Prepare… to die…” he shakes his head as it becomes foggy.

“Everything is fine, Sesshoumaru. You’ll be fine in a minute.”

“What did you give me?” He began to feel strange.

“You’ll see in a minute.” She smiled at him.

And that did it. The smile did something strange to him. Something snapped into place. The fogginess cleared and the strange feeling settled.

“You okay now?” She asked approaching him.

He nodded before reaching out to her and pulling her to him. “I see. You gave me a love potion. I should be angry but…” And with that he kissed her.

Kagome smiled cuddling up to her inuyoukai lord. All was now right in the world.