A Fool's War by Minerva_one

A Fool's War

Quote: The surest poison is time. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

You were once a perfect flower

freshly budded, dew on your lips,

and ripe for the picking.

So I did.

Long you adorned my side,

your sweet scent filling my nose,

soft skin caressing mine.

An unseen enemy waged war on you,

leaving you withered and spent.

Time has poisoned your once flawless beauty.

Your skin wrinkled,

your hair grayed,

yours steps slowed.

There was only one enemy I could not conquer.

I still see echoes of our life in your eyes,

a glimmer, a remembrance, an hint of the past.

I see the reflections of our happiness, locked forever inside.

Memories never to return again.

I thought I was strong enough to stop time,

I thought I could keep you by my side forever.

I was a fool.

And now a withered flower is at my side,

whose time is measured in days and weeks,

instead of years.

Our time is running out, my sweet Kagome.

When you go, my flower

I will go with you

I will not be a made a fool by time.