Vivacious by Lilly Akame



Sesshomaru watched the young woman as she moved around the café, laughing and smiling with her customers, talking lively and cheering people up with her bubbly personality.

She was never like this, he noted, in the Sengoku Jidai. Her light was dimmed by the dead priestess that was a constant reminder that she just wouldn’t be good enough, for him.

After the priestess was taken back to the underworld and Kagome got the part of her soul that was ripped from her, she seemed so much more alive. She smiled and laughed so much more than she used to. Everyone loved her in the Sengoku Jidai, and obviously everyone in this time loved her too.

‘Kagome-chan!’ A little boy shouted. Sesshomaru watched discreetly as Kagome grinned and moved her way towards the seven year old human. ‘Look!’ The boy held up a Transformer, shoving it into the time traveler’s face.

‘Wow, Ken-chan! Who got you this? He looks so strong!’ Kagome said, looking the toy up and down.

‘He is! He can…’ Sesshomaru ignored the boy and watched Kagome as she listened and talked with enthusiasm to the little boy. When the café owner called her up, Kagome smiled and ruffled the boys’ hair and winked, walking away.

Then, she turned her head and looked straight at him, her sapphire eyes locking with his fake green eyes.

Then, she is walking towards him, her hips swaying unintentionally as she moved. She looked him up and down with confusion in her eyes, and then she stopped at his table, placing one hand down on it and the other on her hip. Her smile is welcoming and her eyes bright.

‘Have we met before?’

Sesshomaru smiled for the first time in decades.


I’m actually really happy with this one :) Please Review ??