Mate Hunt by MidNigh

Clothes Crazy Lady

                                                                 ~ Greed ~

Kagome groaned as Ai pulled out yet another beautiful kimono from the wardrobe.

"Ai! what am I going to do with all these clothes? I thought you were only going to order a few things." Kagome cried as her son to be mother in law pulled ANOTHER night dress out to match the kimono.

"Yes, but you are going to be the Lady of the west. You can have as much of anything as you please." Ai said, holding a barley there piece of clothing up to Kagome's form.

*I didn't know they had lingerie in the the feudal* Kagome thought blush bright pink. Sesshomaru silently walked in after Ai had made Kagome change into the sheer material, and was pulling Kagome's hair back from her face.

"Perfect, you can put your hair up like this, to show off your neck. Sesshomaru will be very please. " Ai was said piling Kagome's hair onto the top of her head. Sesshomaru cleared his throat.

"I prefer her hair down, not that it is your concern mother." He said. Kagome yelp and dropped the night dress.

"It is very rude to enter a room without knocking Sesshomaru. I know that you were taught better." Ai scolded as she watched Kagome scurry from the room. Sesshomaru smirked.

"All the rooms in this keep belong to me mother. I do not have to knock." He told her. Sesshomaru walked toward the wardrobe and looked threw the new clothes.

"Where are the rest of the clothes? Surly this is not all that was order." He asked, Kagome reentered the room and pulled him away from her clothes.

"This is more than enough, and I doubt I'll be able to ware all these in a hole year!" She exclaimed. Lady Ai laughed.

"Oh you silly girl. These are only your morning gowns. You afternoon and evening attire is in the next room. I had planned for us to look over the rest threw out the rest of the week." She said and laughed again at Kagome's outraged face. "Not to mention all of little Shippo's clothes." She teased and fled the room when Sesshomaru growled at her.

"Forgive my mother. She can be a little much at times." He apologized, Kagome sighed and flopped into one of the plush chairs that graced the room.

"Its okay, I'm not angry just a little over whelmed." Kagome said. "I really like your mother, she a sweetheart." She continued and laughed when Sesshomaru arched a brow.

"She is. I bet she spoiled you rotten when you were a baby." Kagome teased.

"Yes, if dressing me in girls clothing and putting bows in my hair, is you definition of spoiling. My father thought he had a daughter when I was first presented to him." Sesshomaru said and watched Kagome as she doubled over laughing.

"Oh I would have loved to see that!" Kagome said whipping tears from her eyes.

*I will have to make sure all of my infant portraits are hidden away.* Sesshomaru thought to himself thinking of the painting his mother had, had commissioned of him at birth. Kagome stopped laughing and stared at Sesshomaru, an odd look on her face.

"Why are you looking at me in such an odd way?" Sesshomaru questioned.

"Um do you want, if our children are girls will you be angry?" Kagome asked, Sesshomaru frowned.

"Why would I be angered by the birth of a female child? All pups are cherished by my people no matter the sex." He informed her.

"Oh" Kagome sighed."In my time most men want sons and do like it when they have only daughters." Kagome explained. Sesshomaru nodded.

"I see. Any children that you bare me will be cherished and cared for regardless of its sex. If we only have female children than the oldest girl will rule our lands, when it is time." Sesshomaru told her. A knock at the door, drew there attention to one of the guards.

"Forgive the interruption My Lord, My Lady, But another shipment of clothing had arrived and the men do not know where it should be placed." The guard said.

"Ai!" Kagome said and stormed from the room.

 ~ Just so you guys know............. I chose to interpret Greed, by showing Kagome's lack of it. I case it wasn't obvious? Thanks ! Read & Review Please!!! Sessy21 ~