Like Shattered Glass by SesshysRose

Like Shattered Glass

Disclaimer: I Don’t own Inuyasha and Co!

Prelude: This poem takes place when Kagome and Sesshoumaru have a fight concerning Kagome finding out that Sesshoumaru is fatally ill, but Sesshoumaru is not the one that tells her. Kagome leaves him, but realizes she still loves him. Kagome, too ashamed of her actions to actually visit the demon she loves face to face, sits outside of his room, contemplating what to do next. Sesshoumaru is on his deathbed, wishing things had happened differently. He has no idea that Kagome is only a heartbeat away... while his own heart beat is growing faint...

Like Shattered Glass 

She's sitting alone... 

All alone in that chair. 

She stares at a door 

With an empty-eyed stare. 

She's sick and she's lonely, 

With no friends to her name. 

Her heart, it is hollow; 

Her head's dipped in shame. 

Her mouth, two pink lines, 

Are tugged down in a frown. 

She's never even left this sad 

Excuse of a town. 

In the room next to hers 

Lays a man in his prime. 

If there is something he wants 

It could only be time. 

Time to be with her now, 

'Til the end of their days. 

He has no idea she's with him, 

That it's in the next room where she stays... 

He thought that she'd left him

To die on his own. 

He thinks about calling her, 

But is too weak to reach the phone. 

She wants to get closer, 

Hold his hand; say his name...

But she thought he would detest 

Even the thought that she came. 

Two hearts, now, were beating 

One too fast, one too slow, 

Until in crept a shadow, 

The stench of death, too in tow. 

A pain wracked breath falls from his lips, 

And from his body, his youthful soul silently slips. 

The girl jumps from the chair, 

Her current spot, 

And races for the room like a bullet shot. 

Quietly, she kneels before his body. 

That was all that was there. 

She hefted his hand with deliberate care, 

While shakily running a hand through his silvery hair. 

She started to cry, leaving no tear unshed. 

She had not said "I love you." 

Now it was too late, he was dead. 

Desperately she screamed his name, 

Knowing all too well that it was in vain. 

She sees the dark shadow 

Hover in front of her face. 

She listens for his heartbeat, 

Though it is one she can't trace. 

"You can't take him; I won't let you." She says

Hands balled tightly into fists. 

In her mind she was thinking 

Of the time they had first kissed. 

She thought of the times 

They had walked hand in hand. 

She thought of the moonlit walks 

Alone and barefoot in the sand. 

A final tear leaked from her eye, 

She was still reluctant to say goodbye. 

She knew that the good times 

Outshined the bad. 

She knew that the times she was happy 

Exceeded the times that she was sad. 

She knew that she loved him too much 

To just let him go. 

She knew that the loss of her lover 

Was like a never ending blow. 

She clutched him close, 

Her tears anew. 

Her heart was hammering, 

She wanted his to too. 

She wished he had told her 

Right from the start. 

If she had known about the illness, 

They would never have had to part. 

But he had held it like a secret, 

One he never planned to tell. 

That was when their relationship 

Hit a wall and quickly fell. 

When she finally found out, 

She knew it was too late. 

Her love and her worry changed

Uncertainly to hate. 

By the time she realized that she

Still loved him, and thought

She was ahead, 

He was lying all alone 

In the middle of his deathbed. 

So she sat where he couldn't see her 

She couldn't admit that she was wrong, 

That she had never hated him, 

That she had loved him all along. 

There was nothing she could do now, 

He was dead, she was alone. 

So she released his lifeless hand, 

Which was now as cold as stone. 

And she lifted up his body and 

Laid a kiss upon his head. 

And the few simple words that followed 

Was exactly what she said. 

"I wish we could have been together, 

Hand in hand day to day. 

I wish that life was not so cruel 

As to put this card right into play. 

There were so many words unspoken, 

So many things I wished to say. 

But I'll return you to the dirt, 

Blood to dust, bones to clay. 

But note: we'll be together, joined in the earth, 

And not apart. 

So we'll be together up in heaven, and back on 

Earth we'll have a fresh start," 

And with that spout of poetic words 

From the desk, she drew a knife; 

And so she pulled a Juliet

And so ended her own life. 

I'm trying to decide if I want to make this into a story...maybe a one shot. Before I do so, I would like to know if a story based on this poem would interest you guys. If I did write a story based on this poem, it would differ slightly. (i.e. added characters and slightly different ending) I would appreciate any and all input. Thank you!