Letters, Love, War by Aura

Hello, Again

This is for Sugar0o’s Letter challenge. I’m not sure how many chapters I’ll end up making it but I figured I’d give it a go. It’s an Alternative Universe, last names are cheesy but I felt they were more in keeping with English where first names really couldn’t be. Please keep in mind I am setting this in the second world war and the depression and that is not a time frame that I’ve written for before so I appreciate a little lienancy in things I may get wrong. Thank you and hope you enjoy.  Many thanks to Itsy for being a Beta for this. 

Word Total this Chapter: 1,681


Date Posted: September 10th, 1939

To 1st Lt. Sesshomaru Westton,

I know we haven’t ever really been close but I felt compelled to write you. I wanted to extend my thanks for your service to Britain and the Queen Mother. I know this isn’t much, I wish I could do more, but with the war on, the locals are working in the factory on Sundays to help with production of extra blankets and other supplies. It’s just started, you only left less than two weeks ago, but things already feel different. These are such frightening times and I think the fact that you volunteered to rejoin our miltiary as a pilot even though you finished your term is quite admirable.

You might just rip this up, given that we weren’t really friends. As I recall you used to be quite bitter about having to watch after all of us kids when your parents went out even though you were only a few years older than us. Your father always describes you as the most responsible child a parent could ever ask for. I thought if I could do even a little to help brighten your spirits then I should.

It’s difficult to know what I should write to you. I’m not certain if Inuyasha has written you yet; he doesn’t like to talk about your going back in as a volunteer. So I guess I can just talk about things here at home.

Everyone's holding up as well as could be expected. A lot of troops heading to war come through here so we all try to keep up a brave face. Your father and some of the other city officials are talking about other ways Ashford could help the war effort.

The National Registration Act passed recently. I must go tomorrow to get my Identity Card. I suppose everything must be regulated for protection now. By the time this reaches you, you’ll already know but Canada formally declared War on Germany, it is good news for us to have more allies.

Things here aren’t all that different than when you left really, it’s not been all that long since the war began but it’s all people really talk about. You were still here when all of the preparations had begun. The local guard is quite strict, they do common patrols which Inuyasha complains about to me very often on the rare occasions I get to see him. I know that much should make you happy; you two have never gotten along well for reasons beyond me.

Your father is always busy, but when I see him, he seems to at least be keeping the bank afloat when so many families in the financial area fell into poverty during the depression. He helps so many people here in Ashford to keep hope in these troubled times. It’s as if our lives are doomed to be plagued with such things. First the depression and now this war.

Inuyasha tells me you’ve never agreed to your father saying he’d accept the modest dowry my family offers. Still, we will one day be family and I pray for you and wish for your safe return. If the worst of our worries were not agreeing with one another, then that would be a blessing in these troubled times.

Best Wishes,

Kagome Weaver

The silver haired Captain frowned a bit as he set the letter on his desk. Silver bangs were slicked back out of his face and his long locks were replaced by a much shorter style that kept his hair out of his face and off the collar of his uniform. He considered the letter distastefully as he leaned to one side of his desk to pick up a decanter with an amber colored liquid inside. He tugged out the stopper and poured some into the recently emptied glass in front of him.

He was off-duty for the moment; with the following day to recover, he was allowing himself a night of enjoyment. Those few troops he supervised were also off; none of them worked unless the planes were going into the air to practice.

He sighed a little as he skimmed the letter over again; it was the first communication he’d had from home sinse he’d returned to the military. He had already gotten a raise in his position as an officer; he had left as a 1st Lieutenant but had already made Captain. The lack of any real celebration was involved in why. He had been given the position because the prior holder of rank and title had died in the effort. Shot down over enemy territory.

Rank was often awarded as much for a need of bodies as it was any actual action. From the rate at which things were progressing he predicted his position would raise greatly by the end of everything.

Finishing half the glass in one draw he picked up his pen. Originally he doubted he would write a reply, but any word from home had been more touching than he would ever admit. He settled the pen down on the page and it started to move before he thought too greatly on it. He could put it in the pile that Enlistee Jaken picked up every morning.

Date Posted: September 24th, 1939

To Kagome Weaver

Things here are so busy much of the time it’s difficult to keep track just how long it’s been from the beginning of this war. Ashford pressing on as it normally does isn’t of particular surprise. It’s just far enough from London that I doubt it will ever lose it’s dull nature most describe as serenity.

I much prefer the constant action that comes hand in hand with defending the country these days. I usually don’t have time to think about home, more or less worry myself with Father and Inuyasha’s choices. Don’t concern yourself with the strange reasons my half-brother gives for my actions; I never considered you the problem. If you are able to tame that hot temper of his, I would say you are one of the rarest and most gifted women alive.

Drills begin again soon, though most hope we’ll never need to use the practice. I know better than to cling to such foolish hopes. It’s just a matter of time before the war is brought to our lands.

Stay well Kagome.

-Cpt. Sesshomaru Westton

Kagome had tears still clinging to her face as she read the short letter. It was a good distraction from the events of the day. Inuyasha had gotten angry at her for writing letters to the boys from their town that had entered the military. She tried to explain she was just doing a small part to keep up spirits but he was too jealous to understand. She was arguing with him over it and before she knew it he’d punched her in the eye.

She hadn’t even known what to say, and he’d immediately looked at her apologetically when he realized what he’d done. He tried to say something but Kagome had run off home, glad her Mother was still at the seamstress shop, she’d been holed up in her room crying for an hour before she realized there was a letter on her desk. She’d gotten it that morning but needed to rush off to the shop where she worked and had forgotten about it.

All the more irony that Sesshomaru had mentioned his brother’s temper. She sniffled a little and wiped at her face, digging out paper from her desk. She didn’t care what Inuyasha said, if Sesshomaru had replied to her then obviously her letters did mean something. He’d barely ever even acknowledged her presence before but here she’d gotten a whole letter. It was short but it was something.

Date Posted: October 3rd, 1939

To Cpt Sesshomaru Westton

I hope this new letter finds you well. I got your correspondence today and was glad to see you seem to be doing well. Of course, I can’t remember anything that ever phased you when we were children so I suppose that it’s not much of a surprise.

From what we listen to on the radio it seems like things are getting worse. We heard that the German forces finally attacked France outright and that there are problems as far reaching as China and all over Russia. Though I suppose there’s not much reason in talking about it to you, you probably know a lot more than we do being a Captain.

Which reminds me; congratulations on your promotion. I should tell your father, he would be very proud. Inuyasha told me he’s been so busy that he and your father haven’t had a chance to sit and write you a letter yet. I think he’s mad at you, but that’s nothing new either. It’s not my place to tell them to write you, but I can let them know what is happening with you when I get letters.

Things here have gotten a bit more serious. The town is re-enforcing an old bomb shelter from World War I and began to build a siren so the locals will be able to practice drills. I guess it's good I don't live far from the shelter but the whole change is frightening.

Troops come through almost every day now heading for London. The country has a lot of people volunteering but there are also rumors of a draft I’ve heard from men that come into the shop.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the next letter back to me you are signing as a Major. Stay safe.

Best Wishes

Kagome Weaver

End Chapter