DDN Prompts by Aura

Oct 31st - Nov 1st

Prompt 1: Celebration:
The amount of colored confetti convoluting the air gave the entire area a surreal 'beyond the glass' sort of feel.  Kagome grinned at the spectrum of lights curling through the evening air as she counted down with all the rest of the crowd gathered in the decorated square of Tokyo  "Two...One...Happy New Year!" She only had a moment to cheer before her voice was cut off.  Sesshomaru bent her backwards and pressed his lips to hers in their own private celebration of the event. 

Prompt 2: Spirtiual:
She eyed the waterfall with distaste, she knew that it was a spiritual purification, dousing herself with the eternally moving waters.  Still, it was frigidly cold this time of year, the time they always thought she should go do it.  Eyes narrowed in silent loathing of the innocently sparkling liquid bubbling nearby.  She never heard the approach of the fleet footed demon, nor expected the push into the chilled pond.  So when it came she went completely beneath the surface and rose looking much like she'd half drown, arms already curling around her to try to help slow the shivering. 

"What was that for!?" She protested, but begrudingly moved toward the waterfall. 

His voice was much too amused for her tastes when he replied.  "I was helping."

Prompt 3: Flicker:
There was a distasteful curl to Sesshomaru's lips as he eyed the 'accomidations' that Kagome had provided for them.  When he turned on the light it flickered several times before finally starting to glow with a small hum.  The place was at least clean, if sparsely furnished.  He'd of prefered just sleeping in the forest. 

"I want a bed." She stated with an emphatic nod of her head, she'd dealt with enough sleeping on the hard ground when she was out running around after the jewel. 

"There's only one bed." He commented thoughtfully, then nodded.  "Acceptable."

Prompt 4: Shadow:
Kagome was walking along the forest, enjoying the shade the trees provided in the midday, it was nice and relaxing.  It was good to have a moment out by herself away from the pressures of life.  Though as she turned one bend in the path and found Sesshomaru standing in front of her she jumped back and held in chest, brows coming down as she sent him a glare even if it wasn't his fault she had jumped.
He raised a brow at her.  "What's the phrase?  Being afraid of your own shadow."

Prompt 5: Treat
The kitchen looked like a hurricane of powder had flashed through, almost every surface had a thin layer of flour, sugar, salt, brown sugar, dough or all of the above.  She wasn't the best person to entrust with a blender.  She kept trying to pull out the spinning prongs while they were still moving and had decorated more of the room than the cookies.
She had finally gotten a tray though and the new layer of smooth frosting glistened tantlyzingly on the treats.  She would deal with the kitchen later, she took out the fruits to her labor to the party offering them to her friends.  Everyone picked up a cookie and bit in, faces contorting in various ways as they tried not to openly express their disgust.  All but Inuyasha who spit it out.  "Ew what the hell are you trying to do?  Kill us all?"
Kagome's brow twitched several times and Inuyasha's ears folded back in hopes he wouldn't hear the approaching command.
"Sit boy!"

Prompt 6: Eerie
She ran so hard it felt like her heart was going to burst in her chest, her breaths were coming in rapid succession as she dashed with as much haste as she could muster from the train stop further from home.  She'd gotten distracted talking to a friend and had missed her stop.  Regretting that she was sprinting as fast as she could to get back home.  She went up the shrine steps three at a time, her sides and chest were on fire as she tore open her door.
The expected appearance of Sesshomaru getting ready to leave on the other side made her fall backward, she held her chest as much from the sudden fright as for the need to catch her breath.
"Move, gotta record my American Idol." She stated as she pushed herself up and rushed past.
"Now, that's just eerie." Sesshomaru commented looking after her.

 Prompt 7: Foul

Kagome ducked away from one of the kicks, scowling at Inuyasha on the other team as his aim of the soccor ball had nearly taken off her head.
"Come on!" She protested at Kikyo, the ref.  "That's not fair!  Aren't you paying any attention at all!"
Kagome grit her teeth and ran back across the field as other members of the team picked up the ball and had it moving toward the enemy goal.  She had to pause and put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing as Sesshomaru, who had mostly stayed out of the game, tripped his brother to keep him from defending his goal.
"Foul!" Kikyo yelled out a moment later and everyone on Kagome's team yelled their protests.

(My least favorite)

Prompt 8: Undead

"So, an undead creature is one that was alive, but died, but is alive again now?" Kagome asked curiously as she watched Sesshomaru from her makeshift desk in his library.  Such studies were needed for a priestess such as herself.
Sesshomaru nodded wrinkling his nose at the memory.  "Yes, like the band of seven." He specifically didn't use Kikyo as an example knowing mention of the woman bothered Kagome.
"Wait!" She put a fist into one of her hands in a triumprent motion as a light bulb seemed to com! on. "So Rin is undead!"
Sesshomaru scowled at her.