Adherence by Rikayu

The Introduction

Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim any right or responsibilities for the characters used in this story.  All rights are reserved for the respective creator of Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi. 


Chapter 1: The Introduction

 “Higurashi-sensei, there’s someone waiting for you in your office!” a nurse called from the counter.

Kagome looked up from her clipboard.  “Is it that new transfer from Keio University Hospital?  He’s early.”

The nurse nodded and with a wave of thanks, the doctor turned down the corridor.  It didn’t take long to reach to door to her office.  She slid the door open and stepped inside, her hand extended to the man waiting inside for her.  As their hands touched, she shook firmly and bent down slightly in a bow.

“Sorry to keep you.  My name is Higurashi--”



End Note: Done for the Dokuga Drabble/Drawble Night.  Originally posted on October 17, 2010.  Prompt: Touch. Word Count: 100