Collection of Nonsense by Itsumademo

Prompts: Zombie, Dread, Gory

Countdown to Halloween Drabbles

Prompts: Zombie, Dread, Gory


Another piece from my old fail of an attempt to do self drabbles a few halloweens ago...ANYWAYS... 

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, mah dears!! I am so surprised and pleased to have a new drabble ready for AND posted on Halloween—a little late, but things were really busy here—, so I hope you all are joyous too! ^-^ Sadly it’s only vaguely related to Halloween, like, if it was posted on another day you would probably never think it was…but, I guess it is set around Halloween…which helps, I suppose. You’ll see what I mean.

Anyways, ENJOY!



Kagome shoved her way past a half broken fence gate, ignoring the scratches the frayed metal made on her few patches of exposed skin. Without really thinking of anyone else, or much in general, she swerved side to side along the edges of her path, knocking as many of the well-worn items into her wake as possible while she sprinted through it.

Several feet back the equally rampant footfalls of her partner echoed off the alley’s weathered walls, followed by some confused and irritated muttering as he tried to navigate past all the chaos she just made.

“I do not understand why you did this,” he huffed. “I was right behind you.”

Not surprisingly, she seemed to hardly hear him. Although that didn’t stop her from shouting back anyways, regardless of whether her answer really made sense or not, “NO TIME! KEEP RUNNING!”

Exhaling an annoyed sigh, Sesshoumaru continued his efforts to catch up to his apparently unstable companion. Although he still did not understand why they were fleeing so zealously in the first place.

“Can you not slow down? I am still caught amidst this trap of yours.”

“We can’t stop! We can’t slow down! WE MUST HURRY!”

In spite of what she just bellowed at him, she unexpectedly appeared before him and grabbed at his hands, jerking him in the right direction. She then refused to cease her incessant pulling until he was back on the unhindered path, after which she straightened him out and shoved him forward.

Before he really began to get back into the rhythm of her ungodly pace, she had again snatched his hand in a tight hold, shouting with determined severity, “Let’s MOVE!”

Sesshoumaru pushed onward, swiftly matching her speed, which he was pleased for since he had been having a difficult time maneuvering with her hectic plan of late. It certainly didn’t help that whenever he inquired on her reasoning behind such absurdity, she would utterly ignore his words and instead spout off more nonsense of needing to move and run and hurry, to hide and yet not hide. She simply wasn’t making sense and it was most definitely not helping him gain any sort of bearing on the situation.

Rather abruptly, Kagome stopped, her hand’s vice-like grip being the only indicator for him, seeing as he nearly fell face first onto the cracked pavement had it not been for her steadfast hold. A disturbingly strong one at that. After righting himself from the awkward jolt, he stood before her, looking down with his increasingly prevalent confusion, as she had appeared to have frozen in place. All except how her typically calm blue eyes were instead wide open, anxiously darting back and forth, an unnerved expression growing on her face.

“Kagome, what is it? What is going—”

“SHHHH,” she hissed, “don’t you hear them?” Her whispering tone was odd, a little crazed and a little petrified, “they’re coming. Those nasty little fuckers are coming.” And perhaps a little violent.

“Are we at last going to engage?” He asked with uncertainty, laced with a bit of exasperation.

She blustered angrily, but seemed to positively acknowledge him since she went to remove the crude weapon she had acquired earlier on in the week; harshly pulling the thing out from her old, overstuffed, no longer really yellow backpack.

Feeling as though some normality was returning, he gladly withdrew his own weapon, a much nicer one that Kagome had whined about being an unnecessary waste of time to acquire and a ‘total danger tease’. Whatever that was supposed to mean. Personally, he found her choice to be poor considering the large groups these creatures seemed to appear in, though telling her that was simply not an option. He had once already been ensnared in the interminable lectures on her logic and why his were foolish both in comparison and in general; he would not make that mistake again.

Soon Sesshoumaru could also catch the grating sounds of their mindless stalkers, a multitude of unconnected, dissonant nonsense, vocalizations, and the thumping shuffles of several dozen pairs of feet along a deserted ground.

Kagome took on a fighting stance, her body both poised and on edge for the impending battle. “Remember, take out the heads or else they won’t stop.”

He quirked a brow in confusion, “removing the head would effectively stop any being. Why would it be—”

Weapon at the ready, she sprinted head on into the pack, “SHUT UP AND CHAAAAAAARRGGEE!”

Feeling a tad peeved at being interrupted yet again, he slightly rolled his eyes with an inaudible sigh, adjusting his grip as he moved to follow her into the fray.

After striking down around a dozen or so of these ‘undead assholes’, as Kagome so colorfully called their apparently endless pack of enemies, yet another swarm came in even stronger than the last. She was eliciting several loud cries and phrases while they descended, whipping her weapon around like a bizarrely well-trained idiot.

The scene was such an eccentric display that Sesshoumaru hadn’t noticed the sallow, dead-eyed man lunge at his back, the creature’s bony hands grabbing for his shoulders and subsequently throwing him off balance when a few more jumped at his front. Even before he hit the ground, the pack had already dug their gnarled nails into his exposed skin, clawing and ripping at his clothes with reckless determination. The dull, violent sounds of gnashing teeth tangled with groaning snarls were echoing painfully in his sensitive ears.

He managed to mumble out, “Uhm…Kagome?” But just seconds later, they greedily tore into his flesh.

She nearly missed his words, being so absorbed in the fight, and wasn’t able to reach him until it was far too late. With a mighty fury she whipped through the stragglers that blocked her way to him, slaying each and every one, and made a bloody mess of the ones foolish enough to be killing her mate.

Once all that had surrounded him were in pieces, scattered about in gory heaps and chunks, she ambled to his side, and, with a sorrowful whimper, dropped dramatically to the earth as her legs gave way.

“Sesshoumaru…” She whispered in a low, grief-stricken tone.


She smacked her fingers against his lips, “Shhh, you’re dead.”

He frowned slightly, “that is what happens when you force me to play this—”

Again, she shoved her hand against his mouth, making weird stuttering hush noises.

“Oh Sesshoumaru, if only I had reached you in time…if only!”

The melodramatic tone of her cry, her dreaded over immersion into the characters, was rearing its ugly head once more.

He exhaled sharply, the controller becoming loose in his hands. What possessed him to agree to this? He knew better. Every single time he attempted to join her play of this outlandish game she turned into an obsessive lunatic. Thusly, ruining his entire night.

Disrupting his thoughts, she loudly shouted, “OH WHY!? WHY MUST HE BE TAKEN SO!?”

“Kagome, I am still here.”

“Oh! I hear you calling to me from the beyond!”

He groaned.

“No, no, do not worry,” she reached a hand over to pet his head, though without looking at him whatsoever.

Evidently it was alright to break the bubble of her delusion to accost his person, but not enough to actually acknowledge him.

Quietly she whispered, “I will avenge you.”

Refusing to suffer in this any longer, Sesshoumaru stood, irately tossing the controller onto the cushion he once occupied. At least if he left the room he might be able to salvage some bit of the evening. There was that book he had been intending to finish; perhaps he shall be able to make some decent progress before she came to bed. Although, there was a chance she might not appear until far later than he would be up. Nevertheless, once she completed her virtual rampage, everything would quickly return to normal.

“No, wait!” Apparently she noticed he moved, again only partially breaking her strange little bubble, “you can’t leave yet!”

“I believe I already am.”

“But I must AVENGE you!”

Scoffing mildly, “I am quite sure you can handle that without me.”

Kagome jerked about unnecessarily as she skillfully fought the creatures, “but I need your strength in my quest against the zombie hordes!”

He declined to reply to her nonsense. However, for some likely inexplicable and senseless reason, he briefly paused at the doorframe, allowing him to catch her final plea.

“Do not ignore your destiny!”

With a casual roll of his eyes, he murmured to no one, “mmhn,” and quietly shut the door.

A few more hours of her intense, fortunately muffled, gaming continued beyond the bedroom walls. He believed he heard her shuffling in, sometime around 3 a.m, and heavily dropping onto the bed beside him with a weary sigh. It might have been a dream, but either way, he knew by the time she would finally awake from her sure to be extended sleep she would once again be her usual self. And luckily, Kagome aside, at least he was able to finish his book.


Author's Note:


Incase people did not see the author’s note update I made at the end of the prior post, here it is again: I needed to adjust the rating of this series to MA, from the previous M. I am terribly sorry if this inconveniences anyone, but it had to be done. Like with any updates and/or progress of this 'series', or any of my stories, see my profile in the 'Main' section for more information on this change.

Thank you!! And again, so sorry!
