The Mad Miko by Kirai

The Mad Miko

Ok these were drabbles from the Pirate D/D night so yeah I hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sesshomaru (T-T I tried) or Kagome.


“WALK THE PLANK!” yelled one of the female crew members of the Mad Miko.

The Captain looked up from her newly buffed nails and regarded their prisoner with cool disinterest. Kagome was in fact the Mad Miko that everyone spoke of in terrified whispers. And now she was proving to her prisoner part of why she was given that title. She met the yellow eyes of her bound prisoner and made sure that he was looking directly at her.

“I guess the decision has already been made. “ She drawled out in a breathy voice, licking her lips in anticipation.

“So the Mad Miko will make me walk the plank?” asked Sesshomaru. He was tied with his hands behind him around the mast of her ship. The rope was thick and rough, cutting deeply into his pale skin.

“I don’t have to.” She smiled. Her inner insanity showed in her eyes as that smile spread across her face.

“Walk the plank! Walk the plank!” Her crew chanted repeatedly.

Kagome leaned closer, her lips inches from her prisoner’s. Her tongue darted out and licked at his closed lips. Sesshomaru was sick of her teasing. He hobsonized her lips and bit down gently on her lower lip.

The mad miko kissed her captive back. She made little noises of pleasure that erupted from the back of her throat. As she felt herself pushing her body into his, she remembered what she was doing and pulled away. Her crew’s chants of ‘walk the plank’ still rang out.

“He hornswaggled you Cap’n!” yelled her trusted first mate.

“Mores the pity.” she sighed. “He would be a welcome diversion. Too bad.” Kagome rubbed her body against her prisoners teasingly once more.  “Feed him to the seaturtles.”

As one her crew advanced on the bound Sesshomaru as Kagome delicately weaved away.

“Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest.” Kagome sang softly as she walked. Her voice was utterly perfect. The pitch and tone clear and angelically pure

Sesshomaru turned around as the crew pushed him to the waiting plank. If he was going off the damn piece of wood he’d rather go backwards. But the sound of Kagome’s pure voice singing her little seas shanty, held him utterly captive. Captive enough that he completely forgot the angry women who were intent on throwing him off the ship and into the deep water below.

“Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.”

“This is what you get for stealing the Cap’s booty!” yelled a particularly vicious female pirate shoving her cutlass at his chest.

The sharp blade sliced through the fabric of his shirt and nicked his skin. He took the small steps that his bindings would allow and balanced farther out on the plank. Cutlasses waved at him from the deck of the ship in menacing warning.

Sesshomaru saw Kagome dancing on the deck a foot from the horde of angry females. She was holding her arms out and dancing gracefully in a partnerless waltz. 

“Die!” One female threw an apple at him.

Sesshomaru’s feet hit the edge of the plank and he took another step back. He fell off the plank and out of sight of the crew. A loud resounding cheer went up from the crew.

“That son of a dirty whoreson is good and dead Cap’n!” said one of the sprogs.

Kagome ignored her friend. She continued dancing her waltz, humming and singing an odd line. She spun and spun and spun. Giggles burst from her lips as she tumbled to the floor of the deck.

“Falling is the fun part. I bet he had fun. I know I did.”

The first mate lowered a hand to her Captain to help her to her feet. “So which way are we going?”

“That way!” Kagome pointed behind her in the direction they had just come from. “That way!”

“Ay ay!”

The first mate began to shout out orders to the crew. There was not a single male on the ship. Ine true pirate fashion they all walked the plank not long after setting foot on the deck.

“He left his sword Cap’n.” One of the youngest members of the crew said softly to Kagome. In her hands she held the sharp object.

“This is shiny!” Kagome took the well polished sword from her crewmember and walked away starring at the reflection of the sun off the blade.

“What’s our direction Cap’n?”

Kagome bit her bottom lip as she thought. They had taken care of the man meat distraction, seaturtles had their meal. Where to go? Where to go?


“I thought I told you already!” Kagome giggled. “Rum!”

Her first mate was use to this. Though fully dedicated and loyal to the Mad Miko, there were times, even her first mate didn’t understand her.

“We don’t have rum Cap’n.”

Kagome’s eyes widened. “Where has the rum gone?” she demanded.

“Cap’n, you threw it overboard last week for the fish.”

Kagome smacked herself in the head, she remembered now.

She swished the sword from side to side, then twirled in a circle. It was soo pretty! Her thumb brushed along the hilt, and felt the engraving. Tensaiga.  How wonderful! She now had a shiny new sword, but not just any shiny new sword, this one had a name.

“SHIVER ME TIMBERS!” bawked the bright green parrot that flew overhead.

“Look Mr. Parrot! I got something shiny!” she smiled at the bird, showing him the sword.


Of all the indignant things Sesshomaru had experienced since his stupid impressment into the navy, this was by far the worst. His ship, the one he had fought to be able to captain was overrun by a pirate ship run by a crazy female. Then he was bound with ropes and made to walk the plank. He was just luck that he had already worked his hands mostly out of the knots of the rope when he had jumped from the plank. It was easy to grab one of the dangling ropes off the side of the ship and not drown.

Sesshomaru climbed up the rope nimbly. When he reached the hatch that opened when the cannons on the ship were about to open fire he stopped. Listening carefully to make sure that none of the crew members were on the other side of the wood, he pried open the hatch and slipped into the brig of the ship.

Sticking to the shadows, Sesshomaru sought a place he could hide until the crew bunked down for the night. When that happened he had plans to visit a certain female. Crazy or not, she had definitely interested him. At his feet a tomcat hissed then ran away to find a rat or two for dinner.

Patiently, Sesshomaru waited until the ship quieted and blue moonlight filtered down into the brig. Stealthy as a ninja, he crept out of the hold and snuck to the captain’s cabin.

“Eat the fruit.” ordered a muffled voice through the door to the cabin that Sesshomaru didn’t recognize.

“It’s fruit though! I wanted a pickle.”

He recognized that voice.

“Cap’n this is to make sure you don’t get scurvy.”

There was a pause. “Why didn’t you tell me!” shouted the captain. “When did Scurvy get back here? He owes me money.”


“No excuses! SCURVY!”

Sesshomaru just managed to get out of the way and hidden as the captain of the ship ran out of her room.

The black haired female captain of the ship ran right past him, wearing nothing but a thin white nightgown. Her long hair was down about her shoulders as she ran across the deck looking for scurvy. Her first mate went running after her obviously to convince her crazy captain that there wasn’t a person named Scurvy on the ship.

Sesshomary slipped into the cabin and waited. He knew that she would be back soon. Her cabin was an amazement to him. There wasn’t any plunder or anything just dirty clothes on the floor books and papers strewn on bolted down tables. It was the room of a female that was for sure. Sesshomaru sat on the bed with the rumpled sheets to wait.

“You lied to me, Matey!” yelled an irate feminine voice outside of the door.

“I didn’t lie to you Cap’n I told you to eat the fruit so you wouldn’t get a disease.”

“Stop lying you wanted me to go and find Scurvy. There you went getting my hopes up and he wasn’t even on board. He must have jumped ship. That is it! We will find him in the morning.”


“Night Matey!” she sang and entered her chamber, bolting the dorr after her so her first mate couldn’t follow her.

There was pounding on the door as the first mate tried to get her captain’s attention. It stopped after a few moments, as Kagome took almost drunken steps away from the door and stumbled but laughed hard. She looked up and saw Sesshomaru sitting on her bed. Her jaw dropped.

“Are you a ghost?” she asked with widened eyes.

Sesshomaru didn’t nod or shake his head. He just sat there and met the eyes of this fascinating female. She was deadly serious.

“If you are not a ghost, then you look just like the guy we just made walk the plank earlier.”

Sesshomaru stood up. Now that he wasn’t bound by ropes there was something that he wanted to do. He didn’t really care that she was mad, she had made the first move and he was not one to leave an invitation unanswered.

He beckoned her forward with his index finger. Happily, with a goofy smile on her face, she came right to him. He pulled her down into his lap.

“Can I kiss you?” asked Kagome innocently. “You aren’t a ghost but you seem like fun.”

In answer, Sesshomaru kissed her. His lips moving back and forth against hers. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth briefly. She kissed him back, deepening the kiss as quickly as possible. She pushed against him. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

“Let’s have sex!” she said cheerfully pulling away from his lips.

Sesshomaru pulled her down onto the bed with him. His hands roved over her body, as he devoured her mouth.



Her first mate banged on the wooden door to her cabin. Kagome mumbled incoherently at the door. She didn’t want to get up. There was a jangle of the door and her first mate walked right in.


Kagome was laying on her stomach, half on and half off the bed. She was completely nude with only a sheet to cover her.

“Cap’n! We’ve docked. Wake up.”

“I don’t wanna!”

Her first mate shook her slightly. “Time to wake up.”

Kagome let her eyes open and turned over to her back. “I am awake. What are you doing here?”

“We’ve docked.”

Kagome stretched and lifted the hair off her neck. Her sheet slipped down to her lap.

“What is that?”

“Hmm? Oh, those. I had sex last night. The funny thing was he looked just like the guy we made walk the plank. But then again it wasn’t him. That one is food for the seaturtles and dolphins. And he wasn’t a ghost.” She paused. “I checked. Definitely not a ghost.”

“Where is he then?”

Kagome shrugged her shoulders. “We need to get a donkey! And bananas! We can’t have enough of those.”


“What are you waiting for? I want my donkey bananas.”