I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Fish Wishes


Disclaimer: All original characters and plot goes to Takahashi Rumiko. The title comes from Maya Angelou’s powerful and beautiful poem. Nonprofit. This is a blanket statement.


—I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings—

Chapter One: Attentive


He always listens.

He always looks haughty and condescending—not to mention bored to boot and annoyed.

But he always listens. Even though he turns his back on a customer, even though he does not reply to their questions often, he listens. He is attentive, observant.

I think he listens subconsciously because no one would listen to him as a child. I heard his dad was a big somebody in the business world before he was murdered. I heard the day of his father's funeral he found out about his bastard brother. I heard his mother committed suicide after that. I heard he was raised by a frog-like man. I heard he had a rough time in school because of his looks. I heard a lot of gossip regarding him.

I do not think I blame him for acting the way he does. Acting strong and indifferent. Because like I hear, he does too.

But as he stands cleaning some cups, listening to a drunk customer, I wonder, will he listen to me too? If I sing loud enough through the smoky din, will he hear me too? And will he know that I can hear it, hear his heart?


Author: This story will continue in drabbles and first person. This is for Akay's challenge To Deviate.

Word Count: 200